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Making Armors useful!

Or be back to old system (cause i dont think that your systems can be buildable on our system),

If you click fs your hp down also light and other harm spells....

cause 2 normal player just casting fs on you you can die easly... each cast fs 5 than drink mana add 2... each cast 7 toataly 14... And you couldnt heal yourself easly like casting 14 fs on you.....


I like the idea, i dont pvp cuz i sux! But it would get more people into pvp and make economy better!
Galdor, i didnt understand a single word of what you said =x

The point is we used that way on INX,

If you click fs scroll your hp down 20 and clicking light scroll your hp down 8... (i didnt rmmbr other harm spell scrools how much hp lose)

For now i can cast 5 fs scrool on you ( each get 20 mana) than i drink total mana and i can cast on you extra 2 fs scroll... if i have a partner both us cast totaly 14 fs scroll on you... Can you imagine you can heal your self easly ?? !!! And you just need to choose skill 90 magery on skill stone and take your book on magery shop... Thats it .....


And i rmmbred that old IN server if you want to cast fs scrool you need fire orbs (1 fire orb+1fs scrool=cast scrool fs on your enemy) and Fire orbs can only lootable by killing guardians (without poisoning system)...


It actually was 24hp/20mana intake for XUO scroll and 4hp/5mana intake for lightning scroll. For some reason you keep forgetting that we had NOS scrolls there as well. And FS dealt 46 damage , not 36. HP peak was 100...
Galdor, due all the respect, - I don't remember you fighting much on Inx, so just believe me that survivng here is alot easer than it was on INX..There you had 100hp, while FS would deal 46damage and Lightning - 18. Inx which had spam allowed+no total manas wouldn't forgive even half mistakes you can make here ... I've seen people cast 5 GH scrolls in a row ... So Galdor , I'm not sure what made you think it's hard to survive vs 36damage fs, even if 'it's 10 of them... With the amount of mana you have, you can even heal up with GH scrolls only, while on inx to waste 100 mana you'd only need to press GH scroll macro 3 times...

First of all i mean that, im note sure your request can be happen in this shard... Thats why i thought INX style...

Old IN1 times we used fireorbs, now that only think in my brain...

I think i cant survive when 2 or 3 player casting fs on me.... (Maybe 2 but cant 3)


I remember on INX we also had regular fs scrolls, which didnt make you lose hp O.o With the XUO fs scroll you lost hp, but it cost less mana and if im not wrong it came out faster than regular fs scrolls.

These both were 2.1 second, NOS scroll was only 30 mana intake. I'm pretty sure Taran haven't changed any time delays. I always liked the thing and imho it was pretty smart that FS, Regular GH and Reflect scroll all had same cast delay, which is 2.1 second.

I also think we need another type of lightnings and flame strikes, with HP intake... So people would have choice, not to mention it offers more possibilities to kill. But thats another question , this thread is about the armors;p

I'm not a C# scripter myself, but judging from the stuff I've requested from Taran, Shade and Gandalf, I think that this is doable, but would take a lot of time to implement, some new props on all the armors, and would need to update all the existing armors to add the prop, etc.

Also, having it work differently in the Duel Stones / Tourney area would be pretty difficult, I think, but again I'm not a scripter. Maybe Taran could add something to the region controls.

All in all, I like the idea, but 50% reduction may be a bit high. Maybe it could be scripted in a way that the % could be easily adjusted by modifying a single variable, then we could start of with 50%, then if that's too much we could lower it later. If everyone supports the idea, that is. I'd like to do some math on it first to figure out a good plan of attack.

Also, I like the idea of having leather/studded armor craftable through ingots... maybe add a scale armor graphic to replace the studded armor graphic. :3

I'll try talking to Taran a bit when I get back from vacation and get caught up back home.

Actually this would be pretty easy to script, no props needed or stuff like that. The difficult part is coming up with good values.
It doesn't have to work differently in tourneys since you have the same armor there = no advantages/disadvantages.

Never scripted in C# myself, well not counting that I added some armor parts\mobiles to default 2.0 RunUO just to test out something, but that doesn't count...

Though indeed adding an addiitonal script that would return value of every armor part/object that is layered sounds pretty easy, the hard part comes when you have place the link of it(to the spell script or wherever) to the equation where it checks for ressist, accesslevel, magery skill and so on.. Making it return the values we spoken off is rather hard to me...

Gosh, even thinking of it made me remember why exactly I left my first Uni in first place, when was studing to be programmer...

I hated the integrals and differential equations so much , let alone the linear algebra lol^^

About the tours - I agree, since we don't have non supplied tours, but didn't you guys plan to host them in future? Also, how about loot stone?Smile

Adding a prop to the region controllers to disable this feature would be easy.

Anyway I started messing around with this a bit. Right now on my test server every point of AR difference equals 1.6% spell damage reduction (up to a total of 40% and it doesn't count shields, virtual armors or if the armor is exceptional). I haven't started working on the curse reduction yet since I'd like to get this balanced first. I'm going to need help testing it as well.

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