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newbied bag

so i was just just standing there and staring at my messy bag and I thought of a newbied bag. Wouldnt it be nice to have a newbied bag that you can only put newbied items in.

whats everyone thoughts about this?

Actually kinda like it cause megas backpack is a bloody mess everytime mega die due to da amount of rewards. Har har!


Put your newbied items in a regular bag and don't die (since they will appear randomly in your backpack when you res)... problem solved Big Grin

Oh yeah, we had a change a while back where newbied items will stay in your pack even if they're in a non-newbied container. Smile

oh than nevermind lol

wait really :O i can stick all my stuff in a bag and it won't drop?

Thats strange....I could of swore I lost my newbied fishing pole once when I done this once...

Hmm, it'd be really nice if the newbied items kept their places in your bag when you died/ressed. Tongue

Eru Wrote:Hmm, it'd be really nice if the newbied items kept their places in your bag when you died/ressed. Tongue

that would be pretty awesome when i die and i dont have to place everything again Tongue lazy!!!

Add it to the tracker Eru and I'll see if I can do that

Taran Wrote:Put your newbied items in a regular bag and don't die (since they will appear randomly in your backpack when you res)... problem solved Big Grin

Hmmmm but if we put them reg bag it is aviable to loot.... Not solved.... Bad Taran... Bad Taran...


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