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Very interesting script release on RunUO forums. (UOGamers: Rebirth complete server)

UOGamers: Rebirth complete server

For the curious and those that can read the code, this might be a pretty interesting piece of RunUO history to read through.

Reading through that post gave me a feeling of nostalgia since that's the era I played in. :3

This part made me giggle:
Quote:Horses (and your old friend, Lag)
-In 1997/1998, most people were on 28.8 or 33.6 modems. I think ADSL was just starting to get
popular. Also hardware was not nearly as powerful as it is now, and so "Lag" (server<->client
latency) was a serious issue. Normal ping times were in the 200-400ms range.
-For that reason, running full speed on a horse did not give most people a serious advantage
over running on foot. Also there were no ethereal mounts, and so horse riding was somewhat rare.
In order to demotivate people from using horses on Rebirth, we implemented a "fake lag" feature
which causes horses to lag when they make turns. They can run fast speed (for the most part) when
going straight for long distances, but in combat they are generally more trouble than they are

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