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Suggestion on 1 account per IP situation

Dear IN Staff,

I have come with some concerns about the 1 account per ip situation. I understand that the staff would like to control how many accounts are made out there and I totally understand that. Thing I'm worried about is I do have friends that play or have played on IN1 and 1 currently has had interest now. Not as much as me but I was wondering about something. I do go to his house on the regular, and sometimes we play co-op over a router with computer games. I'm some what reluctant to play UO now over at his house in case i ever wanted to hang out and chill , and crash at his house for the night. I was planning on doing that but with recent ip watching I don't want to get banned if i log on to my account from his place since he has created a account here as well. I'd hate to be penalized and not be able to log on because he's made an account. So my suggestion is that I understand that if we have relatives we could just let staff know that they want to play and they can make the arrangements on same ip. Is it also ok to have at least "one real life" friend that we can add instead of a relative just in case we go over to there house stay the night and if we have a urge to play or macro on UO we could do that without fear of being banned? I would just leave it up and macro at home but theirs risk factors in that, could be a fire hazard, could have parents that wouldn't allow to leave things on in your room if you were to leave for example. Just many things that could be in place that could prevent someone from doing that. I just wanted to request this so that it can give better insight on who is logging in on who's account and a little more leeway on people wanting to hang out as well as play with friends. I don't want this to seem like a avenue for people to exploit and that's not my intention at all and even if the limit was just 1 real life friend it could help make playing up with friends a little more exciting. I have to admit that i did do this back in IN1 days when i was macroing afk while playing games on PS2 at my friends house. I totally understand if that's not doable but just thought i'd ask anyway. thanks for reading and possibly considering.

I agree i want to play with my roommate and cannot do so without help from a gm that isnt on. how often are gms on and how quick are they to reply? this server looks great but illl have to pass it up for another if i cant get some help soon.

The reason I added this for quite some time ago was that we had problems with players using multiple accounts. They had one account which they harvested on and one account they played on. It happened so often that I was forced to put the current system in place.

That was quite some time ago though and maybe we could put some more trust into the players now when we have re-created Imagine Nation. I understand that it's difficult to play at friend's house right now and it shouldn't be difficult to play at all. We still have ways to check if more than one account is connected from the same IP and maybe we could remove the current check and instead just give them a warning when they login while checking randomly checking up on players that haven't notified us.


loclgod I'll help you as soon as I get home from work if Eru hasn't helped you by then. I won't be home until 12 hours from now though, I hope you can wait.

Thanks a lot for the reply i am happy to wait ill check in throughout the rest of the night on the server and again in the morning i went ahead and put a page in.

My biggest problem with this is for Dalzhim he is training Renald his account from the begin because Renald is a lazy guy... they are RL friends... he did all the skills for him.. Alch/Inscript/Blacksmith/Bowcraft... he logs in 1 by 1 he doesnt train them at the same time... and his own char is also good skilled he is like an great oldie... he bought the old TRU hq he started the guild he asked old people to join the guild and he is trying to get more ppl to Imagine Nation with starting the order guild... and now he must choose between 2 acc and 1 will be blocked.. wtf??? dude come on man you know people will quit for this... we have like 28 ppl online on a normal day Sad i hate to see people leave i know dalzhim will quit afther this.... and for me its the same if i see my friends quit ill quit too and than my friends will quit and than there friends... if i want to login on proximus or my friend ringos acc to borrow some stuff or train there char because they are lazy why should i first ask premission? and wait till a gm comes online and ask them if its oke... i wish Dalzhim would stay this guy helped me sooo fuc king much with uo ... when iwas a noob he was there he gave us a house stuff gold rides.... he is for me one of the top players here!! everyone from in1 know's him so because of that please let Renald and Dalzhim keep there acc for the good intention...!


Agreed Maka. Pretty unfair to Dalz. Players shouldn't need staffs' permission to use eachothers' accounts.

About the Dalz/Renald situation. Here's what happened:

A couple of staff members brought to my attention that Dalz and Renald had the same IP. I checked the logs and saw that the same person (IP) had used both accounts for quite some time. I noticed that they had not been logged in at the same time though but I still wanted to see what was going on. I went to Renald in game several times over a 3 day period but he was always AFK.
I then figured I would block one account to get his attention, which I got. In the first PM I replied that he had to choose between either just using 1 account or be banning one.
After reading his reply and thinking about it for a while it felt kind of silly though since all he did was macro so in my next reply I told him that I would allow him to keep using Renald's account if he promised to only macro on it and nothing else. I also unblocked Dalz's account a while later.

Now I'm not sure what he told you or why you think he's banned. All I did was to block one account to find out what was going on. Maybe I could have tried to contact him in other ways other than in game but I took the easy way out. Maybe he got very upset and simply hasn't read my reply yet.

Could we get back on topic now please? Smile

I don't have anything against players that use eachothers accounts to borrow stuff or train for them as long as long as that player actually only owns 1 account and also don't use them at the same time.

LOL too Lazy to train your own toons??


Hey Taran, thank you for considering and giving more leeway to players in some regard, Yeah thats sounds good. i know its bad thing when one player uses 2 accounts to farm and then train to there other for their own purposes. Had no idea that was going on and i can see how that be unfair to one person trying to play here. Would there be a way to check/or detection system and see how a player uses there farm-able resources or the muel account it self? like if there transferred over to another persons account? No skills are being trained on one? Possibly teleporting them to jail for further questioning? like That seems very difficult to do, and that seems like quiet a dilemma. hmmm, would be nice to find out a history of malicious intentions and then just go through a questioning process when their in jail or whatever. The blocking acc, sure got there attention tho Taran Tongue. I think just as long people let you know whats going on and not using it as an excuse to just gain on one solo account and the other being a mule (transfering good to one account) i think it would be ok. I think it seem pretty obvious tho if one person was just using one account as a mule(no fight skills, no interested in hunting in noobie dungeon, always afk on gathering skills, no social representation to the community and a history of transferring good that they farm to another account even without payment or whatever) but I can see that all that research would be very time consuming it just my opinion tho. Having more innovative ways to prevent this would be a + Smile
thank you Taran

Emerald Wrote:LOL too Lazy to train your own toons??


lol some people are like that

[COLOR="green"]Well I just find it funny as hell some one is too lazy to AFK macro!! God I hope they don't have buckets sitting around the computer desk for when they do actually play!
Anyways I thought Taran handled it just fine noting to loose sleep over.[/COLOR]


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