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UO, AOS, No insurance, moderate skillgain

It's worth it as long as you'd be having fun doing it regardless of how many active users you would get in the end.

Little while ago I toyed with the idea of re-creating Britannia how it was in Ultima 7: The Black Gate. Essentially, it'd be a single player game running on RunUO. Not being a straight copy of TBG but the world and characters would be the same, having dialogue with the NPCs instead of just a gump with quest objectives, having Lord British be there as an actual character and his royal mage Nystul next to him. Nobody else would give a shit but I'd be having fun so it'd be worth it. Big Grin


UOGamers: Revelation... a shard coming out soon has beat me to the punch with the online account management idea.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

**** yea I'd play

Anybody that knows me is aware that my biggest motivator is spite. It seems
RunUO will not be releasing the changes they're making to Razor to allow
patching the client with new map files...

In retaliation, I will be finishing the development of my account management
component and releasing that to the community, effectively nerfing a large
aspect of their competitive advantage.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Cool Nasir, I'm sure that info will delight people, or at least improve their moods.

We all want our future shards to have cool account management capabilitiesSmile

Something "web-uo" wise I actually would applaud is a small web based client. It would have to use some remote source for data/resource fetching (and caching) and to make it all super super cool it should all be done in real time. It isn't all that super hard and would be super cool, though there might be some legal issues. Clicking the web page link and logging on to a server should not take more than a min the first time you run it on a decent connection.

There you got an idea that could be fun and a learning experience, not to mention super cool:p A lot more people could play UO at work, though you would most likely contribute to general shard population and not specific.

I hate javascript more than anything in the world.... I attempted a Silverlight client once... I got stuck with the same problem as that guy. Animation file is over 80mb, I believe. It could be cached, but any time it changed you'd have to download it again. (although, that's really not all that often, is it?)

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Also... technically the account management thing is very good for existing
shards because it would require users to give shards their email addresses.
From that point we can feed your addiction with email campaigns,
notifications, reminders, etc that are personalized to your accounts &
characters.'s an addition that's only really disguised as soemthing to
help you Tongue

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

The idea is that you are downloading most of those megs in bits and pieces, that is where the super cool part of it comes in.

Its a nice project though, shame the info seems out dated and that the link in his signature doesn't workSad

The idea of a web client appeals more and more to me:p If I happen to make a serious attempt at it ill announce the project and see if it catches on.

I somehow doubt that guys client to ever get ready, hes not really the brightest. Granted, its a bit old but kind of only confirmed my suspicions from the first post.

That guys post was on 11-01-2010, 01:25 PM...

On another note... I bet a silverlight client would work if artwork was only
served to the client as needed and then cached on the clients memory. I
mean, a large portion of the artwork isn't even used anymore, but it's in the mul
"just in case."

I might write a proof of concept this weekend. Won't attempt the full client, but
if the idea works I'm sure someone would want to finish it.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

I was planing to go Silverlight as well as performance will come close to that of the real client.

If you finish your PoC somewhat soon (read before I can find some time to code), I'd be excited taking a look at it.

In regards to post date I messed up. That date grouping (month, day, year) is not really what I'm used to. Seems like he did post recently so lets see if he posts a link to the project page/thread soon.

lol... 10 minutes in: no unsafe code in silverlight projects.

Fun Fact: Got my silverlight app to render the land tonight... statics and items
would work pretty much the same way. The only problem with the way that I've
been forced to do it is a server would be required to upgrade their RunUO to
.NET 3.5.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Do you load the resources from the local drive or remotely? Have you managed to implement the log in, movement and update packets?

BTW, do you have an SVN or some other kind of code rep?

Id be quite interested to play around with this in a few days, making something semi serious out of it.

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