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UO, AOS, No insurance, moderate skillgain

Absolutely not.

Poor sport rabbi...CryCry

Nasir get ahold of me on msn.

I would too

Fun Fact: It took me 5 hours to get the website / server integration set up. I can already pull ANY data I want out of the game server and push any data I want into the server from the website.

Already integrated membership and roles to mirror the ingame settings. If you're a player in the game, you have player access to the site. If you're a game master, you have access to review existing pages directly out of the server and respond (the ui isn't done for that yet)

This server... it's been 1 day of development and it's already a technological feat that I'm pretty sure no server has done before.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Rabbi Samild Wrote:Absolutely not.

Any particular reason?

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Nasir Wrote:A little preview of why this server will be special:

Things to expect:
  • Complete integration with the game server and web site
  • Pages can be submitted/answered via the web site
  • Email notifications of special events
  • Email notifications of things like houses about to decay
  • Manage your guild via the web site
  • Post on the forum as your PLAYER not as a random username.
  • Manage your vendors and their stock via the web site

Sounds promising! Very cool features.

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Nasir Wrote:Any particular reason?
Due to the amount of time wasted on coding those features.

Not to be impolite, your features are quite cool and it probably sounds interesting to develop, but fact is, it wont do shit to the game experience. You'd still have the same game, fewer staff members, fewer developers and most importantly, less time to code.

You'd have one "advantage" over INX, and that is going AoS, the rest is somehow just looking "less". Problem with that would be that you'd have to compete with the servers out there that already caters to your play style.

I think that if people want to make a shard nowadays, you need a special in game concept, not in game names when posting on the forums.

If you want people to play UO, make iris3:p

Figured Id post it here since it COULD be a thing that made me start playing UO. A project where the client and the server are (seriously) being developed at the same time. I see no one attempting something like that thoug:/

hilbertsaretard Wrote:If you want people to play UO, make iris3:p

Just so you know I used Iris in IN-X he doesn't have to make anything you just have to download iris and use it. It works with almost any uo shard.

Viz Wrote:Just so you know I used Iris in IN-X he doesn't have to make anything you just have to download iris and use it. It works with almost any uo shard.

Just so you know its Iris2 that's latest Iris, I recommended making Iris3 because Iris2 doesn't make me want to play UO again:p

The other thing I was saying was that client and server development should should be done simultaneously to push "UO" even further. The reason I mentioned Iris is because it is an open source client that's not to hard to modify. Ideally you could add completely new mechanics, like 3D swimming, with cool new 3D models (cartoon color of course, to resemble the old UO).

Would be a super cool project, but no one has that much time to put on "UO":p

Well, my idea was to make the website more interactive for members of the community that can't be assed to log in.
I can't make an Iris 3, the most I can do is bring the game experience outside the UO client and try to make some sort of ingame gimmick that attracts people.
What sort of features would you guys suggest? I don't have many creative ingame ideas, I'll admit that... most of my ideas are around community retention, not player acquisition.
As far as scripting goes, I'm capable of literally anything. I'm definitely one of the better C# developers in the RunUO community, as this is my job 40 hours a week as well.
About less time: This project won't be anywhere as intense as IN:X. That's why we've chosen to go with AOS... we won't be spending time re-scripting the entire RunUO platform.
Again... I'm open to ideas. I want your ideas, even.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

hilbertsaretard Wrote:Due to the amount of time wasted on coding those features.

Not to be impolite, your features are quite cool and it probably sounds interesting to develop, but fact is, it wont do shit to the game experience. You'd still have the same game, fewer staff members, fewer developers and most importantly, less time to code.

You'd have one "advantage" over INX, and that is going AoS, the rest is somehow just looking "less". Problem with that would be that you'd have to compete with the servers out there that already caters to your play style.

I think that if people want to make a shard nowadays, you need a special in game concept, not in game names when posting on the forums.

If you want people to play UO, make iris3:p

Figured Id post it here since it COULD be a thing that made me start playing UO. A project where the client and the server are (seriously) being developed at the same time. I see no one attempting something like that thoug:/

there are no other viable servers that cater to this play style, believe me, iv spent a long time looking for an AOS server with no insurance or trammel carebearyness, servers that encourage both rp and pvp with a proper balance are rarer still.

im optomistic

So what's the update?

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