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Well if it is XUO style then dont even bother putting in armor or weapons, there will be no point in them. IN was great because you could mix weapons, and magery. It was so balanced. I think you XUO guys are being a little greedy in saying it has to be %100 like XUO. No comprimise.

Ogen Wrote:Well if it is XUO style then dont even bother putting in armor or weapons, there will be no point in them. IN was great because you could mix weapons, and magery. It was so balanced. I think you XUO guys are being a little greedy in saying it has to be %100 like XUO. No comprimise.

And I think you are exaggerating quite a bit. XUO PvP does require armor as well, and weapons. However XUO pvp is not ONLY depending on what weapon you have, or if you have the best armor in the game, but also about how smart you are, how good you are at tricking your oponent, how good you are at reading your oponents moves and making counter attacks. XUO PvP is way beyond normal weaponbased / armorbased PvP, it's not a "bad thing" that it isn't all about what items you have, it's a good thing.


//80% for high absorb--->(61 ar 14-25 dmg and 28 ar 6-11 dmg)
damageTaken -= Utility.RandomMinMax((int)(defender.ArmorRating / 4.3), (int)(defender.ArmorRating / 2.4)));

That means a random value between (your armor value)/4.3 and (your armor value)/2.4, aremors are not usesless. Please make sure you know what you talk about before you talk down on it.

It's not greedy, it's what we agreed on. ONLY reason to why people played on XUO is cause of the PvP, the shard was not really much good for anything else, that is also why we made that agreement.

On IN1, the thing I loved most was the player attitudes... You could be enemies with anyone on the shard, they could hate you to death, and there would be some level of respect. I am not a fan of making friends in game and I certainly do not like being allied with 10,000 people and I normally make this clear in many ways, but on IN1, regardless of how many enemies I had there was always a time where everyone could put all the bs aside and be friends. What I am getting at is that I miss the community, and something like that cannot just simply be "added" but players need to respect each other. This seems to not be possible anymore, and seriously I would give anything to play somewhere with a balanced pvp, crafting, and pvm shard with a mature community. I do not mean everyone should run around being polite but rather people could respect certain events and players during special times. I cannot stand it when players get away with messing up events, making them take longer and disrespecting the shard in general. I also miss on IN1 how you would have to prove that you had additional people playing from your ip. It was a bit annoying but made it a bit more legit. Now I can just email an admin and say, "Hey, I have 6 people playing from my ip" and I could prolly get that many accounts. This stuff ruins any forms of jailing because who cares if you get jailed if you have 2 accounts that are ready for pvp. I just wish I wouldn't see "leet" bullshit talk all the time and internet tough guys.
BTW for those of you who don't know me, I like to never shutup, so get used to long winded posts repeating the same thing over and over.

Oh and I also miss Trinny fights more than anything and days before EUO existed and you couldn't macro anything just by getting a script.

Macroing with UOloop, now that was a great program GM'ed magery with it.


I don't know how many times on XUO before I figured it out I clumsied people trying to fizzle them. Now that's embarassing Big Grin

Tabion Wrote:BTW for those of you who don't know me, I like to never shutup, so get used to long winded posts repeating the same thing over and over.

Sounds like you're describing meWink

Anyways we will be tough, so don't expect people to run around destroying events without visiting jail for a long time. Same goes for multi accounts or whatever, if people aren't allowed to have more than one account, and we find them running around with many, then it will require way more than an email to convince us that it is somebody else playing from his IP. We also have some nice scripts that actually helps out very good against multi clienting people, so I don't think you'll have to worry that much :]


Hate Wrote:Sounds like you're describing meWink

Anyways we will be tough, so don't expect people to run around destroying events without visiting jail for a long time. Same goes for multi accounts or whatever, if people aren't allowed to have more than one account, and we find them running around with many, then it will require way more than an email to convince us that it is somebody else playing from his IP. We also have some nice scripts that actually helps out very good against multi clienting people, so I don't think you'll have to worry that much :]


lol so true =)

I loved the different text we could use, the non unicode speech I think it was.. When you turned unicode off from the UO.cfg file.. hehe. However I think that has to do with the coding of the emulator, and may not be possible on RunUO, true?

Thats true, but I can try to see if there is a work around for this. I could always use [unicode and you'll have unicode. Great idea actuallyBig Grin

Ogen Wrote:Well if it is XUO style then dont even bother putting in armor or weapons, there will be no point in them. IN was great because you could mix weapons, and magery. It was so balanced. I think you XUO guys are being a little greedy in saying it has to be %100 like XUO. No comprimise.

well in my eyes it must be 100% xuo pvp for it to be xuo pvp because xuo pvp is the best pvp there is just try it out Wink btw its not that greedy considering we dont say anything about role playing to change it in any way Smile

maka Wrote:Thats true, but I can try to see if there is a work around for this. I could always use [unicode and you'll have unicode. Great idea actuallyBig Grin

add also [emenu omg!!! I LIKE MAKING THAT HUAA! NOICE WHEN DUELING Big Grin

- regards, Fable

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