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Whats the point of making everything so hard?

Why BOD system is not implemented, it makes people like more to increase some skills. Almost is more funny.
There isn't any profit if you increase any craft skill. You always have to pay money unless you gather all the resources. Which means lots of time.

Why there arent more mounts than the typical ones: example Beetle, Kirin, Unicorn, etc.

What harm does having normal(red, blue..) coloured rides spawns in wind for example and you can let the "metalic" and special ones for dungeons or making them hard to find. I dont know which harm does that for example.

Just think something if you run all over t2a and the spawns of the rides has been tamed recently you will never find them unless you have much luck.
People dont usually like to spend 4-5 hours to tame a bs ride which can be killed in 30 seconds.

Whats the point of having all your stangs keept in bank? Oh well you can also show them in pits! How i couldnt notice this...

Everything is quite hard to get that no ones wants to lose them. It's nonsense there has to be something done. Otherwise we will keep losing players.

You can barely PVm alone unless you are rich
. Some monsters need aprox 10 vortex at same time and they give 2.5k wow 10 vortex scroll bought at 200gp means 2k plus the arrows I've spent how much profit do i have obtain?

Like this many things. Equal happens when dueling there is only a few decent weapons what happens to the rest?

Hi everyone,
First of all dont get me wrong.I also agree with love %70. I have some ideas that i belive they can help to shard and playerbase. 1 month ago i got an email from IN-X staff which was calling everyone back to the shard and then i gave a try again after a long time period. When i logged into game i couldnt belive. It was looking perfect. Lots of players, a perfect world decoration. Lots of stuff from Imagine Nation. It brougth me to old memories. I talked with other blacks. They also wanted to play. In a few days we noticed that this shard is like a haunted house. I mean everything looks perfect but there is no life. No economy no battles no roleplay.
As an INX player i got some solutions for bring back life to the shard;
1. on IN1 players were cant cast spells while holding any item (weapon,shield etc) which enables arm/disarm macro in pvp and it gives you so much stress + adrenaline. Also it forces people to wear armor and weapons as much as rare because it chanalize you to fight with weapon to till make a nice hit. but in INX you dont need to drop any weapon because you can cast anything while paralized. So Paralize is useless except pins down the running man in INX.

If you activate the [cant cast while holding stuff] script it can bring life to economy and pvp.
i dont think it will effect the XUO player so much.

2. The Pit Ground is killing the city life. Everyone going there afk and watching where are the players/enemies going. This is also not good for a shard which has 80+ player online. For this problem i have a solution. Bring back Order/Chaos cities and delete pit ground. If you delete the pit.
People will search the cities.
People will defend their cities from PKs or other factions
Also right now there is no negative situation for PKs but there must be a negative price. If you kill someone you loose your chance to see people and trade with them.
Statics can be usefull with this way.
3. Spamming the power words. Its mixing the pvp and changing it to gamble game. Spamming also can be illegal.
4. Invisibility Potion. (dont know if its working here)

These are the quick solutions that i found. Dont get me wrong. I dont hate XUO players and i am not trying their gamestyle. but right now there is nothing from IN pvp. If you are telling "we merged two shard" you should merge it equal.See you ingame Cool

Jumanji [Black] "Master Of Black"

he said right for god

Maniac Of bLacK

Druid a.k.a Alper Tunga

BLack_Raider Wrote:he said right for god

This isnt only a problem of pvp there are other many solutions. You only focus on pvp.

But except for paralize I like for example how it works the pvp here. Its skill based not in item based.

Of course they have some part inside of pvp. its not the same if you are using a vanq weapon over a ruin. You also have to know how to pvp.

shut this ****ed item based skill based
we fought without skills at IN?
we work on skills longggg times too.
which is hard ?
if pvp based on %100 skills then u ll always some
i mean
when u kill someone ur swordsmanship ll up%0.1_? no
or when u die u ll lost ur skills? %0.1 no
but if items be usefull and important
when u kill u ll get what important
when u die u ll lose ur importants

we(IN PEOPLES) tryed ur pvp and didnt like
u saying lets learn lets learn
there is nothing to learn
just make scripts on injection times etc and go fight easy

why u wont try our system?
cant u teach better then us?

Maniac Of bLacK

Druid a.k.a Alper Tunga

Kitiara Wrote:This isnt only a problem of pvp there are other many solutions. You only focus on pvp.

But except for paralize I like for example how it works the pvp here. Its skill based not in item based.

Of course they have some part inside of pvp. its not the same if you are using a vanq weapon over a ruin. You also have to know how to pvp.

you cant seperate the economy roleplay and PVP. You must think of a way solve them together. A change you make on pvp may ruin the economy or make it work. I dont mean It doesnt need skill to play with INX pvp right now. If you want to add more skill(in real life skill not ingame skills.) to pvp just activate [cant cast spells while holding and item] script. It needs more skill while fighting.

Epistemology gave a nice example. He said that;
"Oh and .wop is pretty lame too. I mean really, your on top of a horse, holding a 2-handed weapon and casting a flamestrike while drinking a mana potion and managing to spam false spell words too? Lame."

no roleplay not good for pvp and then if you add "3 naked man casting spell on you" to this example. it goes to +no economy

Jumanji [Black] "Master Of Black"

guys let me just say this skillgain was brought from IN and pvp was brought from xuo, those are two things they aren't going to change so i don't get why your still going on about that


Maniac Of bLacK

Druid a.k.a Alper Tunga

LudaKrishna Wrote:guys let me just say this skillgain was brought from IN and pvp was brought from xuo, those are two things they aren't going to change so i don't get why your still going on about that

Man these guys and me, we played IN, IN:R IN:X for so long times. Cant count 5 or more years. We have had good times in this game with this community. We love the community and the shard so we want to keep it going. We dont want it to die and be like ghostship with 10 players. For myself i am just giving ideas or solutions what ever you say. Maybe someone add something on them and maybe they apply the changes.
Right now the player base going down. If someone doesnt do something it will gonna die.

As you said that,
skillgain was brought from IN and pvp was brought from xuo". But it is not working.

Jumanji [Black] "Master Of Black"

well i can name u plenty of xuoers that play here constantly.

we all come from corefailure,xuo,xuo(jakko),n0vus,xuo2 and have more than 5 years playing also who love this pvp style. I think I can also say that we want to see inx grow also.

The problem is not the pvp its the amount of people who try it once and dont want to learn it. Seriously all u black clan ppl tried to gank us n died the first day back n kept trying even after i told u to learn the pvp.

There is hard skillgain and hard learning pvp. Why not lower skillgain? The reponse to that question is usually "because it's fine" well my friends the pvp won't change because it is fine (besides having weps a bit more balanced).

If u just took time to read the guide on the website, pvp'd in the duelstones, attended some pvp events, went to hate's pvp school you would LEARN the pvp instead of just complaining about it. All those things can help u learn the pvp and like anything it takes practice.

We should stop with all this IN and XUO stuff, like silver said its IN:X. We are IN:Xers

BLack_Raider, you do realize that when you sum our PvP up to something scripted in injection you appear really ignorant, right? I doubt any good top PvPer has highly automated macros as they are not viabel in our PvP, but if you know one, direct them in my way and we can do a 1v1 and settle this.

So, if you have something creative to say, go for it, but stop the bashing. If you want, I can use Razor and you can use cool scripted macros in inject and we will see who wins.

I've seen a lot of good ideas in this topic, but I have also seen some really offensive ones.

Offensive as in "The PvP is all yours, we have nothing on this server", offensive as in passing judgment without even having the slightest idea of what this PvP is and how it works and offensive as in "spam makes this more about luck". You BLack_Raider, and some other people, have decided to a read a book in a language you do not understand and then complain cause the words don't make sense.

It is really easy to see how much people understand something by seeing what kind of critique they offer. Here are a few bad points with our PvP from an old IN perspective that I've seen people say:
- Spamming is ridiculous from a role playing point of view.
- Ganking is a naked orgie.
- The variety in weapons and armor is not the same.

Those are the few that I remember from the top of my head, there are more legit ones though. Try keeping the critique to simple and factual things, don't bring in your lack of understanding.

I have a few VERY controversial ideas on how to add armor and weapons to ganking while still keeping the geared PvP exactly the way it was, but I can't say that it is fully "sphere"... I'll discuss them with Taran and see what he says, but until then, try not to scare away players with bad informed posts and anger.

maka Wrote:....

Maka the only problem is not coming from PvP.
I dont know why always that happens something is caused by pvp instead of Skillgain/mosnters etc...

2º one thing i will see nicely to pvp is paralyze making people use pouchs for example probably wouldnt be a bad option.

But i see more problems on the other side not in Pvp.

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