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Whats the point of making everything so hard?

Thats what I'm wondering.

First we have the tame problem. It's ok to put it hard the skill gain. I dont really mind.

But then you make mustangs can only have 7 tamers what the hell. Today I found 4 mustangs untamed which I couldnt tame cos they had many followers. Cant understand this.

This new rule you made is quite absurd so this makes me cant steal mustangs and animals from other players if i steal their houses. Because i wont be able to tame them.

Also is annoying that everything that gives magical weapons like treasure chest you nerf them. In Osi a Treasure level 4 map gives 38 magical items, here its supposed to give "12" and the one i dig gave like 8 and 3 of them werent magical. ¬¬

I dont see any profit to do Treasure hunts when they give "shit" even if you put more money in them. Is quite absurd. Treasure hunt was always to obtain items, not money.

I have obtained better things in a Treasure lvl 1 map than in a Treasure lvl 4 map. How ironic.

Whats the point of making so hard to obtain weapons? For making everybody to keep them in bank or for using them in case there is any regular tourney non supplied?

How many people joins Tourneys full loot? 6? 8?
How many people joins a regular supplied tourney? 25? 30?

Even Osi is easier to get things. Im not even saying raising skills this post is not about skillgain.

This server has cool things and a lot of work but making everything hard is not the solution.

More weapons more ways to kill not only flame flame flame lightning and gank.


I know this sounds a little whinning, but I agree with Kitiara. I will try to make a constructive post.
I think the server has been thrown into a "Paranoic Mode" and is only made for hardcore gamers. Just take a look around. How many NOOBS are there? None, and the few that you might be able to find will go in a week. (See the playerbase for more info/proofs)
I think UO is hardcore enough for making it harder. Just my opinion.

Kisses Wink

No noobs?

You obviously haven't checked out the mercenary camp Big Grin

I totally agree! I say you allow afk resource harvesting!


Having come recently to the server, I'll throw in my opinion here.

So far, the crafting skills are hard. That's good. Crafters are necessary. A huge population of crafters would be bad. What I have found is that it's hard or near impossible to find anything I want to buy. This is due to two reasons for me so far. One, the vendor spots in the city are unguarded, and therefore shopping takes on a guerrilla operation type of air. Of course, I can just seek out vendors that aren't in heavily trafficked areas.....except these are extremely few, or they carry very little.

Solutions? No idea. Giving PKs a ready made killing ground is good for the PvP action on the server, and keeps the PK players happy and still playing. It adds tension to a moment that you normally wouldn't feel threatened. What my main problem is, for example, is looking through every vendor in britain or those I can find advertised for greater heal kegs, and finding none after narrowly escaping two pk attempts and a guy staring at me while I look through two vendors when I thought I was hidden. This isn't, of course, a staff problem, it's a player problem. I want to do deco plants and all I can find are Team Tourney Deeds and animal tamer items! I wanted to buy mid level treasure maps, and there are none!

Which leads me to my next point! DUNGEONS. Right now, the dungeons are really cool. However, none of them are at all set up for the standard dungeon crawl and PK dodge solo run. A new player to this server comes on in Vesper, has his Anatomy, Tactics, Swordsmanship and heads into Despise to check it out.....and comes screaming out or dies in the first room.

Having really cool dungeons for groups of players to slowly traverse is nice. What isn't so nice is when I may want to just do a dungeon circuit AND encounter some PKs while I do it. I'm missing that whole old UO feel here. I can't run through any dungeon. Period. It would be nice if there was one, for example, Despise, that a new player could start out in and get their feet beneath them before getting Ebolted to death by a dark skeleton mage. I used to love the fight up to the liche room through the dungeon, able to do it alone. Checking every chest to see if it was locked and had stuff spawned in it. So far, and I stress SO FAR, as I haven't been able to get too far into most of the dungeons, I haven't been able to traverse any dungeon's depths by guile or by stealth.

Also, to actually pick a bone from the other side of the arguement, monster spawn on the server so far, I have found to be TOO high. Killing a room in a dungeon to have it spawn on top of you is nice if you want to continue killing that spawn. Great. But if that spawn is, say, a deep sea kraken, or a spawn of a kraken, deep sea serpent, and a sea serpent, it can get dicey real quick. ON TOP of that point, this specific spawn as an example, cuts into the market for rope, in that there is a flotilla of ships sitting at the kraken spawn, as it spawns every time you kill one.

Message in a bottles, special fishing nets, and treasure maps are insanely common. Why bother making a fisherman if you can just head to this spawn and camp it. I've been here a week or so and have done over 15 MiBs, and have accumulated over 50 t-maps. With the combined haul of the magic items, regs and gold I'll get from all of them, I'll be able to buy a castle.

I shouldn't be able to do this in a week!

If the complete focus of this server is Tournament PvP, then all of this is fine. I haven't been big into PvP in UO, so I may be missing the point to this server. If we're supposed to be able to have a chestful of vanq weapons and the economy is overloaded with them to the point that they cost, at best, 5k gold to buy a new one, then nothing needs to be changed.

As a new player, I was thrilled when I saw my first vanq weapon. I was overjoyed at the second. the third fourth fifth from just the next chest I pulled up, not so much, espicially when I saw how much they went for on vendors.

Please slow down the spawn of treasure map spawning creatures that can be camped easily. Don't change the drop rate, just the spawn. If I have to use a skill to get them to spawn, ala fishing, leave the spawn alone. Make someone work to get more spawn. Or, like I had to do before I found the kraken spawn, have someone along to help kill them when my fisherman char fished them up.

Less treasure maps or MiBs means less magical items flooding the server markets, and makes the "lesser" vanq weapons worth something, and worth using. Instead of seeing only "+20 vanq insert whatever" selling for over the 5-10k cap, all vanq weapons and even power weapons would sell for more, instead of sitting un-used and cobwebby in someone's castle.

I'm sorry, but I disagree with the original poster. I understand it's annoying to get the "only" 12 magical weapons on that level 4 t-map, but maybe they can put other things into the higher level t-maps to make them more worth it, like seeds and rare deco items. Maybe high quality granite, some adamantium ingots, things of that nature that can't flood the market if the supply never turns into a floodgate from too many of that level of t-map.

Sorry for the rant here guys, I do apologize. I just hate to see what I see as a good server have it's economy run into the ground by things that the staff may or may not know are going on, or factors that they can't see because they can't play the server regularly. I ran a Sphere shard for two years on both the Admin and Scripting/ World Building side, and understand that players are sneaky, underhanded, and sometimes, sometimes out only for themselves. It's hard to see the bigger picture when you're the smallest pixel in it.


Koll Brightlance:Crafter Extraordinaire

Coldsteel Hunter: Treasure Hunter and Thrillseeker

As a further example, again, sorry for the rant, "silver weapon crystals". A great idea, in theory! Except, noting I've only been here a week, I have recieved over a hundred of these things and no longer care about them. I have more silver vanq weapons than I can possibly ever use. And why would I use them anyway, if all I have to do is go out to the kraken spawn and get MiBs for the real vanqs? If I had to go kill liches for some T-maps, those silver vanqs might actually come in handy!

Koll Brightlance:Crafter Extraordinaire

Coldsteel Hunter: Treasure Hunter and Thrillseeker

Why making mustangs only 5 tamers?
If it wasnt that way we could GM 10 players with the same mustangs.

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

in reference to the vendors being unguarded, u can mark a rune inside the east britain vendor mall just recall there, if any1 is around recall out....It's not that hard if someone tries to pk you simply heal out and run out of los.

You have to remember red/grey people have to buy stuff also and should be given an equal opportunity to sell stuff (without having people using their vendors as a bank from pits, like it was done previously)

Also Knoll not sure but not many people have the spawns for those monsters, so unless you have them you can't do them. It's not like a lot of people have them either.

Honestly what gets me is how I HAVE to hunt with someone. I'll be honest it's hard to hunt by yourself. I agree partially with the original poster.

Quote:How many people joins Tourneys full loot? 6? 8?
How many people joins a regular supplied tourney? 25? 30?

More weapons more ways to kill not only flame flame flame lightning and gank.

There are tons of ways to kill people just you have to learn the pvp, read the guide on the website, raise your evaluating intelligence and resisting spells and practice! As for the loot tournies most people don't join because they know they'll die vs a good pvper who's in the tourney. I'll be honest I don't join sometimes and I should join, I think it comes down to people not wanting to lose their items.

LudaKrishna Wrote:in reference to the vendors being unguarded, u can mark a rune inside the east britain vendor mall just recall there, if any1 is around recall out....It's not that hard if someone tries to pk you simply heal out and run out of los.

You have to remember red/grey people have to buy stuff also and should be given an equal opportunity to sell stuff (without having people using their vendors as a bank from pits, like it was done previously)

Very true on all points. Although reds can have another character for selling items.

Quote:Also Knoll not sure but not many people have the spawns for those monsters, so unless you have them you can't do them. It's not like a lot of people have them either.

Honestly what gets me is how I HAVE to hunt with someone. I'll be honest it's hard to hunt by yourself. I agree partially with the original poster.

The name is Koll not Gnoll. I get that alot, no idea why. Smile But I do agree with the original poster about the need to hunt with someone as well.

But in regards to not many people knowing where the spawns are, in particular, the kraken spawn, there's a flotilla of boats there. That's a fleet. A veritable armada of ships parked at a spawn. And when one of the boats has 100 ropes sitting in it's hold, who should lock their boats, btw, then it's a broken spawn, but I see this in most of the spawns around the world. Things spawn very quickly. I have no idea if the much harder xtreme mobs do, but all the ones I can get access to at this point in time pop so quick, sitting in one spot is more lucrative than moving around or exploring.

And like I said, I've been playing for only a week. If I found it, it's not very hard, as the parking lot of boats here proves.

Thanks for the reply!

Koll Brightlance:Crafter Extraordinaire

Coldsteel Hunter: Treasure Hunter and Thrillseeker

Hiroshima Wrote:Why making mustangs only 5 tamers?
If it wasnt that way we could GM 10 players with the same mustangs.

yeah was that the way u increase it, before they made those changes?

Many people has increased their taming skills with that way, thats why they made that rule. Is that fair?
Second I made references about stealing mustangs and animals from other people. And now thats barely hard to do.

Cant understand why only a "few selected" people which abused then from that way of gming taming could use that way.

In case you say that many people increased some skills which were harder than now. I increased many skills before they were made easier to gain. So I'm not complaining about hard.


Koll Brightlance first at all you dont obtain 12 magical weapons, you obtain 12 magical items quite different.

Second if from those 12 magical items you obtain 3 which were non magical is quite absurd. Also I need to mention that I didnt got 12 magical items as is supposed to be. Cos between the 3 non magical items plus 5 other magical items it makes 8.

Its Ridiculous to obtain "12" magical items for a Treasure map lvl 4.
First its not easy to obtain, then you need time to find it etc.

Talking about silver weapons makes me believe that there should be something to do with these weapons. Right now im not even taking silver force weapons.

Probably Staff could implement the "Slayer" weapons like ogre slayer, dragon slayer and those ones. Which would make more items to sell.

There are many solutions that can be made which makes uo nice for everyone.

LudaKrishna Wrote:in reference to the vendors being unguarded, u can mark a rune inside the east britain vendor mall just recall there, if any1 is around recall out....It's not that hard if someone tries to pk you simply heal out and run out of los.

You have to remember red/grey people have to buy stuff also and should be given an equal opportunity to sell stuff (without having people using their vendors as a bank from pits, like it was done previously)

Also Knoll not sure but not many people have the spawns for those monsters, so unless you have them you can't do them. It's not like a lot of people have them either.

Honestly what gets me is how I HAVE to hunt with someone. I'll be honest it's hard to hunt by yourself. I agree partially with the original poster.

There are tons of ways to kill people just you have to learn the pvp, read the guide on the website, raise your evaluating intelligence and resisting spells and practice! As for the loot tournies most people don't join because they know they'll die vs a good pvper who's in the tourney. I'll be honest I don't join sometimes and I should join, I think it comes down to people not wanting to lose their items.

You dont need to tell me how I have to pvp or well you can delight me with the spells you usually use to kill in 1 on 1 or in gank.

People dont join full loot tourneys cos they know they will lose and things arent easy to get.Furthermore they know they wont obtain any reward Thats why.

Silver weapons do increased damage vs undead mobs, so they're not totally useless, and I think the chances of getting a +25 vanq silver weapon is low. You should also note silver weapons do reduced damage vs players.

As for the number of magic items in treasure maps, personally I just sell them to an NPC because I'm not waiting 3 weeks for someone to buy a power double handed axe or defense gorget from me for 2k. If you were getting a maxxed vanq every single treasure chest then that would be an issue, a few power or defense rated items aren't an issue.

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