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WTF!!! my vanq bard

OMFG.. 3 weeks ago or something like that i bought a +20 Bardiche of Vanq from Gang-Bang, he has never used the weapon. I paid 220k for it.

Now i am fighting Michel Corleone in the duel arena.. i used the weapon just in like 15 till 20 duels, never did appear it was damaged or something.
And in a second it was gone, it must be destroyed i guess, don't think anything else did happen with it.
WHAT THE FOCK is this?

I'm quite pissed off, i lent 50k from my brother to buy this weapon, finally a weapon which i could duel or do tourneys with and then this happens. Still gotta pay him back.. I don't even have that amount of cash.

This gotta be kiddin'.. :rant:

I actually looted this weapon from player, not NPC. And I needed to sell;p anyways, msg me ingame, I'll help you with that, preferable log in right now;p

Thats why I say, Buy bards on love tent, Brand new bards.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
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He gave half of my amount of money (i bought it for) back.
Anyway, still feel scammed. I never thought ppl would try to trick ppl on the trading markt.
Which means i never can trust anyone more, expect for a few ppl.
And people want that i become even worse as Warmachine..
I always played the game fair.. I think there has to come a change in that!


As I said, I swear to god if you'd use arms lore on the bard it would say "Full Repair" when I sold it, I didn't think you will loose it right away, why would I give you half back then. Also I just don't get why didn't you test it for your self... You was buying expensive item.
Also, try getting in my shoes. I got a bard which sais "Full Repair" and it cost alot, but I'm not sure when it will brake. And I just tired to sell it as fast as possible...

I have a hard time believing that the bards don't say anything when they are getting close to break (think I even remember the script cause I had to change/add it), but I guess it still might need to be clearer.

Since Im on a mini keyboard you might want to add it to the suggestion sectionBig Grin

Now I don't want to be the biggest dick ever, but you didn't think you'll get scammed while tradingBig Grin? That is a bit gullible, people tried to scam each other all the time on every other server I've played. It doesn't sound like gangbang did that though, as it would be a really strange scam giving half the money back, really strange. Scammers generally try to get their fulls money worth.

Alot of people dont notice the messages over the head ( Dont ask me how) , Like the guy who posted on bug section saying the runes dont say when are fading.

Since the guy here was using it on a duel, and since duels are pure spam over head, I dont get surpised he dindt noticed the message over his head.

Maybe we should make it [SIZE="7"]BIGGER AND COLORED[/SIZE] so they arent going to miss it anymore.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

and maybe a sound too

maybe the battle filter filters it out? just a thought....also ur spam might have made it so u didn't see it...

On every other weapon i used to train skills or to hunt with, i have seen that it was damaged. And it already happened A LOT on here in those 3 or 4 weeks i play again. So i am not Blind or something i look well to my stuff, if there is a problem, always did.

Bilbo said to me, Kiski had the same problem 4 days ago.

And i understand it's not what Gang Bang wants to do, but i am far from happy that my only (normal) weapon which reach above might is gone!
We really didn't find any force or power or vanqs weaps while hunting. And NO, i don't want to hunt on the same place where everyone does hunt, because i know that means there is only PK whole day long at that spot. From what i red it really looks like there a just 1 or 2 hunt spots where you can get an weapon of Power or Vanq. And i don't play on times a lot of people are afk, so that's a problem.
I am just trying to say. To loose a good weapon does always suck (or armor or something else), normally we would hunt for new on Xtreme Dragons or something (like at Xuo). But here my guess is that you need a lot of ppl to take down the monsters with good loots (that's the first problem) and second, PK whole die long..
I might be totally wrong...

Maka, i get your point.. At Jakko's Xuo there was indeed alot of Scam in the Vendor Hall. Most of them cheated by doing this. But if i want to buy something, because i can't manage to get it myself (reasons explained above). Then i have to buy them.. But if you aren't able to trust anyone, how will there be a market??.. and if you can't find it, you will never have it.

Can't you see it's damaged with Arms lore?

Maxim Wrote:Can't you see it's damaged with Arms lore?

When you repair a weapon, you gonna see the same thing you see on a brand new.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

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