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Optimizing Macros!

Ok! I know you may be thinking this should be placed in player-guides, I disagree, everything in there is PVE related.

My question is to all you pro pvpers out there. What are your macro keys? We can all agree that pvp is all about timing, and therefore it is absolutely crucial that your macros are set in order to minimize the delay time.

I find that my macro keys are very spread out and thus it takes a greater reach to press a certain key and to trigger the macro. ie.. my fs macro is f9, my gh spell is f4, my xuo is insert....

I would appreciate it if top pvers, would specifically spell out their keys, and show what macros are on what key, and the reason they chose those keys. Obviously keys are set in order to caiter to the individual, however I am curious to see if the most talented pvpers share general patterns when choosing their keys.

If you are using macros that do not only pertain to the keyboard please specify the device you are using,( some ppl use keys on their mouse).

Again as an outline
1. What are the macros, and what keys did you place them on... and why?? What is the reasoning?
2. Do you use injection or razor?
3. Mention every single key that you use in pvp. Leaving one out will only undermine the purpose of this thread, which is absolute accuracy and precision.

-Here are a list of macros that I use, not associated to any keys because I know my keys do not maximize speed. The ones that are in red, are keys that I consider to be most important, so dont leave those out!

-Harm (self)
Mage Reflection Scroll
-Greater Heal Spell
-Greater Heal Scroll
-Heal (spell)
-XUO fs
[COLOR="Red"]-Greater Heal Potion
-Mana Potion[/COLOR]
-Attack Last ??( I have mine integrated with a UO spam macro, that spams .wop Kal Vas Flam 3 times then does an attack last) Is it better to have them separated and why or why not?
-Spam Macro
-Lighting Scroll
-Target (with weapon)
-Detect Hidden

Also if you have macros that do the pre-healing with XUO plz state those as well! If I am forgetting essential pvp macros plz tell me as well!

Sorry if I break your outline, but I think that what I'm saying might still help you a little bit, even if its not what you expected:p

No one will be able to tell you what macros to have, but the key concept is that you want to be able to do as many things as possible as fast as you can.

(applies to 1v1, not gank)
So, good macros would be macros that made sure you could keep a hand on pot(s), heal(s), reflect(s), fs(s), arrow and lightning at the same time, according to me at least. You should also use your mouse and key modifiers (alt, ctrl, shift) to set macros cause then you suddenly get access to a lot more actions without moving your hand.

Another thing is that you cannot have good PvPvPvP macros and good 1v1 macros at the same time, one will suffer. I always let my gank macros suffer a little, cause in the mist of confusion, moving your finger .1 too slow is not a that big of a deal, it is in a 1v1.

I know I didn't really provide you with any concretes, I don't think I can when I don't know how big your hand is and what kind of keyboard you got, but I think you can make your own macros quite good following those simple guidelines. I essentially used all the F keys and all the number keys, both with modifiers. For your 1v1 macros, make sure that your hand always stays at the same place.

As a side note, I think I had like 60 hotkeys bound at all times and even more macros prepared that I used to launch by typing. Some were used more than others, but I can let you know that I used them all:p

Maka brings up a very valid point, 1v1 macros are not the same thing as gank macros. So I then would like to specify that I only care about 1 v 1 macros.

Come on guys post your keys!!!!

This is relevant to my interests. Tongue My macros are a bit haphazard, but I'll post some when I get UO working again. I'm upgrading to Windows 7.

I am using the numpad for pvp hotkeys. It has a lot of space and you dont have to move your hand. Macros that are not so important i bound to the "PageUp/PageDwn/Insert/Delete/etc.-Block" Big Grin and on F12-F9
So everything is reachable within very short time

I use my 17 button mouse for most of them.

I have all my 1v1 and gank keys around number pad. To be honest, I can't really recommend it. For example, I sometimes cripple myself completely by pressing num lock by mistake and I end up disabling most of my macros. The keys are way too far spread. Some of my gank oriented keys are on the other side of enter key because there isn't enough keys on number pad.

I'm looking for a new suitable setup for keys myself. So far it seems I'm going to try the ctrl-alt-shift + other keys combination. Will take a while to get used to but I think it's worth it just to get rid of the numlock problems alone.

I doubt many are willing to share the advanced macros that they have, but topic for keys is a nice idea. I think there has been one of these topics already but I can't find it anymore.

I use numpad too, I just got used to it since I started playing UO so its fine for me. Ofc I also use F and some ctr combinations.

Here they are:

0- Harm last
1- Gh Spell
2- NOS flame strike
3- spam
4- XUO flame strike
5- gh pots
6- mana pots
7- reflect scrol
8- GH scroll
9- lighthing scrol
dot- bandageself
(+)- Double click dagger/bardiche, thats the way I target my ENEMY!
/- GH spell friend
*- RES friend
(-)- Heal spell

I also use all those Insert,sup,AvPag ect to heal/res gank mates

F12- Recall
F11- Recall2
F9- Opendoor
F5- Paralize
F2- Arrow self
F3- Res anyone

ctr+z - Hiding
ctr+x - Meditation
ctr+c - detecting hiding
ctr+n - reflection spell

Those ones are enough for me though Big Grin

I should change the F's since they are too far away sometimes but I just use them to gank

Pum Pum Plaka Plaka

Don't you know I'm Loco?

keys are preference and im too lazy to post mine xD

Wow, wtf smoke!! when I made this topic, I was particularly interested in your keys!!! POST IT DAMNIT!!!

Thanks Muto, you are like the only one who followed the guide. I appreciate it. So there seems to be right now a general trend toward using the num pad as it has keys that are in the most concentrated location. The f1 to f12 covers a large horizontal distance which seems basically inefficient since your hands would have to reach too far. But, what about these ctrl alt key modifiers????

I see your arguments that your hand doesnt have to move much for that, but I feel as if you have to make less movements with the num pad. Also there are more keys on the numpad and your hand can rest there comfortably. When you start using the crtl and alt, you have only like z x c v,, and anything after that makes the reach greater and seems as if the num pad wins out.

Since were on the topic, anyone play only from a laptop? I do because I am always travelling for work. Looks like the best way to do it is using num pad.. does this mean I would be better off by a USB numpad?

OR, where did you get that 17 button mouse? :badgrin:

Herod[PoD] from IN1

Maximus[Nazgul] from Flint Hills

Epistemology Wrote:Since were on the topic, anyone play only from a laptop? I do because I am always travelling for work. Looks like the best way to do it is using num pad.. does this mean I would be better off by a USB numpad?

OR, where did you get that 17 button mouse? :badgrin:

At the moment i do play only on a laptop. Which does kinda sucks! Tongue
I don't have enough keys (at Numpad) to be able to set all my macro's.
Or they are to hard to reach or way to small.
This means, I just have half of my macro's set up.

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