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Top 5 PVP'ers

Shit, forgot Silverwolf also Sad

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

Actually, hate might not be gone. I have no clue if he plays or not, but Sylar is a name he would use me thinks:p

I really have no clue if he is playing or not though, it's more meant as a joke to slightly upset hate:p

Anywyas, I might log in on day one to get my ass kicked a bit:p

not going to lie, i miss all the negative attention and hatred towards me Sad, so ill b on to peekay like old times if this server goes live as planned. And hopefully people can get a little better at pvping this time around, To be completely honest, I left due to the lack of a challenge here after the merge, (pvp ofcourse), and I know it'll take a little time before people get properly adjusted and have their practice. but for god sakes I hope we will have a new set of sick pvpers, hopefully some of the guys from IN who can get the concept down.

As far as this PVP list goes, for all you XUO'ers....

Imperial Defenders! --- Easily the leetest guild, if not the best, pvpers to play XUO. Was the "top" pvp guild to join at its time, and only a selected few, from over 250 players made it. and when I say we ran sh!t, WE RAN SH!T!!! occlo clear out if were coming!!!

Any Fellow Imperial Defenders out there that might just be lurking the forums?!?



lol you werent that good when u were in ID, i would say you got a lot better after the originial xuo. im not gonna lie ur buddies were pretty dam good but occlo was deff not urs Smile. i would have to give that award to the baboons. those dam coksuckers

Indeed Silverwolf is totally right, those lists Blows!..
The ppl who made these lists don't know what Pure PVP is.
But Silverwolf, a few players DID come back in the first weeks of IN:X.
Also some "Imperial Defenders" players, which i had a lot of contact with.
But everyone left quite fastly, but hopefully it will get better soon again.

Imperial Defenders was the BEST PvP guild on Xuo, that's true! And what Aptar said, he is true, you were maybe the worst PvP'er of the ID guild. But you got quite GREAT after that.
My opinion is that K$B (Ordith's guild) and Spyro's guild (forgot the name) were the best GANK crews. Maybe i forgot a guild or two..

Anyway! I guess i will return to, when the shard will open again. You may know me by names like: Blackfog, KingSide, g.A.n.G.s.T.a.H., Boromir, Poseidon (on Xuo, not here), Dark Thunder (and maybe i had more names).
And i think i can make to get my brother back with me to, Da Chipo!
Hope we will get back to the Top soon! Cool If we make a comeback together we will train a lot in the first weeks. (Some of my old friends are also welcome to join our practice, i guess the person in context know who i talk about).

See you soon, Mates!

What about baboon guild of XUO?

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

maka Wrote:Actually, hate might not be gone. I have no clue if he plays or not, but Sylar is a name he would use me thinks:p

I really have no clue if he is playing or not though, it's more meant as a joke to slightly upset hate:p

Anywyas, I might log in on day one to get my ass kicked a bit:p

It worked Maka ;-) I'm not Sylar, and I haven't pvped for a looong looong time, but who knows, maybe I'll return for the grand opening and gank a little for old times sake, we'll see :]


Hiroshima Wrote:What about baboon guild of XUO?

I can't remember those players of the guild anymore Sad.

Ztoke, we will have some fun updating our PvP again..! I hope..

it was aqyfyx and his buddies if u remember that name

Yeah i do know that name AND i know more about it! (the guild, players. Heard the story a very long time ago).:lol:

lol yeah lets jus say their was a certain duo that was a pain in the ass to kill in occlo.

blackfog/ dark thunder i remember you clearly lol. and your bro da chipo, we did great ganks together lol.

and yeah dude, Imperial Defenders is when I first got into PVP. I was probably the last recruit of that guild. Had to beat bilbo or smeagol to get in that guild and I had to fight both, was great experience.

Shortly before I got recruited, I didnt know about third party programs to help pvp. I was double clicking scrolls/pots and using a lot of attack last (in Ultima Online Optins)lol... finally this one day, I forget who it was man, quite upset that I forgot his name lol.

Anyhow, he would pick on me in occlo everytime I entered and finally i got to the bottom of occlo with him chasing me, near the docs and finally we 1vs1. At the end, after weeks of us trash talking each other, I ended up beating him and he was mind boggled lol. he realized I beat him without any hotkeys setup and asked me "do you use any third party programs?" I explained how i organized my pack with scrolls/pots stacked and would pre click and use attack last. finally that dude was amazed/shocked i owned him just with UO lol, attack last ftw.

He told me how to set up my macros/hotkeys for each scroll/pots, etc... and with his help setting up my macros, I quickly found out how pvping was so much easier when you have hotkeys for each attack lol...

soon after I Joined ID.

and yeah those K$B'ers were sick gankers aswell, there was tons of great pvpers at those times. was really the peak time for UO, for my time anyways.

PS:// and Hate, Omg lol. I remember you back in the day, you would be soooooooo defensive, well as always it was your style. Would get so upset and aggrevated dueling you lol. would just dump out of frustration and you would just counter me lol. that's my weakness I guess, Im too offensive and would die out of frustration lol.



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