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About name changing on IN:X

Hello Admin,

I was thinking into the whole IN:x name change issue. And i personally think we should have one chance in changing our names on the new server. Especially that XUO players were allowed at anytime to buy a name change deed that allows them to change there name whilst playing on the shard. Even if a pop up came up at the beginning or if we all started with one name change deed when we started. would be absolutely great.

Just something,


[Forsaken] Setep

i agree but its still quite even in the end we all had to pay for it but i still know what you mean but it just wouldnt be that fair if you guys got one free when we had to pay for it

As per previous discussions, I believe the only name changes will be in cases like "PhAT NamE" to "Phat Name". Names will not be completely changed.

Of course, this is not an official statement and our stance on this can subject to change at Maka or Coldrakes will. ;]

Sounds like a good idea to me, but it doesn't matter to me.

[Image: sigpic28_6.gif][Image: Aeo_2010]

LiquiD Wrote:Hello Admin,

I was thinking into the whole IN:x name change issue. And i personally think we should have one chance in changing our names on the new server. Especially that XUO players were allowed at anytime to buy a name change deed that allows them to change there name whilst playing on the shard. Even if a pop up came up at the beginning or if we all started with one name change deed when we started. would be absolutely great.

Just something,


[Forsaken] Setep

Hello Admin,

I was thinking into the whole IN:x name change issue. And i personally think that if you are going to be an asshole and everyone hates you on INR, then fuck, yes your name should be branded on your character on INX forever and ever. So for eg. If your name was Setep or Xyn, and you were complete fuckwit on INR then yes people should still be allowed to recognise you as a fuckwit on INX. Because if your Setep or Xyn, then people can just straight away think to themselves, Oh this noob, i should kill him on sight then res kill him over and over. Which means we will have less Obese children like Setep/Xyn on this shard.

Just something,


[KoS] Alper Tunga

sorry druid if you had problems with him on INR your gona have even bigger problems with him on INX hes already got old friends here who are good at pvp and hes way better at pvp xuo style then he is at INR so have fun =)

omg omg setep has friends? :badgrin:
duke your sooo cool like your respected in life cause your an awesome Ultima Online pvper


Gotta remember though, new people, new friends and new alliancesBig Grin


anyways alpers comment just proved to everyone who is more immature and much more "noob". Just because he never came to terms that he couldnt and i repeat COULDN'T kill me one time on IN:R. He thinks that he can turn to words to help him. Funny thing is your a turk, your hated by everyone and your guild in general are the crappest pvpers that IN:R has ever seen. And you know something else? PvP DOES matter to XUO players, and the fact that you were so crap on an RP shard, coming onto a pure PvP server where you will NOT be allowed to use bugs. i would like to see any of SAV survive more then 2 weeks. "Hi im qutting who wants my items" i gurantee ill hear that from you in no time.

Anyhow, As you saw on IN:R, it aint about how many friends you have, its about how the little amount of friends you do have work together. And thats all that matter.

And as you mentioned maka, i think we should all be given the opportunity to start fresh and have an opportunity to make new alliance ect with a name change. Not that i really care, but you know, sometimes its good when no one knows who you are and where u come from.

Thats my 2 cents Cool

p.s. Duke i got your back Big Grin

i just changed my name the day before XUO closed so i don't care but i think ppl should only be allowed to change letters in name by making capitol letters or small letters, like someone else suggested Rolleyes

To just make a point i liked it if people named there chars like that.
Not like BADVOODOO or something but with some minor capital letters.
Like one of my names had been: g.A.n.G.s.T.a.H. (my bro was G.a.N.g.S.t.A.h.)

LiquiD Wrote:and the fact that you were so crap on an RP shard, coming onto a pure PvP server where you will NOT be allowed to use bugs.

IN1 and INR are not what I would consider RP servers. We don't have trammel or vendors that sell care bear soup.

INX is not a "pure PVP" server either. It will encourage and support PvP, RP and PvE.

I understand you are trying to flame or make a point, but I don't want other people who are not familair with INR or INX to be confused by your statements.

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