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What do you want...

*Sends Shade much love* :3some:

Quote:As for weekly (specific time) events, I personally can't do that as I am a very sporadic person and I would just end up letting everyone down so I don't even bother.

Out of the full list of gms/staff you should be able to find someone who can do them, if not then no offense ur staff is inactive.

LudaKrishna Wrote:Out of the full list of gms/staff you should be able to find someone who can do them, if not then no offense ur staff is inactive.

some of them have quit Sad

- regards, Fable

I am looking forward to seeing a "good" and "evil" weapon.

I would also like to see a mount our two added.

Fable Wrote:some of them have quit Sad

Clean up the list or hire staff who would actually be active...

To be honest, we don't need any more new staff since we have a low player count. There isn't enough players for any events. I've tried hosting something (and player count wasn't even this low then) and there was never enough players online for an event.

If anyone needs staff assistance in game feel free to PM me here on forums about your issue. I check forums daily but I don't log in game every day. Whenever I log in, there is no pages and every player is afk. If there is any need for staff later I'm sure Taran will find some more people to join the staff team.

Malik Wrote:If anyone needs staff assistance in game feel free to PM me here on forums about your issue. I check forums daily but I don't log in game every day. Whenever I log in, there is no pages and every player is afk.

^This. I check the forums a lot and log in occasionally. I'm like 99% done with the newbie area that I started on, but it could be opened now since just the "boss" characters are missing. But aside from little PVE projects, there's not much for staff to do at the moment.

I want to say hello to all my old friends Big Grin
Hello everyone!

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

hey Big Grin

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