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What do you want...

What would you want to see ingame that would make you login? Lets come up with ideas we'd like to see and would make us login!! Maybe the staff can set it up and revive some interest for some of us!

UO interests me enough, I dont need incentive to login. The hard work the staff has done to the shard to make it more interesting such as adding things to craft systems and fixing spawns and adding mobs is good enough for me.

Well lets see what I would want in UO.
1.Remove the Anti Macro Gump.
2.Remove unessary monster spawns (the ones that aint worth killing)
3.Let players tame 20 sheep per account (so it dont get that lag with alot)
4.Make trees give more kindling (more than 3)
5.More random mustang,orn,zos,llama spawns
6.Remove unessary houses that are in the way especially in minoc(the little one rooms that is unfair to other players and since the player base is low i say remove them and give the other players a chance to put a house near a mine there are others that are in the way just so that other players cant place nothing in that spot I say remove any custom house that is not doing any good for shard)
7.Increase skill gain alil (not to much)
8.New armor idea Xtreme Frost Armor (make it look like chainmail sumin different color than ice )
9.New weapon idea Frost weapons (Freezes/paralyzes when it hits only obtainable through crafting)
10. Add Nightmare mustang spawns (different colors to obtain)

I hope this post dont anger anyone but I say change some things and see what happens after that.

Captain Morgan Wrote:UO interests me enough, I dont need incentive to login. The hard work the staff has done to the shard to make it more interesting such as adding things to craft systems and fixing spawns and adding mobs is good enough for me.

That's great for you but unfortunately there are a lot of people that are missing a reason to log in and that's what I'm trying to find a solution to here...

In response to Token's points...

1. I don't see that happening and to be honest I think it does more good then harm. Too many people would leave their PC's on 24/7 and become ridiculously rich and then when someone who doesn't do that tries to make money by selling ores they won't get much profit since there's so much available so it has a low selling point. Only way to get around this is to have a staff manually check people at random and they get jailed for being caught. Unfortunately the staff are busy with IRL and other things so there's not enough time for them to check up on everyone.
2. It's cool that the world isn't empty, but to some degree these monsters are useless and they may be contributing in some way to the lag we get with higher player count. Less for the server to run means better for us right?
3. Why do people NEED to be able to tame sheep? There are other ways to get cotton...
4. Agreed.
5. Agreed.
6. Personally I don't feel there are too many houses, and especially since we're not tons of players right now I don't think it's as pressing as an issue. You can't tell me 5 people can't find an area to put a house...
7. Maybe for pvp & pvm skills, but leave crafting and gathering skills as they are
8. Smoke or Luda started a good thread about adding a few types of armors or putting some armors on rotation. I guess nobody liked it, or did the thread get buried in flames?
9. Well they just finished re-balancing the weapons so maybe now we can slowly add a few new ones
10. Agreed.

I think the only way we can improve and get players here is by adding or changing the features they want to see. It's great for the staff to have a general direction they want to take the shard in, but it's got to be able to adapt to what the players want. Keep the ideas coming everyone! I'm sure we can find some things to bring more players!

Okay my turn to respond.

1. Never happening. Even if it did, you can be sure I would be the new anti macro gump. Instead of simply killing you after 3 minutes though I would wipe your bank. Consider the anti macro gump more like Shade protection.
2. Meh, seems like you are just thinking from your perspective. There are tons of monsters worth killing, plus some people enjoy hunting in different locations instead of just hopping from one xtreme to another.
3. Baah.
4. Well instead of that you can cut the tree with an axe and then turn logs into kindling. This gives much more kindling per tree.
5. When the shard picks up there will be more spawns added, as I said before.
6. House decay should be implemented as we come out of beta or earlier if needed/possible. That should take care of that problem.
7. No. It only takes a roughly a week to GM the skills you need to pvp, which is extremely easy skill gain. PvM and crafting skills are already too easy as well.
8 & 9. New armors and weapons will be released in the future. A few things have already been planned for this and will be released after we come out of beta.
10. Do you want nightmares because of how they look or because they can own stuff? If actual nightmares we tamed at their current strength I would make it takes hours to get one and cap an account at 1 tamable. If people like them because of their looks, I could create a handicap version of the nightmare, looks the same but stupid and weak. As I said though, this won't be done til the playerbase increases though.

Try to remember that at the end of the day IN:X is about offering gameplay for all types of players and that we need features balanced with that in mind. Some of you might not like that we have something the way it is but another person may actually enjoy that same thing.

I was kind of hoping to see some unique suggestions or ideas on this topic. Someone think of something nifty for me to add!

when a red goes to blue town, guards wack him, how about making a new thing for those who just are grey? like getting jailed to pay out crimes or so? i remember when my cousin was making a shard, he showed me a jail they made, where you could pick cotton, mine, smith etc.. like working in the jail to pay out ur crimes. so if i att someone in a town, then guards would send me there for say 3 hours-> days or so? it would be more "realistic" cause i dont think cops would kill you for snatching a purse or knocking someone down ;o:doubt:

- regards, Fable

Naw , I'm totally againest any kind of jailing cos of killingSmile And as I think and already said UO doesn't have to be realistic, this game isn't based on true story. But oh well, if you would add like 10-60min delay before guards would come like IRL, and if they will catch you in guard zone they will jail you - I'd agree. But honestly, better suggest something what would promote ganking if we will get higher playerbase, not kill it;p
And the kind of jail you're talking about is very popular on another shards, however it's used as jail, just instead of offline jail time they punish players like that. For example they must gather 5000 logs from 30 trees that placed on the "Jail area", then when they're done they just click exit stone, it takes the logs from their packs and releases em. Not very easy to chop these logs I must say, especially when server has high online count and ten more people trying to chop logs with you.

In response to Shade...

1. I don't have a problem with wiping banks... but do it on the third or fourth offense, not the first or second time. I think it also depends on how long you are checking on the guy. If you reveal yourself and give them 2 seconds to respond and then kill them or wipe their pack or bank, that's worse then the macro gump which actually gives you 3 minutes; enough time to not punish you for going to the bathroom, getting a drink, reading a forum post while mining, etc. I think many people would actually prefer a staff checking on them then the macro gump provided the punishment for missing a reply isn't 10x worse then it is now. An advantage of a staff checking instead of the gump is that you probably won’t get 10 in just a few minutes. I think once a staff sees you talking to them they’ll leave you alone for a little while.

2. I think token was referring to the monsters like snakes, rats, etc. I don't think he meant to get rid of monsters like drakes, terathans, etc. I don't know many people who hunt monsters like snakes and rats to make money. Maybe to train the combat skills leave a few areas of low strength monsters but it's not needed all over the world. Although sometimes it’s nicer to see some monsters (even though they’re useless) then endless empty forests.

4. Shade you're a genious (I think)! I'd have to try ingame to see if you can only make 1 kindling at a time or if it makes as many as you have logs in your pack (like with arrows). If it makes as many as you have in your pack and has a 100% success rate then that works great, especially since it will train your lumberjacking skill when you harvest logs!

5. That's good to read, but to get our former players back we need to add something now. We can't promise them something when we come out of beta because most of them think we're not going to ever come out of beta and players like samurai and hiroshima won't log on without something new for them to do. Personally I just built a new computer and I can play all the latest and greatest RTS, FPS, etc games and don’t have much of a reason to play UO hours on end like I did years ago or even a few months ago when I’d macro, hunt, craft a lot.

6. As everyone knows I'm against this idea in the first place, and especially now when there's only 5-10 people on the majority of the time it’s needed even less. Then again I’m not gonna lose anything out of this so if it makes others happy, do it. Personally I’d like to at least see the stuff banked and not all deleted.

7. Well as I said in my first post, I can understand and I even appreciate the fact the staff have a direction they want to go in with the shard, but if players keep asking for something you can't turn them down time and time again or you will end up losing them.

8 & 9. Yay! (prays for holy lunar armor)

Shade Wrote:Try to remember that at the end of the day IN:X is about offering gameplay for all types of players and that we need features balanced with that in mind. Some of you might not like that we have something the way it is but another person may actually enjoy that same thing. I was kind of hoping to see some unique suggestions or ideas on this topic. Someone think of something nifty for me to add!

I think we are covering points of more then one game style. In fact, I didn't even bring up the monster thing (and I'm guessing you talking about xtremes in point #2 was directed towards me since I occasionally ask for more to be added) and there weren't any suggestions about ganking! Closest thing you could say about ganking is Fable made a suggestion about being criminal.

In response to Fable:

I don't really like the idea of having to work to get out of jail. I don't know about you, but when I get jailed I'm pissed. And hanging around doing something pointless isn't really something I want to do with my free time that I choose to spend playing UO. Even worse is if you get jailed for trying to rob someone or attacking someone, that really sucks since this is exactly the type of gameplay some people log onto UO for.

Here are a few fetched ideas:

Maybe we could have two types of guards. The guards we have now would be for reds and for greys a guard would come that has 1-2 times more hp or mana then us, 100 skills, regular cast and attack rates and they fight you in the middle of town and if you survive their attack they say something like "you're too strong for me villain!" and they disappear. If they kill you though you turn red for however long you'd stay grey (so you can't go to town) and then after that delay you’d go blue again.

1. Add paragons. Fighting a paragon is usually a challenge and the chest they drop with extra loot was always worth the fight. Even better is when you end up facing an xtreme paragon!

2. Add some interactive types of quests for new tameables or items. Don't just have someone run around or fight 10 monsters or search the whole world or solve a riddle. Have people solve puzzles and instead of having the NPC reveal something, have the player go collect things that they then have to figure out how to combine instead of just giving it to the NPC. Maybe you have to get 5 items and then the NPC gives you a special mortar and pestle and when you double click it it says ‘choose 3 ingredients’. This way you spend a few minutes figuring out what the right combination is. Then once someone gets it working the ingredients list changes so players can’t just post it on the forums! You can even add some crafting requirements, but nothing crazy like 100bs, 100 carp, 100 tailoring.

Or give players a quest that's worth repeating, like in D2 why do you keep doing dungeon runs? To level your player and get rewards. Maybe the suggestion silverwolf gave a while ago about gaining a few skill points doing a quest would be good. Say it takes 1 hour to gain 5 peacemaking, well if you go find 2-3 specific monsters and try peacemaking on them you get 5 peacemaking.

Ok let me explain alil detailed!

1. The Anti Macro Gump is a good thing but sux when it malfunctioned that one time I dont want to see the shard have 35-90 players and 25 of them are resource gathering and the A.M.G. goes haywire and kills them and that is not going to make them happy.

2. I mean the monsters that drop like 100gold or less because u get like 20-30 of them together u lag when tring to kill them. Even if you remove 25% of them that will be less lag on the server. Keep the snakes because you can tame and shrink them. They make cool decoration items.

3. From a crafter point of view it is usless now to make spinning wheel and loom and to get some gold from wool. Now it is a waste because u can't tame sheep for a while now. So remove sheep and cotton from the shard. Or fence off the cotton fields and sheep and make a quest to get the privilage to gather resources.

4. Making kindling from logs takes a while it only crafts one at a time but arrows are set up make as many as possible. I say change it to where trees give 10 kindling. Or one log turns into 5 kindling. Or craft as many as possible like arrows.

5. More spawns gives players sumin to do like go out and find a rare ride. Or how about taking out a spawn (EX. gold mustang and replace it with sumin new and in a different location switch it up some)

6. I mean those houses near the mines in minoc in general. To give other players a chance to get mining or smithy in the future and have a house close to the mines. Of course dont delete them just bank them to the player.

7. I scripted before and I know it is on a scale system from what I remember. I figured set it up alil to be a gift to the remaining players and to get some more players.

8 & 9. Thats cool on the armor and weapons thanks for letting us know Shade. Right now i am out of ideas but ill think of some later tho. I really dont want to suggest sumin and it be similar to another game or anything i want it to totally unique one of a kind.

10. Well it would be sumin to play for. Make it tough to get to and tame a nightmare. Also if you can cap it per account why was sheep not capped like 50 or sumin back in the day?


Once I gm all skills I will be leaving UO for good I may log in from time to time to see how everything is doing and log off. After I gm all skills I will redeed all my houses so I dont half to worry about them.

P.S. My ideas was not for greed and personal gain. I figured to think for all and any players new and old. But I have some faith in the shard it has great potenial. The work that went into the shard is an AWESOME JOB keep it up. Well I am bound to take a break from UO in the future so if I dont log on for a while. I'm on vacation from UO LOL!!!

You speak like the AMG got malfuncitons everyday, In one year playing everyday I saw the Anti-macro going weird 3/4 times and just on 1 of them it was killing you before the right time.

A few other ideas:

There are apparently some items scattered over the world that 'with a bit of skill are yours for the taking' as Shade said. If some hints were given at what kind of items these are or what kind of skills are needed I'm sure some people would go searching for them. All the info on these items that I can find is that there's 10-15 of them, the easiest one can be found in Occlo and you can take them with a bit of skill. What makes it even worse is that the items you can take were added like 1-2 months ago and we were told they were new items that would stick out if you know the area. Well new players don't know what new items were added so it's a really cryptic and not very helpful description!

Add a master quest NPC. This NPC doesn't have to tell you what the quests are, but just where you can find NPCs to give you the quests. This would encourage some people to do the quests since if you can't even find the NPC you have no idea what the quests are.

Make a more consistent weekly tour or special monster appearance. There's supposed to be a weekly reg but I don't see or read about it every week and if there's no consistency peopl won't know if it exists or not or even if they should try to be home at that time. It doesn't have to be a reg every night, just something simple like a few slightly stronger monsters attack a town. I don't think that takes much setup time or even monitoring...

The items I was talking about are spawnable rares basically. There may be about 20 now, I forget offhand, and about 6 of them were found. Some of them are obvious and some aren't. I will be adding something on the website about these items in the next week or so, just need to finish the mounts section and one other thing first. It would have been on there by now if I didn't have to leave for a month.

As for weekly (specific time) events, I personally can't do that as I am a very sporadic person and I would just end up letting everyone down so I don't even bother. However before I left for my break I started doing weekly quests, though I only did like 3 before I had to split for a little while. I will be bringing these back soon when I catch up with some other things that need to get done first, like the thing mentioned above.

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