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I think there should be an "upgrade system" to weapons. For ex, say you scoop up a nice surpassingly accururate ruin/might/force. That's almost too good to trash but if you can only upgrade a weapon once, ruin and might weapons are still useless and just get trashed. Power weapons are very easy to attain so spending the 7k silver to raise a ruin to a might or a might to a force is an illogical option when you can easily just go get a power weapon. IMO if you want to build a nice power weapon out of say a surpassingly accurate ruin/might that'd be really cool. For instance, 2k silver to raise ruin to might, 4k silver to raise might to force, then 6k to raise it to power. That way you could invest 12k into a ruin weapon and actually make it useful. That would work really well with the silver trash-reward system. It would also work with accuracy buffs, too. For example say you have a normal power or vanq and you want to make it elite, putting 12-15k into it is pretty reasonable to turn it into a surpassingly accurate vanq.

The only drawback I see right now is the free surpassingly accurate might weapons that are spawned "donation basket" at the merc camp. In order for my suggestion to be balanced, the merc camp basket would need to be changed as well.

me likey

You will have to enlighten me since Shade did this bit.

How do the current upgrade system work and how much do they cost? 7k silver and you can only use them once on an armor/weapon?

Balancing Counterweight (10K) : +1 Level to Accuracy
Whetstone (15K) : +1 Level to Damage
Armor Reinforcement Kit (5K) : +1 Level to Armor Durability
Shock-Absorbant Lining (7.5K) : +1 Level to Armor Protection

It has a higher chance to be applied to lower-level items and can fail on higher level items. They can only go to one below the highest level. (e.g. Power).

To get to the highest level, you'd need to use a Perfect enhancement gem on it, but right now the only way to get that is to kill Pyros.

^^Yeah kinda pricey I would love to take advantage of this feature but as of now it's just too expensive for small returns.

Eru Wrote:the only way to get that is to kill Pyros.
that bastard.

I like the feature a lot =] Not crazy expensive, people are just too lazy to trash stuff when hunting ^_^
Also, where are Pyros, Fire Dungeon I'm guessing?

Pyros is in the Hellfire Cave north of Britain. The cave wasn't being used for something and whoever started it wasn't going to be finishing it any time soon since they were old IN:X staff. Tongue

So, I added a boss monster to it. It's the firespirit that Shade or Taran scripted (not sure who) and you need a special item to spawn him. It's a 1 in 100 drop from the other monsters in the cave.

He's pretty hard to kill from what I'm hearing.

I've been working on this and theres no clue as to what the item is...i have no idea how to summon him or anything :/ ive been wanting to do the quest for a while though

I wouldn't bother. Whoever scripted the fire spirit that he's based on made it pretty much unkillable.

It has a million hitpoints and mana, regenerates mana super fast, and heals itself if you stop attacking it. You'll stop attacking it quickly because it summons 10s of fire fields in all directions, creates minions, and makes lava pools at the feet of anything nearby which will kill a summon within 4-5 seconds (even an ev/daemon). Oh, and the minions heal it also.

It needs to be nerfed before it can actually be killed. Tongue If you want to summon him though, he's in the hellfire cave directly north of britain and you need a 1/100 drop from the monsters inside to summon him from the altar.

lol wow

The item is a small nondescript fire colored thing that is dropped after you clear the entire cave about half a dozen times... search all corpses and it will be hard to miss... You'll never beat Pyros, but its worth doing it once just to see him in action.

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