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Call it what you want

I'll say this flat out.. Staff needs to be more active.. I don't understand why whenever things start going good for this server and we hit a peak in player base, the staff seem to think were well on our way and that all our problems are solved so they can just stop whatever they are doing.. It doesn't work like that. I'm not even just talking about hosting and opening up events.. How about some active staff to answer pages every once and awhile? How are we supposed to "make our own fun" when we have questions about a new hunting spot or new items and nobody is around to answer them? Also when there is 4 people active on the server it doesn't hurt to lend a hand to 1 of those people just once, to restore the faith a little bit. Me and Shifty have both had a long list of ideas on how to make this shard a much funner experience not only for new players but for the old veterans, but we're not going to write 5 pages to just have to staff toss it away and overlook what we have to say.

If there is any interest in what we have to say please let me know, otherwise I won't bother giving my opinion again and typing as much as I just did. Just to touch on the whole hosting aspect, which everyone seems to argue over.. When NEW players come to this server and log into pits the first thing they see is 6 people afk standing around.. a short run through any town, whether it be Brit, Occlo, anything and not one active person in sight.... Do you really think that person is going to waste their time with a server like that? If staff refuses to be online and get too comfortable having that power then temporarily block their account or take that gm away from them until they decide they have more time and try out new staff.. There are a handful of loyal players on this shard who are active for a better part of each day, why not give them a chance? I guarantee things would change if you tried something new and opened your mind to a new staff member or two.

I hope the staff doesn't see me as bashing the server. I want it to be a great server and have lots of active players, but seriously feel that some changes need to be made.. Staff aren't the only ones with good ideas and I feel that the players need to be heard a little better and taken a little more seriously.. I'm not sure how you can ask us to donate if you won't even hear our suggestions and take them into serious consideration.. All the veterans of xuo and in I'm sure have lots of great ideas from servers of the past. In all I just had to get a few things of my chest and whether or not staff listen to any of this I have said my piece..


Post your ideas bro, I'll definitely read them Smile

didn't smoke bring this up in the active staff thread? lol

meance bro you're just going to get flamed, i tryed a few weeks ago and i'm trying again yet they don't seem to get the message =/

First off let me just say thanks for expressing your opinions in a proper matter. Most people go all crazy childish when they don't see instant change or demand we be on 24/7 and we aren't.

That being said, we do read and consider all ideas that are posted on the forums as well as listen to ideas brought up in game. However some ideas don't get added for certain reasons and that can't be helped as we cannot add everyones ideas without conflicting with the setting of this shard. Many of the newer features and changes we have actually came from suggestions though so please don't think we aren't listening. We do listen and we appreciate all feedback and ideas regarding all aspects of the shard.

As for staff, well some staff are busier then others. We all try to chip in best we can though but real life typically takes priority over staffing. Adding more staff is always an option but you have to realize that hiring new staff is risky. We have to take many many things into account, like if its a player we may check their logs to make sure they are a positive contributor to the community in some way and know how to act in certain situations. We also have to make sure that this person is honest and truly cares for the shard, not to mention we have to take into account their staffing experience and free time. So will we have new staff? Sure but just keep in mind we cannot simply hire people at random without risking the shards well being.

I know it sucks hearing this (and it sucks to have to say it) but just be patient because we are trying our best to make this shard more amazing every day.

Also, if you ever have questions regarding anything in game and nobody is on to answer them just post it and either we or other players will answer them. That way it becomes public knowledge for anyone else who may have a question about something we haven't documented information on.

Shade Wrote:First off let me just say thanks for expressing your opinions in a proper matter. Most people go all crazy childish when they don't see instant change or demand we be on 24/7 and we aren't.

That being said, we do read and consider all ideas that are posted on the forums as well as listen to ideas brought up in game. However some ideas don't get added for certain reasons and that can't be helped as we cannot add everyones ideas without conflicting with the setting of this shard. Many of the newer features and changes we have actually came from suggestions though so please don't think we aren't listening. We do listen and we appreciate all feedback and ideas regarding all aspects of the shard.

As for staff, well some staff are busier then others. We all try to chip in best we can though but real life typically takes priority over staffing. Adding more staff is always an option but you have to realize that hiring new staff is risky. We have to take many many things into account, like if its a player we may check their logs to make sure they are a positive contributor to the community in some way and know how to act in certain situations. We also have to make sure that this person is honest and truly cares for the shard, not to mention we have to take into account their staffing experience and free time. So will we have new staff? Sure but just keep in mind we cannot simply hire people at random without risking the shards well being.

I know it sucks hearing this (and it sucks to have to say it) but just be patient because we are trying our best to make this shard more amazing every day.

Also, if you ever have questions regarding anything in game and nobody is on to answer them just post it and either we or other players will answer them. That way it becomes public knowledge for anyone else who may have a question about something we haven't documented information on.

Technique for staff. He plays alot

No life is complicated only if you make it to be

[Image: 1t27gdviiokfmncbdgmg.gif]

HE plays a lot?! :damnitface: >_<

MadMan Wrote:Technique for staff. He plays alot

He cries alot.

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Lederoil Wrote:He cries alot.

lol you just dont like my suggestions

MadMan Wrote:Technique for staff. He plays alot

nah i'd refuse it i don't want to be a gm but i'm 10000000% sure they wouldn't hire me anyways

shade for GM!

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Odium for counselor!

First of all maybe u wont understand all the post because im not very good in english.

I played in xuo. I played in this server the first weeks.
Now i wanted to come back, i logged some days and all that i see was ppl afk in pits. I went to all the citys and i only saw one day 2 ppl moving and the second day 4.
I have like 5 friends who want to play too but the problem is the skills. They had acc on old server but didnt have email (maybe all the spanish i know dont have email linked to their acc). The last time i played skills were crazy to macro. Im not saying u must macro 2 hours and have 100%.
Other thing i wanted to say is that i talked with some ppl and say: bah they have been in beta for a year. So in my opinion you should do the jump and send now the email cuz ppl r starting to quit uo. Not quiting from a server.

Now im playing on tdo and its a shit compared with in-x. But there ppl is more active than here. So there is more fun there than here no matter that the server have lots of bugs.

So in conclusion this is for players and staff (more players than staff) PLEASE MOVE! dont stay in pits and lets gank or something. The new ppl that come to the server will see like me that there is no move and wont play. Its imposible to stay in a server where u only see 5 ppl afk in pits.

Thx for reading my post and sorry for my english.
Ill check the post for your opinions.

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