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Redesigning the website! Give your feedback here!

I'm mostly done. There are some minor changes that need to be made like the child-menu items' colors and the colors you get if you click on the "Skills" menu and not a submenu. Going to take a break for now. I'm tired of CSS. >_<

Haha, CSS is pretty easy Wink Especially when it's only colors Tongue
The real problem is to make it look the same in all browsers!:rant:

Done. Give me feedback on what colors need to be changed, what's hard to view or clashes, etc and I'll work on changing it.

@Bungah: Tell me about it... I had a site I was working on at work for trouble-shooting that is basically a flowchart/heap that loads the next steps from a MySQL database and I thought i'd been super clever in making a super simple html page that I can modify with a huge-like-XBox css file.

Sounded good until I tried to get it to work right in the browsers at home, plus the older version we use at work, plus firefox/chrome have differneces... >_<

There should be some kind of standard. It still amazes me at how big a cluster**** it is to make a webpage that displays properly.

I suggest, to be consistent with the forum design, the following:
Play with borders especially on the main body content or around each content entry...
Section off each entry to look more similar to the forum entries by giving the title a title background color and the content the content background color...

I made some minor color changes. Better? Worse?

It looks better, easier to read for me.....Smile

Taran made some awesome changes and now we're working on making the server status match the rest of the site. Right now it's black and white and looks terrible. :< (click for ugliness)

What does everyone think of the colors on this version:
New Test Version: -deleted-

I'm also hoping to edit the script so that it will color guilds based on Chaos/Order, karma based on name-hue, kills based on whether someone is a murderer or not, and location based on whether or not it's guarded.

Right now I think that the colors on the page are too different. Like it's hard to see them as a list of names now since the colors are too bold. I'm thinking of making them lighter, then only having subtle differences instead of the very strong ones that it has now.

-edit again-
Changed to ligher colors with less strong differences between them.

Also, if you can think of any features that aren't listed in the feature list, let me know and I'll add them. Smile I want prospective new players to see how bad-ass we are.

Im looking, and Im liking Tongue

Alternate table row colors would be great on the skill pages at least. Dunno if it'd be necessary on the status pages but skill pages would be a lot more easy to read.

Site looks good =] but the Hue's list isn't showing the icons, just text

What the heck? :< It looks like the /images/hues folder is gone. It's also been that way a while apparently because I don't have a backup of it.

You can get a full copy of hues here:
I'll work on getting a better set later.

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