03-09-2009, 03:45 AM
Alright so this suggestion isn't really my own creative and original idea. It should really be credited to who ever thought of it first,seeing as how I don't know the name of that person or group of people I can't really attribute it to them, but nonetheless it is a very good idea (for pvpers).
Ok so before I say this suggestion I would first like you be in an open minded mood. Because seeing as how most of you post readers will be PVE'rs you are going to immediately shut this idea out. (I only say PVE'rs because I looked at server status and everyone's kills was 0, so I assume no one pvps).
The suggestion: A GPS Tracker on all players be open to the public. So basically what I'm saying is that somewhere on this site, maybe on the server status next to everyones name should also be their in game coordinates. The purpose of this is to :
1. Attract lost PVPers to this shard as it now may give them a reason to play here. PVPers can now expand their limited realm of pking from outside Britain Bridge and Occlo to trivial dungeons where PVErs are hunting.
2. This also gives motivation to PVErs to finally adopt the ways of PVP. It finally gives them the incentive to try PVPINg or at the very least come up with some sort of self defense mechanism.
3. Well as the title of the post says "The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia" it adds a bit of adventure and "Fun" to the shard. Its little bit of horror and excitement that builds into the game and gets rid of the old boring and banal atmosphere.
And if you do find the coordinate system as unproductive and a disservice to the server, then like all bad ideas you throw it out! But hey you'll never what it will be like until you try it!
Ok so before I say this suggestion I would first like you be in an open minded mood. Because seeing as how most of you post readers will be PVE'rs you are going to immediately shut this idea out. (I only say PVE'rs because I looked at server status and everyone's kills was 0, so I assume no one pvps).
The suggestion: A GPS Tracker on all players be open to the public. So basically what I'm saying is that somewhere on this site, maybe on the server status next to everyones name should also be their in game coordinates. The purpose of this is to :
1. Attract lost PVPers to this shard as it now may give them a reason to play here. PVPers can now expand their limited realm of pking from outside Britain Bridge and Occlo to trivial dungeons where PVErs are hunting.
2. This also gives motivation to PVErs to finally adopt the ways of PVP. It finally gives them the incentive to try PVPINg or at the very least come up with some sort of self defense mechanism.
3. Well as the title of the post says "The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia" it adds a bit of adventure and "Fun" to the shard. Its little bit of horror and excitement that builds into the game and gets rid of the old boring and banal atmosphere.
And if you do find the coordinate system as unproductive and a disservice to the server, then like all bad ideas you throw it out! But hey you'll never what it will be like until you try it!