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Just a simple reminder all .... Lets not forget to conitinue voting for the shard when we can ... It helps us all in the head and makes our favorite shard look better ,and perhaps gain us more player base Smile

Why are you waiting ???
Go Go Go!!!



i only vote when reminded, so keep reminding me because i tend to forget Tongue

All Eyez On Me[SIZE="5"][/SIZE]

keep bumping this daily. when i see it pop up on the main page i click all 3 Smile

maybe we should have a permanent thread on main page?
OH WAIT, WE DO! (its on the right)



Just voted, keep it up!

Bump, New day, need more votes Big Grin

Come on people! Vote Vote Vote!

Oh I'ts True!

id like to thank every one thats helped keep this thread going ^^ lets keep up the good work .. Sometimes we all just need a little reminder to continue to vote Smile it seems like its doing well lets keep it up guys ! vote vote vote : ) Announce in game time to time as well Well thank you all very much for your time Smile



Pum Pum Plaka Plaka

Don't you know I'm Loco?

All my friends.. If you vote our shard we ll raise number 1 shard and if we allways ll be number 1 shard;
People ll join our shard and we ll grove up...
and than more people ll join tourneys and quests,
brit bridge wars back,
more noobs means more hunts for pks *Evil Grin*
bigger ecconomy (whith trades)
new weapons, new armors, new rides, new items, new deco. items, new dungeuns ll come
order and chaos wars ll begin...

All of these thinks is my dream but maybe its not a dream...

Vote our shard all day... and dreams come true...


**Nem for Public Affairs (PA) Officer!**

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