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Skills back?

Rabbi Samild Wrote:What you COULD do is give 75-80 magery from a stone (enough to cast blades, GH, poison, etc) and charge what it would have cost in regs (do a test to find out). Script something into the banker that allows them to pay it back over 3 weeks or something, else they lose the +25 magery bonus they bought. This could definitely help players with recall, mark, and get them on their feet to do hunting to pay back the debt.

Whatcha think?


maka Wrote:I like that idea

What happens when they reach 100 magery?

probably we could give them free if they reach 100 magery before the loan ends, they get the 25+ magery free otherwise if they are 99.5 or whatever they lose the +25 paying some money or whatever.

If I spend my time GMing magery for a week and then suddenly the server decides to put this idea "of giving out magery for free," you sure as hell better expect to find me as well as the rest of the players that GMed magery pissed beyond belief. :mad:

Slaethin Wrote:If I spend my time GMing magery for a week and then suddenly the server decides to put this idea "of giving out magery for free," you sure as hell better expect to find me as well as the rest of the players that GMed magery pissed beyond belief. :mad:


I don't want to see any handouts on this shard, EVER. I could see getting players started off with 75-80 magery, since it's one skill that helps you branch off in any direction, but it's a LOAN, not a freebie.

If they player wastes the 3 weeks they have to pay back the amount of regs it takes to get from 50-75 and is at GM, guess what? They get put back at 75 (-25 from GM). The goal is to help players start off to be able to "buy" regs (in the form of paying back a loan), not making it so they can GM magery in 3 weeks.

Also it should only be for players who pick magery as their 50 starting skill, otherwise the player has to pay an appropriate amount in addition to buy their skill from the max you can train on a vendor to 75 (so say, 31-75).

That's my take on the issue.


"Arcane Stone of Infused Power" - Sold by mage vendor for 5K, gives 80 magery for 2 hours, then returns you to your normal skill level. Magery gains while under the stone's power will be added to your skill when the effect ends. (i.e. Use the stone at 60, and get 1.5 skillup, when the effect ends, you have 61.5 magery)

It's temporary, people will use it just for farming since it's expensive, and at 80 magery, you should be able to cast BS, EV, Heal, etc to farm efficiently. Once you hit 80, you're on your own.

Sindern Wrote:"Arcane Stone of Infused Power" - Sold by mage vendor for 5K, gives 80 magery for 2 hours, then returns you to your normal skill level. Magery gains while under the stone's power will be added to your skill when the effect ends. (i.e. Use the stone at 60, and get 1.5 skillup, when the effect ends, you have 61.5 magery)

It's temporary, people will use it just for farming since it's expensive, and at 80 magery, you should be able to cast BS, EV, Heal, etc to farm efficiently. Once you hit 80, you're on your own.

I like this idea Smile

If you transferred your character on INX before it went down your character is still there you can email taran at [email protected] with some information about your character to prove that it is yours.

If you had a character on previous versions of IN or XUO then I'm sorry to say transfers have ceased.

Is everyone kidding me here?

My character on IN:R was Setep [Forsaken], i macroed my ass off on that shard and by all means deserve my skills just like everyone else. It is pretty lame that people are actually discussing a newbied pack for someone who was so loyal and in the same boat as everyone else.

All i ask for is similar treatment to everyone else on this shard who came from IN:R. nothing more, nothing less.

Can it be done or not? if not.. i wont even bother.. so dont even discuss with me alternatives. im not training my skills again, forget it.

its purely upto the administrator of the shard for this one. I have 5 players waiting to join who all macroed and trained on IN:R and everyone remembers how ****in hard that was..

i dont want GM mage i dont want no newbied bag to start me off.. i want my skills that i worked hard for.

Before the shard went down, you could have transferred your player, JUST LIKE EVERYONE DID.! The time is up. When taran put the server back on, he said there is no more player transfer.. Its up to Taran, but I am sure Taran will deny it if you keep talking like that.!

Good luck with it.

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

I macroed on Novu.s Opiate

maka Wrote:I macroed on Novu.s Opiate


[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

Slaethin Wrote:If I spend my time GMing magery for a week and then suddenly the server decides to put this idea "of giving out magery for free," you sure as hell better expect to find me as well as the rest of the players that GMed magery pissed beyond belief. :mad:

Hey man i started with scratch and when all the people were complaining about magery, everybody was crying and whining about magery and in that week i increase magery till 100 ( i spent more than 100ks on magery) then staff make easier magery. And i had to piss off myself spending a lot of time more than other people. Also i started with 100 coins not with 2k right now.

As Maka said I macroed on ***** opiate:

I have macroed in probably 10-15 servers Also in XUO jakko, and cos it was Xuo Jakko I got 0 cos it wasnt from maka version.

So man we are trying to help in some manners, of course i dont mind now if they give you all gm magery. but if so I want my 10-15 plants back which i lose when taran shutdown the server and re opened it without sending mails or whatever, when i notice it was up all my plants were gonne ( i spent on them more than 15 days to get em all, and nobody cares ( including staff),
in those 15 + days im sure you can get gm magery, gm all combats, gm healing etc...

Also now the spawn that i only found (i think) in the server has been deleted so i cant take more seeds to plant (luckily i stored 2 seeds at one bag in my house) so now i only have 2 plants instead of 15

well have fun i hope you enjoy.

Question: IS there inscription gonna be "Easier" ? cos before taran shutdown too much people argued about this cos is impossible? i cant remember how much money i spent and im only 76.5, Its not worth it to raise. thats why i stopped.

well Thx all the staff member for keeping alive this

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