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Maka READ(ONLY) *laughs*

Well not to say i told you so.. but

Guess who's back ... >:}>

**** you maka looks like your shard got karate chopped ;p

I'm not really following, but since I'm a strong supporter of the image that you are portraying of yourself, I'll leave your post hanging.

I'm sure you really do follow you don't have to be bashfull or feel like an idiot for making people wait 2 years to play a uo server.. I mean come on you were only scripting a server its not like you were coding a game .. I mean jeeze then to top it all off 2 years of work vs what a month of uptime? Congratulations! Your the winner of a ****ed server! :}
I mean come on.. you get a FREE Host you have 10 + staff and couldn't make it work? Dummie x{


-Admin Reflex

Admin Reflex Wrote:I'm sure you really do follow you don't have to be bashfull or feel like an idiot for making people wait 2 years to play a uo server.. I mean come on you were only scripting a server its not like you were coding a game .. I mean jeeze then to top it all off 2 years of work vs what a month of uptime? Congratulations! Your the winner of a ****ed server! :}
I mean come on.. you get a FREE Host you have 10 + staff and couldn't make it work? Dummie x{


-Admin Reflex

You Sir are a twit !!

The shard you placed up and running is a joke !

Do not come and place yourself superior to others, because you are not !

You are a replica (Reflex) of what you want to become but never succeed to become it !

You are smoke where others are the essence !

To sum it all up, you are a joke ! Wink

My website doesn't display that my shard sucks so where are you getting your information from? :} I receive over 1k hits a month to my site and its been up two weeks

Oh, and btw.. where are you playing uo at right? oh yea your glorious server is <u>DOWN</u>... I bet you are having so much fun checking the forums saying MAN!! IS IT UP YET!!? hahaha

I doubt your shard will stay up (in a state worth playing) very long with its whopping 40 people that play.

Perhaps a better kick-in-the-face to us here at IN-X would have been for you to run a massively successful server. You only make yourself look like a douche by coming here and posting trash like this.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

I see my server succeeding just fine... We grow daily on Game/Forum/Irc we have yet to take a step back so be prepaired for that cat to grab your tounge :} A good kick in the face is that my server is more like orginial Nos/in/Xuo then your lame remake lol even incorpertated the IN world nicely and I never even played there or knew a damn thing about it.. But as far as I can see every person who played XUO/NOS/IN is very happy an aswell as every new guy. Posting here is just to rub the Downfall in even more than what it has already been rubbed in lol
*Points and Laughs*
Write back soon pretty kitty :} Hugs n Kisses


INX didn't go down, we took it down, hence no downfall. We had at most around 280 clients, if not more. I think that you will have a hard time competing with that, no matter how long your server stays up.

But yeah, you are right. It did take a long time to code, and it currently is down, but the quality of the server will for ever exceed any old sphere version, even if that isn't anything to be proud of. But I guess that what you are trying to tell me is that INX isn't a rip of, had a lot of new thinking and that it was hard to achieve due to the community blend and balancing?

In other words, that it wasn't just a project where I changed 3 values, added EV wands, and waited for the server to crash and die, but built to last in the long run?

Now if I hadn't moved to another country, moved within that country, started school so abruptly and traveled 5 hours every day to get there and home, I'm quite sure that INX would have kept growing and improving. With me gone, the lack of developers became more evident, as I was probably pulling the work load of 4 developers and 2 admins.

Still, I managed to leave a good hierarchy and settlement where taran could at least run the show, and keep the server up, and he did so successfully. He just couldn't fight the need for the developers and the load became to much.

But my experience with UO has given me new and true friends, business connections, a vast amount of knowledge in regards to running a server/game, organizing staff members and working with object oriented programming. INX is something I'm proud of, INX is something that I actually have on my job application. That, with the other things on my CV, actually keeps getting me job offers within the industry, while I'm still in school and got 4 more years to go (normally they only apply for students with 1 year to go). I'm working on a game with the brain behind the first RunXUO and we are very successful.

So this leads me to ask, what has UO given you, besides a retard stamp? Have you ever progressed, or are you always aiming for regression(this is obviously kind of ironical, but I doubt you'll understand)?

But as they say, only way to beat an idiot, is to get down on their level.


I can switch in and out of idiot mode, you can'tSad

:lol: LOL very well said maka :lol:

INX didn't go down, we took it down, hence no downfall. We had at most around 280 clients, if not more. I think that you will have a hard time competing with that, no matter how long your server stays up.

REPLY: Sometimes all I can do is laugh at you .. really hahah!! 280 clients that stuck arround for what a week? Only because all the hype of a server that was in the making for 2 years!!! Then it fell to what 80 as stated on front page? THAT IS A DOWN FALL.. Here let me enable IDIOT MODE!! So you can comprehend... :} Also my server will always be up even though its not hosted freely on a shitty host such as xs4all ;}

But yeah, you are right. It did take a long time to code, and it currently is down, but the quality of the server will for ever exceed any old sphere version, even if that isn't anything to be proud of. But I guess that what you are trying to tell me is that INX isn't a rip of, had a lot of new thinking and that it was hard to achieve due to the community blend and balancing?

REPLY: Yea I know I am right and if you couldn't manage to balance the world maybe you should have taken another couple years... My server isn't a rip its stable proud and secure ... I don't understand all this sphere 51a crashing you talk about.. I manage the server very well, I can't remember the last time I had to reboot the server unexpectidly or sphere :}

In other words, that it wasn't just a project where I changed 3 values, added EV wands, and waited for the server to crash and die, but built to last in the long run?

Moch the Sphere 51a scripting syntax all you want but you say you built your precious RunUO server to last for the long run? well my tiny little crappy 51a server is up more and has been up longer than yours.. So all I have to say is Where is the long run ? ... And Sphere51a can be very advanced if you would learn region triggers where it can be basically limitless ;}

Now if I hadn't moved to another country, moved within that country, started school so abruptly and traveled 5 hours every day to get there and home, I'm quite sure that INX would have kept growing and improving. With me gone, the lack of developers became more evident, as I was probably pulling the work load of 4 developers and 2 admins.

REPLY: Well I really don't care a single fu(k about your life history we all have one get the **** over it and dont take on a job you can't handle if you're to "busy" making those millions of dollars ;p Oh and I am the only admin btw.. I do all the scripting so wah wah wah cry me a fu(king river.. I also do the site and manage everything from vent to irc to forum to scripts ... I mean come on... time management.. Learn it ;}

Still, I managed to leave a good hierarchy and settlement where taran could at least run the show, and keep the server up, and he did so successfully. He just couldn't fight the need for the developers and the load became to much.

Reply: Apprarently not, where is the server now ? Down.. Down.. Down..

But my experience with UO has given me new and true friends, business connections, a vast amount of knowledge in regards to running a server/game, organizing staff members and working with object oriented programming. INX is something I'm proud of, INX is something that I actually have on my job application. That, with the other things on my CV, actually keeps getting me job offers within the industry, while I'm still in school and got 4 more years to go (normally they only apply for students with 1 year to go). I'm working on a game with the brain behind the first RunXUO and we are very successful.

REPLY: Once again I really dont give a shit about your life history or what you have gained from your server. I've gained all the same except job offers because programming isn't my career. I honeslty dont care what else you are working on neither and would never support it seeing how every other server you have ran has went down leaving players at a loss.. Damn how many succesfull servers you see do that ? I know, I see large servers going down all the time like I think that's how they keep their gamers actually.. Yea wow .. never thought of that .. <(very sarcastic)>

So this leads me to ask, what has UO given you, besides a retard stamp? Have you ever progressed, or are you always aiming for regression(this is obviously kind of ironical, but I doubt you'll understand)?

REPLY: Well first of all gets over 2k hits a month now which every hit sees my hosting company **********.com.. Oh your right I don't gain much from having a large public game server pointed at my hosting company... Need Hosting? http://www.**********.com maka I'm a company owner can you say that ? Doubtfull you're probably too busy being someones ***** Running in a wheel like a hamster ... Hows those wee little leggs feeling?

But as they say, only way to beat an idiot, is to get down on their level.


I can switch in and out of idiot mode, you can't

Reply: When I am in a setting that I see no place for higher thinking or communication.. I tend not to give it.. You make the mistake that I have something to prove to you which i undoubtably don't. Now run back to that notepad and keep trying to print 'Hello World' You sad troubled little guy you... ;}

He Shoots.. He Scores!!! "Listens for Roar"..
./Dead || grep INX
no running process ? ;p *Laughs*

-Admin Reflex


xdd jaja

Reflex, why do you even bother sticking around here if you got your own shard?
Do us all a favor and leave and never come back.

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