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Ideas for both PVP and PVM


Mace type weapons. (Give more stamina drain per hit say maybe 25% per successful strike and perhaps 35% on a critical hit)

This will allow maces to be more dependable in at least one way for pvp, taking away the stam of an emeny makes it harder for them to run. Of course the damage would have to me re-thought.

Fencing type weapons. Definently need more damage to them, or twice as fast hit rate. Currently, even a kryss of vanquishing is absolutely useless. (I own one)

Wrestling. Wrestling could drain 50-70% of stamina per hit. This at least gives some use to it indefinently for pvp. Everyone will use a dress macro to get that extra % stam drain to get that edge for another beefy hit with their bard or elven.

Swords could get a Mana or HP vampire effect to a certain % depending upon the weapon class. This will allow the use of more heater shields.

Thats all for PVP


Hunting has always been a great enjoyment to both PVP and NON-PVP type players. The challenge is where the enjoyment is at most! I would much rather have a challenging fight, than get a 5k drop or even a million gold drop.

Monsters could aquire several different "modifications" to make the challenge rise. Of course, loot would have to be adjusted properly for the mods they aquire.

Physical resistance
Magic resistance
Elemental Resistance
Arrow Resistance
Sword Resistance
Mace Resistance
Fencing Resistance
Wrestling Resistance

Skills Monsters can aquire
Confuse (Status effect can be either single or AOE) (Confuse makes your arrow keys reversed. Pressing up makes you go down, or perhaps since most use the mouse, clicking up, makes you go backwards, right goes left, etc.)

Paralyze I haven't met a monster yet using paralyze (an ex por)

Slow (Cast on user or AOE) (Makes you walk instead of run OR half your walk speed(no running)

Stamina Drain (monsters could either cast this, OR it could be physical oriented like my mace idea)

Loot (A monster could make you drop a random item you are either using(equipped) or a random item in your backpack) (Does not keep weapon, weapon merely falls on ground)

Burning (Damage over time, like poison, only your character recieves burns from a fire type spell) (Spell removed with cure) (effect rate would be instant, rather than after a certain duration like poison) (different levels of burning would take different amount of cure casts like poison)

Thats all I have for now.

Bring back 'Confusion' spell that some mobs used to cast on IN1 Big Grin Looting mobs is a stupid idea, unless they can test it VERY CAREFULLY, I remember on INR a normal ratman mob looting my newbied full spellbook which then promptly disappeared (not on the corpse since it way newbied Big Grin ). At that time I didn't care cuz Tsukasa could scribe me a new one, but imagine the whine if someone lost his newbied gm magery spellbook to a mob.
Don't have high hopes for the weapon modification, that would mess up PvP, which is a no-no here. More importantly that would make it more AoS.
Monsters having special resistances, on the other hand, would be a nice idea to implement, not that I hunt high level mobs, or any mobs at all, but it would make things less boring.

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

Galens Wrote:PVP

Mace type weapons. (Give more stamina drain per hit say maybe 25% per successful strike and perhaps 35% on a critical hit)

This will allow maces to be more dependable in at least one way for pvp, taking away the stam of an emeny makes it harder for them to run. Of course the damage would have to me re-thought.

Fencing type weapons. Definently need more damage to them, or twice as fast hit rate. Currently, even a kryss of vanquishing is absolutely useless. (I own one)

Wrestling. Wrestling could drain 50-70% of stamina per hit. This at least gives some use to it indefinently for pvp. Everyone will use a dress macro to get that extra % stam drain to get that edge for another beefy hit with their bard or elven.

Swords could get a Mana or HP vampire effect to a certain % depending upon the weapon class. This will allow the use of more heater shields.

Thats all for PVP


Hunting has always been a great enjoyment to both PVP and NON-PVP type players. The challenge is where the enjoyment is at most! I would much rather have a challenging fight, than get a 5k drop or even a million gold drop.

Monsters could aquire several different "modifications" to make the challenge rise. Of course, loot would have to be adjusted properly for the mods they aquire.

Physical resistance
Magic resistance
Elemental Resistance
Arrow Resistance
Sword Resistance
Mace Resistance
Fencing Resistance
Wrestling Resistance

Skills Monsters can aquire
Confuse (Status effect can be either single or AOE) (Confuse makes your arrow keys reversed. Pressing up makes you go down, or perhaps since most use the mouse, clicking up, makes you go backwards, right goes left, etc.)

Paralyze I haven't met a monster yet using paralyze (an ex por)

Slow (Cast on user or AOE) (Makes you walk instead of run OR half your walk speed(no running)

Stamina Drain (monsters could either cast this, OR it could be physical oriented like my mace idea)

Loot (A monster could make you drop a random item you are either using(equipped) or a random item in your backpack) (Does not keep weapon, weapon merely falls on ground)

Burning (Damage over time, like poison, only your character recieves burns from a fire type spell) (Spell removed with cure) (effect rate would be instant, rather than after a certain duration like poison) (different levels of burning would take different amount of cure casts like poison)

Thats all I have for now.

I really like your ideas for the PVM, it sounds very interesting seriously, kindfa like Diablo 2, its a pimp system. Maybe put in like deadly strike or something, let the players know, keep your distance cuz if that TREE-guy hits you, your ****ed. Add some Temples maybe, might be a gay idea but, i was playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time a while ago for fun lol. And i thought what if we made certain temples.. like a newbie fire temple that allows you to GM one NEEDED/REQUIRED skill. Make it so that there is a temple for each, non PK, for new players to get the feel of the PVM, put monsters n everything, then at the end, they have to engage in a pvp fight WHICH will be easy but harder than the other monsters. Maybe some acid rain here and there to teach em how to use cure. Dunno, just an idea Smile.

But for the PVP, i know what your saying and i agree but 25% is too much for stamina drain, i say they up Q staffs like on Xuo2, Fencing, those weapons are meant to be not so strong, GM your poisonining and deadly poison your weapons. Swords are perfect the way they are, SHIELDS need to BE REDUCED IN ARMOR! try n duel someone with full exceptional and a shield, its ridiculous... 1-4 damage a hit with max bard or hally...

Big Grin

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

The temple idea is nice. Having status/skill implemented ground tiles like para tile(paralyzes you for 5 seconds(should be placed near a low to medium mob spawn))

Electricity Tiles(You can only execute commands every 5 seconds until your body regains muscle strength)

Poison Tiles(Nuff said)

Lava Tiles(Same with my burning example)

Axe traps(We have those, I don't think they are implemented though)

Spike traps(I have only seen a few of these, and I think those are defaults. Kind of boring)

Dropping Hands(Like on Zelda, Link to the past, the hand brought you to the beginning of that entire area, or the stairs you just arrived in)
That would be kickass for me, I love having to dodge shit like that.

(Timer would be set if you were afk or non responsive for more than 5-10 seconds) This might bring up Rune value, I doubt it though.

I have noticed the huge gain in AR with Heater Shields. It IS ridiculous. If I were to use swords in combat, I would only take the Heater Shield into a Hunt than the whole damn suit. The shield alone outweights the use for a full suit nearly, well, nearly half ar I have seen. Still, a copper Heater Shield provides more AR than my bone and studded armor Tongue.

I se alot of nice features here from both of you keep it up, ill se if i can be assed to give some ideas aswell later.

Dungeon Feature

Puzzle tiles. This might get confusing, so I'll try to be as informative as possible.

A room, or selected area, is filled with tiles that teleport you to a different tile in the same room/remote area selected. You must figure out the puzzle in order to continue in the dungeon further.

This idea stems from Shame Dungeon near the last several Islands, only, you won't be teleported back so far, you might get teleported 2-3 tiles away depending on how the tiles are structured and connected to one another.

You could use a color system aswell for this.

White follows white, green on green, etc. Or Black = random within the scripted area.

We can have sequences where, there are like 10 doors to choose from at the start.. Each door has a different destiny with a storyline to go with it, One door of the 10 Has a chance to fight a "special" monster like a Harrower or something that drops sexual loot but chances to fight him are SLIM, dungeon can only be completed by each player once a week or once every 2 weeks, pretty nice loot within it, difficult dungeon, requiring alot of thinking and reasoning.

We can add in some Imaginary Extreme Monsters - Apparition, Very Strong, makes fun of the player while the player is hunting it which will make the Pvm pretty Extreme if you ask me and imaginary because monsters can't talk Big Grin!

We can implement Seiken set as we did back on Makas shard IF the INR players like it, there were these monsters called Seiken Monsters, archers, warriors and they basically PVP'd you while u tried killing them and each one had like a 5% chance to drop 1 piece of the armor and the armor was sold for like 200k gold a part, it made the economy very item-money oriented in my opinion. The monsters brought the PVMers and PVPers closer together because they were forced to work together in order to collect the whole set. i think this would be a nice idea to implement Big Grin

Thanks, Scarecrow.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

The door technique sounds killer.

This could make use of other skills, such as stealing, or begging.

Example Scenario:

Choosing the so and so door, could lead you to an "IF/IF Else" scenario. A mob/gang confronts you, and if you have the needed begging to beg for mercy, then you can leave, otherwise you must fight them, and risk dying for a precious loot, deco, etc.

Region setting could have no teleport and no recall

Choosing another door could lead you to a custom, or default area of a dungeon, where you must steal an item at the end of the trial. Without high enough stealing, or with Gm stealing and a % chance of failing either way, could result in mobs being let loose, or traps being spawned and you have to pass trough obstacles to leave.

Region setting could have no teleport and no recall

Ye i like the idea of the skill using, sounds fukin awsome, were creating the ultimate dungeon hah Big Grin

I think other than that Roleplay should have to be a factor as in during the entire dungeon just to make it more dufficult, we must act as if we are a certain character and each time a new group goes to "do" the dungeon, they are caught up on different scenerios and if a staff member catches them not playing theyre part they get removed from the temple/dungeon and there should be one duel in the dungeon if a certain door is picked where a computer generated moderate level pvper will come out and try to kill you with regular spells such as fs, light, gheal, pots, same as a human life pvper BUT, this dungeomn should b for the advanced players and wouold also promote players to advance and get better in every aspect of Imagine Nation: Extreme.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

Serious AI generated monsters would be a nice feature to fight against. This would definently bring the newcomers, or even the intermediate level players into some hardcore fighting, and might even encourage more pvp with real players afterwards.

The AI could be generated based on the individuals combat skills, rather than their actual skill. This would eliminate serious bashing on a newcomer, and prep them for real fighting.

They generated mobs could use XUO style pvp, scrolls, pots, etc.

The end of each choice dungeon could hold a different type of loot, special of course, and some can only be obtained at a different total skill count. this would encourage vets to create new chars JUST to obtain those trophies they wouldn't otherwise get on their already beefy chars.

Like you were talking about players do it once a week or two or etc.

The script could hold a value letting it know who has already completed which quest, OR has already completed one quest and must wait a period of time to even go back to do a different quest.

Somewhat resembling the Newcomer Dungeon, but rather, it is time based, like a jail sentence, rather than skill based.

Once you finish ALL the quests, you could receive a grand trophy prize.
Of course, all quests, or trials should be skill based. It should not allow newcomers (based on combat skill aquired) to enter into vet areas.

A table could also be made by staff to represent which quests require which skill amount. (Also, instead of using accumulated skill points in combat, it could take the two highest combats, excluding tactics, and base it off of that)

Ye.. i like that, the AI's skill would be based on the players skill levels making it equivalent to the monster/player battle.

Maybe we can have it to that there is a monster that is in multicolored doublet/half apron and skirt called the "DyeKill" or something and what this monster does is drops newbied RARE colored clothes of ANY TYPE and ANY hue! Introducing and Making Colored Clothing very rare and a big part of our economy.

I also think that we should add in more rides to the shard because horses are borinn Smile. Nice implementation would be Ridgebacks, Swamp Dragons and other various creatures to ride. I think that the swamps should be made in the way i first saw them to be, you may armor your swamp dragon with any ore type with 250 ores! You have a high chance of failure but if it works, your swamp dragon can be Death Rock Color or Saphire and also would be able to be ressurected with Veternary IF and only IF we add BOND deeds to BOND the animals to ourselves. [The animal;s are still steal-able wen they are bonded only thing bond does is make thewm appear in war mode to the owner after the ride is dead in order for the owner to keep his ride and at the same time, UP skill in VET and have fun with a pretty ride Big Grin

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

dude, thats ****ing awsome shit. I never even heard of that, but then again, I only played IN1 shard. :'(

Bonded pets would be a killer addition to the game. GM vet could act like GM healing, or it could require BOTH to be GM ro ressurect with mere bandages.

Or it could require both GM healing and vet, as well as, require a special potion that must be hunted, or aquired by other means(quest, survival tournament which one person goes against everyone, one at a time, the winner, receives the prize, or etc.) It doesn't have to even be a potion.
(That would increase mount worth and give yet another addition to the economy aswell, of course, those items to res the mount would have to be at most a 5-10% chance to aquire those items. This would give another outlet for gold, and increase demand of mounts, giving them even more meaning, and even more reason to GM vet.

Con artist, or thievery skills could play a roll with the theft of a bonded pet as well.


GM all thief skills could reduce the chance of having thefts on your person as well as, your ride. Of course, stealing a ride while someone is on it, would be difficult, which could give more meaning to wrestling. Wrestling could play a part in stealing rides, since it is an uncommonly used skill. You would have to literally "wrestle" the user off the mount.

Plenty of endless possibilities here. Damn.

To re-post what I was going to say in the duel stones thread, it seems more fitting for this thread

For duel arena/tournaments of any kind, we could build a second floor above them that was invisible/clear. This way, the audience can watch anything and everything they wish. When you follow the stairs and reach the floor, you would be invisible to the patrons downstairs. This would reduce ANY confusion with the layout on the ground level. The stairs would also be visible from the second floor as well, this way, you don't get lost up there.

The ability to see 3/4ths of the tourney arena, is kind of agrivating. I like to see ALL the action.

The same goes for Non PVP events.

The second floor could also have a region setting to filter out .wop from the ground level, or it could go even further detailed, and filter .wop from the waiting boxes, and only display .wop from the fight boxes.

Edit: For the stealing mount idea, wrestling could be countered with AR. If the user is wearing a high AR suit, the wrestling could be countered by it, IF both party members have GM wrestling, or, any other variation could take place. The AR could make up for the lack of wrestling skill, and could help determine the success rate or chance % against a non or GM wrestler.

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