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A theory on the vet -> noob fairness gap

I also hope the crafting skill gains are not made any faster. I am very happy about the magery increase though, and I dont think it will need anything more.

Slaquer Wrote:Yea, I actually think its good after talking to an old friend about it...a lot of people don't have time anymore for stuff like that. Anyway, glad ya guys will be pvping faster, I just hope this doesnt extend to other skills, especially crafts.

Ya know I can't attack ya.Tongue

Just my two cents as one of the oldest IN players in existance.
Think of this as a promotion. The people who had the skills on the other two previous servers have been here longer, spent countless hours (taking me for example, macroing hours on end and spending almost a year to get all the skills i needed before i could start pvping with the pros), should have some kind of benefit. Its like a job, the longer u spend somewhere the more you should get out of it.

now while i agree there will be some problems with some players being strong and others weak, one this is a new server so that problem would be weeded out eventually, and two the old players such as myself will still have to go farm at the materials to make the cash, the weapons, armor etc needed to be badass anyways, so were gonna be spending time doing the same thing all the new players will be doing.

lastly the GMs here were kind enough to allow macroing. With all the nifty programs out there now a days you dont need to be at your comp to get skill gain, takes bout a week to gm a skill and the rest should be done actually playing the game since that is what UO is in fact for, to be played.

So to sum it up, i think all this complaining about this and that, can easily be solved by spending a bit of time on the server, which i am sure will be worth it.

As a wise old man once said,
VIVA LA REVOLUTION...or in this case macroing

I know most people won't like my view on this, but I say wipe the shard start everyone at the same level. I know we've all worked hard for stuff etc. and the people who had transfers will cry. Sure you worked hard on getting your skills and that, but guess what we all have at some point or another in the past. I can't even count the number of shards I've had to macro up characters in the past some of them include the original XUO and IN. Both of which I had multiple GM skills on. I say start everyone off the same. If they can't handle having to start over again let them play somewhere else.

Just $.02

I really don't know why everyone is making such a big deal out of this...

As far as I can tell, the two staffs have done a really good job at nerfing vets a little, but still giving them a bit of a head start for their previous investment in the shard. It's really well balanced as far as the trasnfers between each shard.

I think people are just pissed about being newbs.

They need to get over it.

On IN1 as Gaea, I was GM everything, owned several statics and castles, had an endless number of rare stangs and a lot more.

I started IN-X as a newbie, with 500 gold and no skills, just like everyone else. And honestly, that's the way it should be.

The rules were established before you got here, they weren't randomly picked out, they were planned on, and just because you are whiney, I don't think they should change.

I'm sorry for those of you that complain that you actually have to play the game in order to get some kind of economic standing, but guess what. It's a game. You have to play it. To get some kind of economic standing.

Tananda, your quote:
"I think people are just pissed about being newbs."

If thats how you feel, why are you being so opposed to a fresh start for everyone? lol

Keezichus Wrote:If thats how you feel, why are you being so opposed to a fresh start for everyone? lol

He is opposed to making big changes based on a relatively small number of whiners. If the whole shard went on strike except the 50 or so transferred characters, then yeah something might be done. But I havent heard about any of the whiners even quitting, so it really is nothing more than whining.

Although Im realy not sure where the staff stands on this.

#1 She

#2 I haven't had any trouble being a newb. I've mined, fought silly mosters and everything else associated with a new account.

#3 Ask anyone from IN1, I had more to loose than most. And I don't whine about having to start over. People who are here for the first time are the ones complaining. I have no sympathy for them.

We feel that making a promise for 10 months, having people wait for us and expect something, then bail out on that is wrong. There will not be a wipe and a fresh start.

I really do not see a big difference between starting on INX and starting a server that has been up for a while. I mean you can't come to a server that has been up and request a fresh start. INX IS a new shard, but with old people, so extend its the same. "Oldies" will not always rule economy, and there has already been some people that has started to come up. Just go to brit and see who's selling the scrolls, pots and stuff. A lot of them are freshly macroed, or macroed from a low level.

Well, if you read the topic in general i made, called "about.." you can read im not that opposed to the transfers, i had my doubts and irritations about it until i learned more about the skillgain on IN.
Still id rather had a fresh start for everyone since its a new shard.
Im ok with it, so thats out of the way.

About the fact theres a small number of people complaining, thats easy man. Most of the people here are transfered players, a smaller number is new, so logically theres less of the people you call "whiners".
Anyways, Tananda, if you got no sympathy for all people who start fresh here then thats a nice attitude towards them hehe. But i suppose you mean the ones that complain instead of all new people.

Also im not saying that every whine should be taken seriously, but at some topics regarding new ideas i get the feeling vets want things to be hard for the new guy just like they had to work for their stuff on IN. Thats something that i dont agree with, its not IN were playing on, you got the transfers now ease a bit on new ideas and improvements for the new people.

Sorry if this was said I skipped by the last two pages...just couldn't read
anymore. I started here like 6 days ago, didn't bring any friends with me to the shard just wanted to start somewhere fresh on my own. I started with 500gp, and that 500gp is still sitting in my bank account, along with the 45k i've made from selling ingots. I haven't done anything but mine, granted thats everyone's cup of tea but it works. If I had a mine that didn't always have 8-12 people in it I could have tripled that. I also haven't trained any skills yet besides mining and some BS. If you actually just sit and mine...or watch your macro mine you get a ton of ingots in just an hour. Take it from a true new player who hasn't asked anyone for money or help, don't need anymore money. Now once the server is more established and people don't need ingots like they were crack, it might not be a bad idea to have new accounts start somewhere they can't exit until a GM lets them out. At that time the GM can give them some cash and send them on their way.

Also this is totally off-topic but is it possible to set up bank accounts to
be shared between all chars on the account?

Keezichus Wrote:About the fact theres a small number of people complaining, thats easy man. Most of the people here are transfered players, a smaller number is new, so logically theres less of the people you call "whiners".
Id be incredibly suprised if thats true. At least to the degree that you want us to believe. Sure, there are lots of transfers, maybe even HALF the playbase. However, most of them have at most a few GM skills, but its really not like they started off with huge empires and you are a poor slave. Lastly, just like I said in your other topic, almost ALL of the people that have all these m4d GM skills and what not are quite inactive, both in game AND on the forums (just like I predicted). Most of the people who want things difficult are right there with you. Hell, I am a big advocator of having to work for your keep, so that everything actually has meaning instead of it feeling like we are playing CounterStrike, and like I said, I started out literally about two days ahead of where I would be if I started as a newb.

Keezichus Wrote:Also im not saying that every whine should be taken seriously, but at some topics regarding new ideas i get the feeling vets want things to be hard for the new guy just like they had to work for their stuff on IN. Thats something that i dont agree with, its not IN were playing on, you got the transfers now ease a bit on new ideas and improvements for the new people.
See above. There are so few people who fit your "transferred character" stereotype it is ridiculous to complain about it.

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