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Dear Admins Of This Server!!!

I think that on RunUO having the same or similair names of a GM shouldn't be a problem, GM's names have a different hue then ours. And most people should realise fast that it isn't a GM from appearence and/or title.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

That's not the problem is it, it's about him impersonating the admin Makaveli

[Image: INXSig.jpg]

Strife Wrote:That's not the problem is it, it's about him impersonating the admin Makaveli

I never never ever done that NEVER i am not griefer man i want to play my style like everyone else...

but i can understand people could think that because there are people who do that...

and like Syn said you see the title bar... its infull...

The Ebil One
The Stoned One

Strife Wrote:That's not the problem is it, it's about him impersonating the admin Makaveli

I don't think he's that type of person, and even if he was anyone who falls for it is a dumbshit.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

The issue isn't really that they might mistake the ingame characters (to think that "admin maka" is "makaveli"), but the people behind the characters. They think that "Makaveli" is my mortal, and therefore ask me questions. Almost anything "Makaveli" says, is from from a server perspective, or for an admins mortal character, bad.

What would I do if the guy started going around saying, "I'm cheating"? It's not really against he rules, but it WILL reflect poorly upon me, and then on the server.

What am I supposed to do when(if) this guy acts like a jackass and people think it's me?

What am I supposed to do if the guy runs away and doesn't answer peoples questions about the shard, doesn't even give a "I'm not maka"/"I'm busy" response? That, yet again, reflects poorly on me.

Point is, that EVERYTHING this guy does bad, will reflect on me, at least for a majority of people. Now, I've seen that there is a HUGE number of people that thinks this guy is me, even some players that I think should know better. I can't help that, I can only prevent it from reflecting on the server.

I'm not risking the servers reputation, not for anything.

If you ever played any other server, you would know that this is a NO GO everywhere, there is a reason for it.

Maka, I still don't agree with you. You're just giving your fingers arthritis by continuing your posts. Perhaps if you took the time to explain on the forum, or make an announcement depicting the difference in hues for GM's vs players, AND/OR A list of Admins and their mortal characters, this issue would be resolved. Why don't you change your name Maka? Its not like we won't know who you are. It is unfair to make someone else change without their permission, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

Is there no freedom?

There seems to be a big issue with reputation aswell in these posts. Maka, he will lose his reputation, his imagination for his character, his will to roleplay or act out his role through his character's name. If you ever told me I had to change my name under ANY circumstances, I would quit. Because it is the most ridiculous thing in any Imagination thread EVER. Its even worst than the boobies thread. You would have taken away my character's name, his title, his reputation, his features, background, etc. That would destroy my character. I would quit instantly, because all that hard work I did, would amount to not a damn thing.

One more thing, if I piss of anyone with my posts. GOOD, at least it gets your gears cranking inside your head.

Galens Wrote:Maka, I still don't agree with you. You're just giving your fingers arthritis by continuing your posts. Perhaps if you took the time to explain on the forum, or make an announcement depicting the difference in hues for GM's vs players, AND/OR A list of Admins and their mortal characters, this issue would be resolved. Why don't you change your name Maka? Its not like we won't know who you are. It is unfair to make someone else change without their permission, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

Is there no freedom?

There seems to be a big issue with reputation aswell in these posts. Maka, he will lose his reputation, his imagination for his character, his will to roleplay or act out his role through his character's name. If you ever told me I had to change my name under ANY circumstances, I would quit. Because it is the most ridiculous thing in any Imagination thread EVER. Its even worst than the boobies thread. You would have taken away my character's name, his title, his reputation, his features, background, etc. That would destroy my character. I would quit instantly, because all that hard work I did, would amount to not a damn thing.

One more thing, if I piss of anyone with my posts. GOOD, at least it gets your gears cranking inside your head.

thats alot of god damb work just so this guy can use the same name as the admin
and what about later when another nox,hate or taran decides they have been using that name forever???? huh what then
NO other shard would let you use a name even simular to a admins/gm name i cant believe anyone besides lord makaveli is defending this

Galens Wrote:Maka, I still don't agree with you. You're just giving your fingers arthritis by continuing your posts..
this is what ive been talking about with the smart ass post!
who do you think you are man?

and lord say maka doesnt care huh?
your insane anyone else would've just changed it and said sry against the rulz
maka talked to you about it and you didnt want to comply
he took the time to investigate (obviously imo because he knew what he shouldve done but didnt want to hurt your feelings or whatever)
he spent a fair amount of time to consider you but at the end of the day hes gotta do what hes gotta do you lord makaveli wed hate to see you go but your options are simple change the name or get packing

He has to change his name. I say work something out with him. You could give him a mount, or hair color, or 10k. I mean both of you are wrong and right. Staff should have had the name blocked. If you go to any other server they would change it to. I mean come on. I don’t see that has cheating or corrupt staff at all. I see that as a staff dedicated to keeping player base and willing to work out problem with their players. I see that as a staff that cares and is will to do anything for the good of the shard.

yea i agree you should give him something like rare mount or dye for his trouble. and also i asked him some question in game i thought i was the admin too LOL. anyways he helped me loL!!

aim: umba111
yahoo: deadbi_misociety44
msn: [email protected]

Galen, have you been administrating a lot of servers? Have you perhaps put your heart and soul into create a server for others to play, working over hundreds and hundreds and hours to just creat the server that people have been missing?

If you have, part of what I'm saying would made sense too you, so I'm just assuming form your response that you have not. If you seriously can't understand where I'm coming from, then there is no other way for me to explain.

Your solution would not work, not even the slightest. My last forum name, korupt, I had for about 4 years. I've NEVER EVER been called anything but maka, people barely call me Makaveli. ME changing name would bring no good at all, that was the first thing I thought of. I have no pride in my staff/mortal name, I always try to be a good guy on all my mortal characters (or the worst ass that I can be if I have some issues with someone - MORTAL), but it is nothing that I need to get acknowledgment for. I would have dropped the name in 10 secs if I would of thought that it would have made any difference. When was the last time you saw someone call "Coldrake" "Coldrake"? Krystal Myth is nothing like coldrake yet everyone call him that, even people that doesn't know him as KM. People pick up what other people do.

I'm actually somewhat insulted that someone else besides me think that me name changing instead of him would be a good idea. I've worked for this server, not cause I think it's fun to work, but cause I wanted to create a place where YOU and ME could have a place to enjoy ourselves. For what ever weird reason, I think that I'm entitled to at least a slight bit of respect, even if not much.

And your idea about posting staffs mortals on a shard where 200 people play, and more are coming, is just brilliant. Lets ruin the game play of 15 staff members so that Lord Makaveli can keep his name, where on every other server he would not have.

Now, I'll stop typing cause I'm really afraid that the "finger arthritis" might be sneaking up on me, another reason might also be that I do not think that you understand where I'm coming from, nor will you. I understand Lord Makaveli, and I'm more than sorry to have to enforce a necessity, but I will.

I'm locking this post now, Lord Makaveli, please stop reopening it. There is nothing new to add to the discussion, but Ice Cube has a great point. It is you old name, and due to the circumstances of the merge, it's also bad to rename you. If there is any compensation to rebuild your new name I do not know buy I will discus it with Taran and Coldrake. When I know, you will know.

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