You also need to do things so once people get on the shard they stay.
you need to have people running around, some players have already come and gone because everyone was in there house. People used to macro at the bank untill some retards came and killed them with stupid characters. players like to see people doing things otherwise it looks dead.
You have to be at the brit bank more often thats where people start and hang out. Come on order and chaos MORE ACTION seems like your all scared of the bank.
(Possibly easier to find the spell book quest and noobie training area) It took me a bit to find those things.
People who are gm crafting skills need to have there vendors non stop stocked, otherwise everyone has to do it for them selves and we spend another 2 months of everyone in there house.---> Hording stuff and not selling it isn't a good thing. (Greedy)
Players need to accually attend events even if you don't have the skills. (I entered a tournament 1st day with no skills and killed someone) It's supplied why not go and play ? Death match starts why don't you go practice or help others practice ITS SUPPLIED.
You see an event start, go play it only takes a half hour out of your macro time even if you dont like it, it's called helping the shard by being there.
* Post more of upcoming events like this saturday monster bash at this time or vote for the time untill things pick up and people are just on. That way they might stop there macro cuz they know at this time something is happening.
It's not just up to the gm's to help the community its us the players, be nice to new people as they are here longer sure then pk them. Im all for pillage and plunder but being nice when they got nothing and killing them later when they are able to get better things
makes more sense don't you think ? I dont want regular plate I wanna loot aqua armor or something. Im not saying give them tons of stuff, just enough to start out. Maybe show them a cool hunting spot not a prime one but a decent place to make money.
Lastly VOTE VOTE VOTE, and talk more on the forums
who cares if it's about your pokemon collection.
Idea * Gm booth somewhere around the bank where he can sit in a booth and anwser questions NOT to do things for you but hes just there to anwser questions and talk. OR if a gm see's a new name log on pop up say hi welcome.
Idea * Free websites like Kijiji, Post free UO shard Coolest MMO from the ages or somthing and post the our url.
These are my ideas and the things that I have noticed while playing.
Captain Blackbeard