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***Magery skillgain***

Smurtle Wrote:See? Now that's helpful posting, even though he's a douchebag and probably prefers things going up his butt instead of out. Rolleyes
Oh... haha... he's gay... how original.

Smurtle Wrote:But no one really gives a shit so I don't post it. Man, this sounds familiar.
It definately doesn't sound familiar to this thread, if that's what you're implying. Most people who have posted in this thread have shown appreciation for the information I and others have posted. You and your little circle of friends obviously don't care, and I don't care that you don't care. However, you are the only ones who don't.

But I can really see how much you guys are enjoying inflating your egos at my expense. But eh, if it will keep you from beating up some little kid to accomplish the same thing, then thats better I suppose.

Smurtle Wrote:See? Now that's helpful posting, even though he's a douchebag and probably prefers things going up his butt instead of out. Rolleyes

Noes im a duchebag, thats nothing new.
First talking about poo and now talking about things up peoples ass, seems like you need to grow up little man Smile

Rei [Oni] from IN2
Il´ya [SIN] on IN:X
[Image: notoutoffocus3np.jpg]

Another 500 casts / heal attempts:
Magery: 86.1 (+.7)
Healing: 81.0 (+.5)
Eval Int: 95.8 (+1.4)
Anat: 99.7 (+.5)

meh magery is still way too slow =[

[Image: INXSig.jpg]

Lindenwood Wrote:Oh... haha... he's gay... how original.

It definately doesn't sound familiar to this thread, if that's what you're implying. Most people who have posted in this thread have shown appreciation for the information I and others have posted. You and your little circle of friends obviously don't care, and I don't care that you don't care. However, you are the only ones who don't.

But I can really see how much you guys are enjoying inflating your egos at my expense. But eh, if it will keep you from beating up some little kid to accomplish the same thing, then thats better I suppose.

Why does he have to be gay to enjoy things going up his ass? He could enjoy a weekly prostate exam by his favored physician.

Nah, there's more of us that don't care. There really is. They just don't care to post.

Max and I just kinda get bored with dumbasses who try on wit like a pair of pants that's just too tight.:lol:

Smurtle Wrote:Nah, there's more of us that don't care. There really is. They just don't care to post.
If you don't care, then why do YOU post?

And, I will say this yet again. I don't care if you don't care. I really dont. I don't care WHO doesn't care. You seem to think that everyone thinks like you, and if they don't, you pull out your list of 9th grade bully insults and run down it like clockwork.

Even if just one person showed appreciation for the reports that some of us had put out, Id still do it. However, several people have shown here that they appreciate it or at least see it as information useful to some degree. And, there are just as many people who agree that it is and will be useful to at least someone, and is also relevant, but they also don't post.

So, why don't you actually show us how little you care, instead of just saying it over and over?

2342 more spells / heal attempts:
Magery: 89.6 (+3.5, 67 actions / gain)
Healing: 82.6 (+1.6, 146 actions / gain :eek: )
Eval Int: GM (+1.8)

Im at 90.8 magery and 83.5 healing now from around 700 more spells. Almost out. Ill post that when those are done.


Another 876 more:
90.9 Magery: (+1.3)
Healing: 83.5 (+.9)

And Im done for now. Ive got 1 GP, heh.

I told you. I think you're a douche and like to call you on your bullshit.

I know a few people who don't care and that's who I can speak for. Don't assume you speak for everyone as well.

I am showing how little I care by denouncing everything you post on the subject; just as you keep showing us the same pathetic macroing system you have.

Eh. It needs work. Sad

Smurtle Wrote:I told you. I think you're a douche and like to call you on your bullshit.
What bullshit?

Smurtle Wrote:I know a few people who don't care and that's who I can speak for. Don't assume you speak for everyone as well.
I honestly think you don't understand what you read sometimes. Read my post again, and then again. Please.

Smurtle Wrote:I am showing how little I care by denouncing everything you post on the subject; just as you keep showing us the same pathetic macroing system you have.
Hah! Somebody who doesn't care about what another posts wouldn't spend just as much time making their own posts attemting to denounce what the other says. If you didn't care, you wouldn't even waste your time.

Smurtle Wrote:Eh. It needs work. Sad
Obviously you care enough to try to get me to "improve," or you wouldn't say that at all.

Please. Please. Please. You are getting really pathetic how hard you are trying to do whatever you can to offend me, or whatever you may be wanting to do.

But, Im really done with this thread. You have shown everyone that matters that you really have nothing more profound to say than curses and highschool insults, so I have no reason to further defend myself. Secondly, I am done macroing magery so I have nothing constructive left to add to this thread.

*sigh* Keyboard warriors...

God. Little Caesar's is running through me like water.

OH, bullshit! Yeah. Everything you post.

Blah, blah, blah, generic sarcasm noted. Blah, blah, blah you post such great things and when people respond that means they must care. Blah, blah, blah it needs work referred to how horrible you macro and that macroing advice and "Helpful" posts from you are like consulting a hooker on proper sexual hygiene.

Blah, blah. You're right. We could go on all day about how crappy of a macroer you are and so anxious to jump at anything that seems slightly opposing (by the way, that's what actually makes you a douchebag).

Yeah, you're right. These keyboard warriors and their need to respond to eveeeeery post.

But, let's not. We don't need another 100 posts.

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