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***Magery skillgain***

Lindenwood, you really are a huge douchebag. Why do you need to turn every constructive thread into a useless flame war? I mean it is entertaining to watch you try to prove your petty ass points... But lol?

Magery gain is fixed. Shut the **** up and get back to watching yourself macro. /Thread

Eh, Smurtle. Technically, you have more of a reason to at least accept my finding than to distrust them. However, the fact that you seem to have found somebody with which you can't win a debate tells us that you simply hold some childish grudge against me.

Smurtle Wrote:mostly because I like being an ass,
I really think this sums it up, people.

This is one of my favorite quotes of you yet. It really shows that you have no idea what you are talking about:
I need attention Wrote:He just wanted to pull out his **** and flail it about a bit to feel he like he had something to prove because he doesn't like me.
So, based on that quote, show me exactly where I "pulled my **** out?" Hell, your post about you "thinking it was funny that your macro was better than mine" sure sounds like somebody itching for a reason to show he is better than somebody? Sounds alot like randomly pulling you **** out, doesn't it? You probably won't understand that though, and will yet again pick at some smaller point to try to turn the attention back away from yourself.

BTW, You are right that I don't like you. However, my disliking if you would not make me say anything that either was not true or could not be backed. You telling me that my numbers are fake is both not true and can definately not be backed. Hell, Im sure one of the mods could track it even.

I need confidence Wrote:If you actually want to sit and count the casts, or precount them based on how many reagents you have, DO it! Anyone who has that droll of a life can keep it to themselves.
Are you serious? How does me being able to look at the number of regs I have, and make a mental note of it, mean my life is "droll?"

I could go on and on showing how each part of your posts show how you really will say anything you can to try to get people to see that you are somehow better than me. You've gone from "I can macro better than him" (which was yet another unbacked and unrelated statement), to "Im a better player because he hunts also, while I only just macro" (huh?), to "yeah, but he has no life" (which is also again completely untrue).

But again. It will take you years, maybe months if we are lucky, for you to realize how foolish you look this. It is just a part of growing up.

And just so you know, everything Ive said in this topic (excluding the posts where I have had to defend myself from your childish comments and accusations) has been on topic, including the healing gains. Oh sure, I added in Anatomy, Eval Intel, and Meditation, and I know that huts your feelings, but again I only did it just to add a bit more information for the community. I know you don't actually care about the community, only the supposed "many" that you have spoken with privately, so indeed this thread is pointless to you. However, despite what you think, many people apparently appreciate this thread and the people that have contributed to it positively, and those are the people that we did it for in the first place.

Back on topic:
1400 Spels / Heal attemts:
Magery: 83.3 (+2.9, 48 actions / gain --- I was suprised too, heh)
Healing: 79.1 (+1.6, 88 actions / gain)
Eval Int: 92.6 (+3.3)
Anat: 97.7 (+1.8)

Kano Wrote:Lindenwood, you really are a huge douchebag. Why do you need to turn every constructive thread into a useless flame war? I mean it is entertaining to watch you try to prove your petty ass points... But lol?
Hah, I've played no larger part in destroying these threads than you or Smurtle have. So if you want to blame anyone, blame us all.

And its really funny how you completely look past all the "petty ass" points that your equally unintelligent friends try to make, and try to call mine out for being small. In fact, that is just what I said about Smurtle's points.

kano Wrote:Magery gain is fixed. Shut the **** up and get back to watching yourself macro. /Thread
Do you really think I am still trying to get them to change the magery skillgain? Ive said several times that I have been posting these findings just to help everyone out in general.

And I have more imortant things to do than watch myself macro. However, I will get back to macroing.


But eh. Im going to try my best from now on to ignore you two. The people who have the capacity to appreciate even the relatively minute thing that the constructive people in this thread have done have already shown it. That higher mental capacity is also what allows them to see who is really in the wrong.

Yeah, I'll try to ignore you too.

Well... I'll try to try.

round 2
how much useless information can woody post go go go

maxkicker Wrote:round 2
how much useless information can woody post go go go

Huh? You must just be saying that because your mentor, Smurtle, has been doing the same. If you read this thread you'd find that I, along with several others, have posted much information that most, other than those in your 1337 kr3w, have deemed both useful and appreciable.

tell yah what woody get your caulculator and go back to page five and see what your useless to usefull ratio is

and to be honest i really dont see a point in you showing us how many cast/regs it took you to gain skill but nox seems to appreciate it so whatever

do you really think a newb is going to come here to see what it takes to gm magery?
its not like they can say ah well to hard ill just do it after parry, they have to have it to play imo
HOWEVER i bet smurlte gets about 10 pms a day asking how they can macro all leet like him because that would actually be useful information

Eh. Like I said, many appreciate it, both staff and player alike. If you don't, I really dont care. Im not doing it for the people that don't care. I am doing it for those that do. If you don't care, don't post. Its as simple as that. However, you obviously care that others are giving even a small degree of praise to somebody who you personally don't feel deserves it. If you could prove that we dont deserve any recognition for posting our findings in a way that others can easily relate to, then that is fine. Of course, you could find no such proof, showing us that your issue in this thread is entirely personal.

BTW, if I were to do what you ask, I would also calculate Smurtle's ratio for the entire thread. I wonder who would "win" that competition, as silly and childish as it would be?

For those who care:

Another 1300 casts / heal attempts:
Magery: 85.4 (+2.1, 62 actions / gain)
Healing: 80.5 (+1.4, 88 actions / gain)
Eval Int: 94.4 (+1.8)
Anat: 99.2 (+1.5)

I have another ~2950 macro regs left. Im gonna finish those off and probably stop macroing for now, as I now have 140GP in the bank from it, heh.

I just took a dump. I should compare it to last night's dump and post my ratio believing many rely on it to get them through the day. Some people need to learn about their bowel movements in order to prevent any gastrointestinal diseases or colon cancers.

But no one really gives a shit so I don't post it. Man, this sounds familiar. :badgrin:

Noob it has been done already

Rei [Oni] from IN2
Il´ya [SIN] on IN:X
[Image: notoutoffocus3np.jpg]

See? Now that's helpful posting, even though he's a douchebag and probably prefers things going up his butt instead of out. Rolleyes


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