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***Magery skillgain***

Kano Wrote:How can you say this man? Just because 'like 20 people' posted on the forums, that does not mean that they don't think the skill gain was slow. Slaquer just gave you an example of one of his friends that won't play here, because he knew it would take a LONG time to get ready to "play". Count those people plus the large amount of people in IRC that have brought up the same point, and you have a large percentage of the shard wanting a reform.
I was actually saying that the VAST majority of the shard was still content enough with it to just accept it and work around it. Only a small percent of people were bothered enough to just come out and say it. Then a slightly larger group (still, what 20% of the shard?) found it much easier to simply agree. However, they would have otherwise just trained it like normal without a word.

Kano Wrote:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!

Kano Wrote:Hope you don't listen to the playerbase? Yeah sounds like a great way to run a shard.
What? My point is that at some point they are going to have to stick to their guns. Id rather it be sooner than later, after everything is fluffed down so much that it takes a week to get 2000+ useful skill points.

Kano Wrote:I think he's doing a fine job, don't be a sore loser man.
Im not a sore loser. I already explained why I was not happy. It actually had more to do with the fact that they changed it when it wasn't that bad, at the request of small minority, than the easier gainrate itself. I just felt like they gave in a bit easier than I thought they would.

Kano Wrote:And holy shit, can we atleast see what it will be like when it is implemented? You may find that it's not such a huge deal if it takes players a week and a half to GM magery, than if it took them two weeks.
Exactly: Two weeks vs 1.5 weeks. It was not even that hard to begin with, and they still made it significantly easier just to appease a small group of people who were still not happy with the first changes.

But eh. That was just to explain to you what I meant. Id rather just stop arguing about it and play.

A small change to magery skill gain isn't going to change the overall shard or it's success. I wouldn't get to upset about small changes that are made in beta.

As Taran said, we do listen to the players and take there comments and suggestions into consideration. But that does not mean that we are always going to agree with the players and change things just to appease those who are vocal in the forums.

2000 skill points isn't going to happen in a week. Not if the combats are left as they are. Which, aside from magery which was recently corrected, are fine.

After 1200 more spells and 800 more heal attempts:

Magery = 61.7 to 66.4
Healing = 64.5 to 66.3

1200 casts / 5.7 points = ~21 actions per tenth

800 heal attempts / 1.8 points = ~44 actions per tenth.

Wow, this is gonna be cake!

Lindenwood Wrote:After 1200 more spells and 800 more heal attempts:

Magery = 61.7 to 66.4
Healing = 64.5 to 66.3

1200 casts / 5.7 points = ~21 actions per tenth

800 heal attempts / 1.8 points = ~44 actions per tenth.

Wow, this is gonna be cake!

Great you went from 50 to 66 in a week... You're about 5 percent of the way to GM.

Kano Wrote:Great you went from 50 to 66 in a week... You're about 5 percent of the way to GM.

A week? I gained about 2 points natureally, and the rest I did it in about 20 hours of macroing, and about an average day's worth of hunting profit. That includes the ~3k worth of regs I lost.

Here is a pretty big sample of repetitions I did last night.

3000 casts of magic arrow...
magery 58.7 ---> 69.2
About 1 gain every 28.5 casts.

3000 heal attempts....
healing 57.1 ---> 65.1
About 1 gain every 37.5 attempts.

Also meditating to full mana after each round of casting(really not sure on number of reps, but it gains pretty easily)....
meditation 68.8 ---> 83.3

These are exact numbers... exact number of reps, and exact skill amounts. It took 10 hours and 40 mins to complete this.
I got just a little over half of my bandages back.

Interpret it as you like.

Interesting. I am wondering if Magic Arrow simply doesn't give as much gains as poison. It is a 1st level vs 3rd level (I know it is supposed to be repition, but it is just a pondering).

Ive done about 285 magic arrows and heal attempts just now, and Ive gained .7 magery, and .6 healing. It is a relatively small sample I know, but it is still, for magery, about 41 actions per skill gain. Even though it is a small sample, that is oddly higher than the 19 actions / gain I was seeing with poison. Especially considering that I was staying pretty consistant with the 19 actions / gain when using poison.

Ill report back with more results when Ive finished all my regs.

You can't say i gained 0,1 around x number of attepts, unless you say what skill your at, since the gain rate will be harder and harder the higher you come, so your comparrison can't be used, unless you say what your skill is.

Need pots or stangs drop me a PM, i got it all.

Ingame char: Es [SIN]
ICQ: 334254966

thats right shadox. But if you gained 11.0 of magery in one night that's
just great...I don't get that much

I use Magic arrow too...I produce about the same speed, or rate of gain.

Ah, forgot about that. Both healing and Magery started at 66.4 real.

I kinda lost track of how many actions I just did (I know it was around 200, but Im not sure enough to get any worthwhile info out of it), but Im keeping track again. Ive got about 785 left.

Skills right now:
Healing: 67.9
Magery: 67.6
Meditation: 97.0
Anatomy: 85.5
Eval Intel: 71.5

Magic arrow, for the amount of time spent, should give me a proportionally larger healing increase than with poison, since it does not actually hurt me with each cast. Thus, I should get a little more anatomy also.


After 300 casts----
Magery: 68.3 (+.7, 43 actions / gain)
Healing: 68.5 (+.6, 50 actions / gain)
Meditation: 97.2 (+.2)
Anatomy: 86 (+.5)
Eval Intel: 72.4 (+.9)


Another 300 casts----
Magery: 69.6 (+1.3, 23 actions / gain)
Healing: 69.1 (+.6, 50 actions / gain)
Meditation: 98.0 (+.8)
Anatomy: 86.6 (+.6)
Eval Intel: 73.4 (+1.0)

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