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Decoration around Occlo Bank

Tabion Wrote:If you know how to play so well, how is it a tree stops you from playing at your best? I find that a bit sad.
It is kind of like saying, "I am an awesome driver... til the damn goverment put stop signs up. Now I am all confused and forget what to do."
Yeah thats what I think of when reading this.

As for someone claiming that people are ducking behind decorations. Listen don't get all pissy because other people can maneuver better then you... It has nothing to do with decos, if people want to escape instead of fight they will duck behind buildings, mountain ridges, caves, use moongates, or whatever can to disturb the los. The decorations don't change a damn thing.

thats like saying youve never died in your ever while your playing uo cause you know how to use the spell greater heal.. IT EFFECTS PVP.. do you go in occlo? no your afraid of all the pvpers so leave the pvp to occlo and go decorate your house or something

you guys seriously have problems.... how can a decoration affect your pvp? from where you got that?

lmao just **** it, it's obvious that IN got the bigger half of the pie when it came to creating INX. we're obviously "outnumbered" and the IN'ers have more say in almost anything. so **** the decoration leave it there, it's pretty, as a matter of fact when i get tired of pking at occlo ill sit at them pretty benches you guys made for us, Big Grin. Thanks, i always seem to get tired out and need a bench to sit on Big Grin.



Silverwolf Wrote:lmao just **** it, it's obvious that IN got the bigger half of the pie when it came to creating INX. we're obviously "outnumbered" and the IN'ers have more say in almost anything. so **** the decoration leave it there, it's pretty, as a matter of fact when i get tired of pking at occlo ill sit at them pretty benches you guys made for us, Big Grin. Thanks, i always seem to get tired out and need a bench to sit on Big Grin.

You got your pvp, you got your no banks in houses, you got the nerf of a lot of very cool stuff we had on IN. I don't think you even know what the hell your talking about, you might wanna shut up cause really you got the wayyy better end of the deal here. Our pvp was a lot more diverse then yours, and don't say shit about it cause I know for a fact you were never ever on IN1 cause you would have been banned by day two.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

Slaquer Wrote:You got your pvp, you got your no banks in houses, you got the nerf of a lot of very cool stuff we had on IN. I don't think you even know what the hell your talking about, you might wanna shut up cause really you got the wayyy better end of the deal here. Our pvp was a lot more diverse then yours, and don't say shit about it cause I know for a fact you were never ever on IN1 cause you would have been banned by day two.

the banks in houses might be implented later if most players wanted to = IN is most of the population on this server. pvp was all xuo players did when we played.. i was allways at duel arenas fighting. others who werent there were at red towns ganking. silver is used to occlo the way it was on xuo.. its hard to "reconfigure" ur mind.. its like dancing.. ur used to some steps and change to something else and u will have a harder time learning it than a noobie since ur used to something else.
( i took dancing for an example since im dancing street and i've been training cripwalk since i was like.. 12? and my friend who is a breakdancer cant learn crip steps easy cause he is used to a dif beat set and shit)

staff sais duel pits might be removed if most players want so... i say its 100% gone since most players are from IN and i dont think anyone from IN likes pits. what else do we have soon? a guarded occlo in the near future? Wink

Syn, these nerfs and shit u talk about... do u mean u like to use a spell that give u increased str so that a u hit around 40-60 instead of 20-40? do u like weps that can kill u in one hit at pvp? is that luck based or knowledge about the pvp? an xuo player at silvers lvl would beat everyones ass from IN easy at ur pvp. dont ask why i wrote this. i just have that feeling

- regards, Fable

Fable knows what hes talking about Big Grin gg fable.

As for you Slaquer, dont even get me started on who got the better end of the pie you stupid fu<k. who the fu<k got the GMed alchemy,inscribe,blacksmith,mining, etc... ALL of the fu<king core skills, the ones which makes the most money, the ones that are worth the most and have the higher importance, the ones which are HARDEST to GM, who you stupid bit<h.

Who has their spawn systems where their familiar with whats where, who XUO players on IN'ers? Who has the advantage to go to a dungeon and have a good idea what to find where? XUO players or IN players?

Who has more say over all of the things that are happening over on INX, the XUO players or the IN players? whos enjoying this server and has it "more like home" the IN players? or the XUO players? So stfu you guys got more than 3/4 of the pie in this deal my friend. XUO players barely got shit, but yet the XUO GM is busting his ass for you guys and you guys cant ****ing agree on one thing that XUO had.

I know it's a dumb thing to make a thread about, the decoration in occlo, but the decoration Is gay as **** and has no purpose and wont be used. Who the fu<k is having a hard time to remove the decoration? the IN staff? or the XUO. I'm sure I can go on about EVERYTHIng and how IN has the advantage over XUO. But **** it, who cares right?

The pvp at XUO is ten times better than the pvp at IN, guaranteed, and you'll see, so stop cussing it out u scrub. I dont give a **** about the IN part of this shard to tell you the truth, I'm here for the XUO'ers here, and for the pvp, if I was to tell you the truth, I wouldnt start playing IN when it was hot, because the shard isn't for me? but whats there to talk about now? we're merged so there shouldn't be anything to discuss on that. We're a big shard with huge potential, but I still believe you guys should start listening to what the other half, the other shard, you merged with, has to say about things, and make them happy too..

we got your loot system, which is money, WHICH IS THE BIGGEST THING IN A SHARD, money talks bullshit walks, we got your crafting system, we just have OUR PVP.

So slaquer, go run into a moving train if you think we have the bigger end. Our XUO staff, not saying that the IN ones didnt do much at alll... but our XUO staff has done A LOT for this shard so stop cussing the XUO aspect of it out, our XUO admin, has done so much of the hard scripting that you wouldn't be able to do without.

So dont speak about us getting the better half, honestly, your only kidding yourself...

k thanks...

PS: as fable said, throw me any type of pvp and ill beat ANY of you IN'ers at pvp, thats my game son, and im too nice for you guys at that. leave the fighting for the big boys, and we'll leave the "gathering" of the items, for the "little girls" <---- laughs.



I looked at the decoration in Occlo and I think it's fine. I don't see any reason to remove it.

And you all need to stop with this INR this and XUO that. We are one shard now, and were you came from really doesn't matter at this point. We make decisions based on what is best for the shard, not on where players are from. Another misconception is that if the majority of players want something, that we will change it. This is simply not true. We are not always going to agree with what the players think. We will take your suggestions into consideration, but at the end of the day we make the final decision.

And Silverwolf you really need to grow up. Do you really think anyone is impressed that you are a self-proclaimed PvP expert on a 12 year old video game?

Lastly, Maka and I decided to use the XUO PvP system and the IN1 world (look and feel) from the very beginning. We took what we felt was the best of both worlds. It is what it is. Learn to accept the changes and start enjoying the new server. Be grateful that we all have a kick ass server to play on.

lol I dont have all GM fact here are my GM skills.

Anatomy 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 - ?
Detecting Hidden 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 - ?
Evaluating Intel... 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 - ?
Hiding 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 - about 5 days
Magery 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 - about 3 months and maybe 400k to get my mage to GM.
Archery 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 - about 6 days here paying 15 gp per ****ing arrow.
Meditation 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 - who the hell knows how long
Musicianship 99.9 99.9 0.0 100.0 -useless
Tracking 97.5 96.7 0.0 100.0 - a day
Healing 96.8 96.1 +2.4 100.0 - 1 week and 20k aids
Spirit Speak 90.6 90.6 0.0 100.0 -was for dex

Inscription 85.5 83.6 0.0 100.0 - about 200k into this, and about 3 weeks of time. was 80.1 when I got here.

Why did I not quit when it was this hard? Because I love IN and the community of IN especially.

wow such pwnage skills lol...also, I worked hard as **** for these skills on INR the skills gain was much harder in case you didn't know, but oh you didn't since you never played there. And you guys basically got free skills too, on XUO you login you had GM mage and a bunch of other pvp skills which Xfered over to here at just about the same rate. We worked hard as hell for our crafts you have no clue how hard some people like Duke and Cyn worked for the crafts they have. You would of quit before hitting 55.0 alchemy on INR from what I can see here...

and Fable, the spell shit, no I wasn't talking about I was talking about a lot of stuff that you guys will just rag on saying it was gay rp shit and that it ruined pvp cause all we did was hunt dragons, lol, also having to "adjust your mind" or whatever the hell you said I don't know what your talking about its just some god damn deco. Re adjust your mind for deco lol...all us IN pvp'ers are "re adjusting our mind" for your pvp, we are not *****ing about EVERY SINGLE little thing that we don't like, as mr. Silverwolf here is doing.

"an xuo player at silvers lvl would beat everyones ass from IN easy at ur pvp. dont ask why i wrote this. i just have that feeling" you've never ever played our PVP so I don't know how you can be so sure about that. Also really not 75% of the server is, I don't recognize more then 60% of the people here, there are people from IN, XUO, NOS, and other shards. Not just IN, in fact most INers have grown out of UO completely.

Anyways, I think the deco is fine at the bank, big deal people can run into it and get lost or whatever, adapt or whatever the hell you were talking about earlier...its so stupid *****ing about deco on forums you sound retarded.

Also Silverwolf I do not know if you know this but...your xuo staff guys. I put them in contact with the INR guys about a year ago. It took me 12 pages in a forum to get the admins of INR to talk to Maka. I wanted this to happen, because I know how good of an admin/scripter Maka is.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

at the end of the day, you IN'ers will see. that deco you made in occlo, you aint going to be able to see it. I'll make IN Killers guild, and make sure none of you guys enter occlo Big Grin.

Now that's going to be fun, trust me.



Well, the way I look at it guys is this, XUO pvp , IN:rers are new to it, as we are new to the IN:R look. You see, we're this half (XUO| and IN:R is this half |IN:R). But think of that this way, (IN:X) Full sphere of PvP/PvM/RP/And great events. As well, I would say some are new to this server as well, never played the previous, but IN:X is a whole now, not no halves. -Roosto

INers live in SH and Trinsic, have fun in Occlo...we have static buildings in SH, so yea we pretty much hang there.

I saw this Silver, and I thought especially of you ;

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

Oh we are so sorry that a tree affects your uber pvp skills. Sorry that you are so good you pwn all IN players. Grow up Silverwolf no one cares that you can kill IN players, this is your pvp system of course your going to be better at the start. It you came to INR and pvped with all the skills you needed I'd kill you like a noob, but thanks for the comparison.

FFS someone remove the dam tree. I'm sure no one would care if it got removed and if its causing problems, but im sick of this shit about how good XUO players are at pvp and how IN players are crafters and JESUS CHRIST you challenged the ADMIN to a duel to show who knows more about uo? LOL

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