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A theory on the vet -> noob fairness gap

the best solution to the problem is to make gain fast at the early stages of the skill and get gradually slower, and from what i can tell this is already how it works. ill admit though that 500gp isnt enough to really get started here, 5-10k would be ideal.

So people can farm account and get rich without doing anything..?? no pls

Maybe theres a way to implement a [Young] status as on OSI. Perhaps while in this status theres a different skill gain algorithm in place and you can stay in this status for 1 week or something. Just bouncing ideas here. Can anyone add to this?

Nostalgia Wrote:So people can farm account and get rich without doing anything..?? no pls

The reason we're recreating sphere on runuo is that they have the possibility to police things like this.

Selling Forges and Anvils, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Looms and Spinning Wheels, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Water Troughs, 10k Each
Help me help you, contact info in my profile.

I posted this in the skill gain thread in the Suggestions forum, but I think it is relevent here as well. Here is an actual skill gain report over a decent (12 hour) sample size.

Okay guys, since we're talking about the rate of the gains I will post an actual report. My friend and I spent all night macroing (From 1:30 AM to 12:30 PM which is now), and here are the results.

My char who was using a skinning knife and a wooden shield(s):
Swords +9.9% (95.6) [.8%/hr]
Anat +9.0% (94.9) [.75%/hr]
Tactics +6.1% (74.1) [.5%/hr]
Healing +2.8 (70.3) [.2%/hr]
Parrying +2.4 (67.7) [.2%/hr]

Note: The Parrying figure might be a little bit off, as we started with 8 wooden shields for each of us, and fought until and beyond all of them lost durability and broke. Speaking of which the devs might want to take a look at the durability loss for shields. I seem to be destroying 7-8 shields by the time it takes me to break one weapon.

Friends char using a dagger:
Fencing: +12.8 (91.7)
Anat +10.9 (96.8)
Tactics +7.4 (74.2)
Healing +4.6 (71.0)
Parrying +3.5 (67.2)

This is pure uninterrupted macroing. The gain on swords/fencing/anat/tactics look good. They are an acceptable rate. The claim for the combat skill gains is that it will take about 1 day to GM, but in reality this is far from the case. Starting at 50 it would take (.8 skill/hr / 50 skill) about 62.5 hours to GM. Experimentally this seems like an accurate figure, as I have easily macroed combats for 40+ hours to get to where I am now. Even with this example, I feel like the rate of swords/fencing/wrestling is still fine. However, the other skills should be brought up to this rate as well. I mean seriously, healing at .2% per hour? Thats ~250 hours of STRAIGHT macroing. No one should have to macro that long for COMBAT skills!?!?!!!!!!!!!!

I still haven't macroed magery or archery for long periods of time but I feel like the gain would be just as if not more excruciating as the others.

It's funny how much of this was predicted before...

Lindenwood Wrote:...those that start with thse skills will not command the respect of somebody who truly earned each of their skills without any advantages.
That sure sounds true.

Lindenwood Wrote:...when you join another shard, you know everyone else worked as hard as you did, and received no unfair advantages. Coming here, though, people will see that a select few who were around at the right time get a bunch of easy skills, while everyone else has to work hard.
True also, and it sounds like alot of people aren't happy about it.

Sorick Wrote:Starting with skills will just make it get boring faster and scare away newcomers.

Horacio Wrote:People will get bored if they have lots of GM skills and will eventually leave. If there is no personal development you slowly stop playing. Thats what happened to me on IN1. I left before it closed because I couldnt grow, same with most of my friends. We slowly stopped playing...until we stopped completely.
Everytime I go to the bank I see nothing but people either macroing, or sitting there looking pretty holding their GM reward items, wrapped in their rare-dyed clothes sitting on their llamas. Sounds pretty boring to me. I hope they will stick around long enough for the rest of the shard to catch up so they will feel like they have some competition.

Hate Wrote:Transfers:
- New people get discouraged cause they do not want to fall behind the players that already have items, skills or statics.
Same thing as #2.
Hate Wrote:- People get bored of the game faster cause they have skills, while the people that haven't are left to macroing. It's not all that fun to run around on a "dead" shard.
Same thing as $3.

I guess this is why they say "Nice guys finish last." Once somebody sees you are "nice" (I.E. willing to give), they and everyone else will forever continue to hound you, always expecting more.

Who knew that the transfers would cause this much drama... [/sarcasm].

And... as far as fixing the problem. I guess there is nothing I can do about it anymore. Give everyone 15+ points on their magery. Hell, the people around at the end of INR got to macro for weeks strait to get their magery to 85, and then got that last 15 points free.


This is like our legal system. As soon as people see one person sue for something stupid, everyone and their grandma tries to sue for any reason they can think of. Is it right? No. Is it moral? No. Is it justified? No. Everyone just wants theirs, and doesn't care what is lost in the big picture to get it.

**That is not to say that some of these reasons are not justified. This is basically the same as the argument about transfers in the first place: Pleasing individuals vs keeping a level and mature playerbase.


And as far as the actual "problem." I say you dont give anyone anything else. Look at how much trouble the initial freebees caused. We have almost 200 people online average. There is no way we are going to lose more than 10-15% of people from them storming out from not getting their way. Hell, even if tansfers never happened, I think we'd still easily be at least at 100 people online (that is assuming maybe 30 players would have not returned, and that each of them brought 3+ friends... which is definately an overstatement), and growing just as fast.

Staff: Please just ignore the bickering. It will die down soon, either after the few extremists (these, what, 15 people who keep arguing about this?) quit, or just get over it.

Another thing regarding skill gain. Those figures are for macroing. There are some players who refuse the concept of macroing skills, do you really expect anyone to GM their combats, magery, healing by actually playing? Mathematically it just won't happen for months.

All those skill gains your posting there seems quite fine.
Aye healing looks slow, but how many bandages did you use, i think thats the real question, not a question about how many houers you spend macroing.
There is a big difference if your char starts to heal when you get down to 60HP's or if your char heals when he get's down to 80HP's or at 99HP's (evrytime he gets hit)
I bet if you set up a macro to heal your char at once you get hurt, you will see a great increase in your healing skill. While your other skills won't increase as much.

Need pots or stangs drop me a PM, i got it all.

Ingame char: Es [SIN]
ICQ: 334254966

I agree with the fact that everyone should have started on the same playing field.

Would have been better ( eventhough right now im trying to get a gm to find my account in old XUO files)

That said, its kinda stupid how people start already with gm mining and bs, that means when you are new u have no one to sell armor to because why buy an iron set from someone when they can buy a set of armor that takes 90% skill to mine?

I dont know, i have been mining afkish while watching t.v etc and the gains are decent. 50 - 66.8% in 2 days i dont mind spending 2-3 weeks gming mining. because its something that will bring money. but im afraid that by the time im a GM miner those who started with 99.9% mining and BS will have already sold their expensive armor sets to everyone in need of one.

Blacksmithing gains are rediculous. that has to be adjusted. personally i don like the skill repetition based thing.

I have a suggestion.

Why not make it easier to gain skills and add a crafting skill cap?

so we dont have people runnign around being a GM mage/fighter/alchemist/tailor/tamer/etc etc

I dont know exactly what the solution is to balance out the game but till its found ill keep macroing!

P.S The shard didnt have that new shard feeling because new shards dont a guy recalling to a location Fsing you 2x and then looting you and recalling away to place things in their house. Sad

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

if you cap craft skills people will just make alts and do it on them... its really not that bad, there are always alternatives and just because you cant achieve the goal the way you want doesnt make it unattainable.


Well this problem comes because people from the latest xuo and In has now importcharacters.
(ie. i have played 2 days in Xuo latest so i had gm magery for doing nothing. i import my character here and i have 99.9 more or less magery. and with 99.9 magery money is easier to earn. just go destard ...)

Its totally unfair that from the first day there is a gm blacksmith or craft skilled gm

The server is new so all the people is new.
Its more competitive to have everybody the same at the start.

I know people like to macroing and suffer for a 0.1 in a craft skill.
I know people that comes here just to pvp so they dont like to suffer

I dont really think you have to get presented all skills but almost combat skills should be easy or very easy to increase.

Just make nice rewards for being a gm black instead of giving a coloured hammer (wOw) so people if they want that rewards they will have to suffer a lil.

Gm crafts = nice rewards differents from each gm blacksmith

I know u try to make the server as late sphere...
but there are nice things in runuo like bonds they give money and special rewards to crafters so you enjoy while macroing that craft skill. it's not only going to do daggers all the time and that shits

My conclussion you shouldn't had to import characters and make all the people with the same things so nobody can complain about what other people has from the start.

craft skills = not hard not easy
combat skills = very easy (I suppose major people comes to pvp than craft)

PdConfusedorry for my english i hope people and gms think about what i said

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