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The "I Remember..." Thread

SuperChicken was a nice GM, and I liked him.. except for the fact that he favorised players. That's why he "quit"

many old ppl posting like Zdar and Bilbo. Are u guys coming back to game or just looking forums from time to time ?

I remember spending the first 2 months of Imagine nation 1 by myself taming 24x7, then their was a big time warp and I lost like all of my taming skill which was around 60. So I paged a gm and told them I was 80 (hehe) they didn't buy it and as for punishment didn't set it back to 60 Lol!! So I spent another 2 months doing it again and Gm'ed it first on Imagine Nation Woot! Of course it took like 6 months straight.. i had no life at the time.

I remember when blue bears first arrived and I found the first spawn before anyone else and tamed like 30.. then they moved it and I found it again 10 minutes later haha.

I remember the first time I made contact with other players once they started populating the server and I sold about 100 animals that day Big Grin And "The One" walked up to me and asked me to join Pheonix so I could provide animals to them.

I remember the first time I found FW (Forest Wardens or something) castle on an island and offered to sell them some horses by shouting over the wall and they did Yay!

I remember when the 4 GM's pretended to be players with the names like Pestilance and disease or whatever , you know the stuff from Pandora's box lol.. anyway they showed up at Pheonix's little guild town and killed us all Sad Meanies. I asked to join their group haha and was refused.

I remember when I was part of a Drow guild for awhile, can't remember what it was called, and FW's entire guild.. like 60 people showed up at our guild place and utterly destroyed my guild mates. Someone told me they were their so I gathered up like 20 blue bears that were shrunk and recalled to the guild area, and unleashed all of them all at once.. killed 3 or 4 people before I died, but it was hilarious.

I remember the Trinsic council and guards (i was a guard) who had bansticks, which were abused often, but it was quite fun. Then one of the FW members, can't remember who, kept his stick in his bank long after guards were disbanded and one day took it out and started banishing people from trinsic hehehe. Then bletheran became mayor.. for some reason. I remember Yuri, he was an awesome guy who had joined the guild I start called "The Tradesman" but then when he joined the Trinsic council he must have got sick of the game and left forever.

I remember a lot of people, Fah King, The One, Billy The Kid, Manyak or something, Ean Highmoore, Mary Jane and his cohort.. can't remember his name, all the various dwarves who can't remember their names Lol!! Bad with names..

I remember when the Silvermoon Inn opened and I was their when Tru killed a bunch of people, except me hahaha, I used to sell mounts to everybody.. so they didn't attack me for some reason.. Big Grin But then when they left, I attacked one of them and killed him.. then they came back and killed me heheheh

In2 had some awesome fights with Champions in dungeons, then getting killed by Pk's on our way out with the Loot Lol!

I remember when the gm's created an intracat quest to get an Elven bow, it was blue and calld Wind something.. had amazing attack speed and strength one of a kind.. the quest ended up on an island.. so instead of going through the quest, I took a boat across and stealthed onto the island and just grabbed the bow hahaha.. didn't fight anything.

I remember giving the bow away and all my other possessions when I quit In1 thinking the gm's were corrupt when one of the other Gm's quit, then found out that GM was corrupt and KM let me come back anyway, yay!

I remember when I became a smurf and my name was changed to Rachet Smurf and skin to blue after I submitted an RP story. That was pretty fun Big Grin I was the only smurf though lol, until some guy join the shard and called himself Papa Smurf grrrrr.

I remember the all feared super PK Gabriel, who was the scary guy for awhile.. until people started reaching his level with skill.. then he wasn't so much scary.... lol

Ah good times.. i can think of a lot more.. but its hazy lol.

2 months of taming and 60 skill??? ****!

From IN1:

I remember bumping into some mysterious RP decoration in some dungeon and thinking ''Oh my I found some secret stuff!''. I wanted quests so much I though everything was a clue. Noob meRolleyes

I remember running into some big bad Daemon guild guy and getting smoked with one flame strike. I held my hands high in their air, looked at the celling and said ''noooooooo'' because I had lost my ''expensive'' full platemail set (regular). Noob meRolleyes

I remember endlessly looking for Lord British and clues of how I could find him, specially when a GM told me he was wandering around the world. Then some time later I found out that the staff was just messing with my head and there was no real static Lord British quest waiting for yours truly. Noob me Rolleyes

Jerek Stormgard Wrote:From IN1:

I remember bumping into some mysterious RP decoration in some dungeon and thinking ''Oh my I found some secret stuff!''. I wanted quests so much I though everything was a clue. Noob meRolleyes

I remember running into some big bad Daemon guild guy and getting smoked with one flame strike. I held my hands high in their air, looked at the celling and said ''noooooooo'' because I had lost my ''expensive'' full platemail set (regular). Noob meRolleyes

I remember endlessly looking for Lord British and clues of how I could find him, specially when a GM told me he was wandering around the world. Then some time later I found out that the staff was just messing with my head and there was no real static Lord British quest waiting for yours truly. Noob me Rolleyes

Hahahaha ^^ Oh well at least all that noob-stuff served a good purpose - it made mr Seer Hate laugh irl Wink

Gotta love the days when everything was a lil quest on its ownBig Grin

Taran Wrote:SuperChicken was a nice GM, and I liked him.. except for the fact that he favorised players. That's why he "quit"

he did? Sad

Ahh why do most good GM's turn out bad..

Thor was also a funny GM.. everybody knew who he was cus of the spelling hehe. But who cares. he was still a funny GM.

I've always loved GM's who took their time to interact with players. I loved when a GM would come and start RP with me. made me feel that i was apart of the world and people, and not just another player.

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i remember getting first time online and getting killed by Fah King 1min later
i remember going mining later and getting killed by redruM
i remember when i met RainFall
i remember joining Dawn of Honor (order guild) and thinking why the hell people could kill me inside town all the time.. took me around month to figure that out.. noob me.
i remember raiding Pharaos HQ with KoTC
i remember buying 2 story house from RainFall.. it was located at Ice isle.
i remember joining PoD
i remember all the fights at minoc bridges
i remember me and Lerris stealing all Taran's FS scrolls and using them all in couple hours
i remember me and Lerris fs ganking Buck at Brit and everytime when he tried to get on hes rare stang we killed him and after a while we killed the stang just for fun.
i remember when me and Dildok bought our first tower and SIN kept hunting me.
i remember SIN getting inside my tower and looting it dry
i remember joining Dark Era
i remember discovering Dark Era was ally of SIN (damn i hated them)
i remember being totaly drunk and thinking i could actually do something... so i ended up getting full reactive armour on and going Brit.. started to fight against Rob without horse,bandages and brains.
i remember spanking pink bear at Trinsic
i remember joining SIN Tongue
i remember all the SIN vs TRU fights
i remember when my bank account went over 8mil
i remember joining FW... Arya started to fool around with me and Mordex so she turned us to pink sheeps... Ean was there.. damn im still scared of the things he likes to do with sheeps.
i remember GM asking me to help him in quest... i ended up turning to be Buffy the Vampire slayer.. they turned me to a woman but they forgot to cut my beard... still can see all the people laughing.
i remember talking with so many cool people over the years... you know who you are.. i could list over 300 names if i wanted.

"Time is never wasted when you'er wasted all the time"
"Spanking Since 1982"
ingame name: Bart von Horst [SIN]

I remember...A farmer hat...and a pitchfork...That's about all that is worth mentioning.

Mordex Wrote:I remember...A farmer hat...and a pitchfork...That's about all that is worth mentioning.

Blue dragon naked fighting, old fart farmer hay shoe *grins*

Darkness crush me down like edge of broken dreams.
Sylph winds blows hard and painful, frozen my soul.
Lightning strike down ripping flesh of my bones.
Rain unforgivingly wash away my hope for tomorrow.
Sound of storm echoes die and the end silence.... .

I remember on my first day thinking (Counselor) was the abreviation of a guild who wouldnt let me join, so i called Inanna an idiot and she teled me to a small island and did nasty things to me... And so i learned counselors were like gms, but much, much more evil.:doubt:

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