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Ban Lederoil

DeNiro Wrote:what is this all about, looks like a damn court. Tabion did you kill someone here??

I think he killed Pande....but on the inside:o

Horacio Wrote:I think he killed Pande....but on the inside:o

I say he deserved it.

Pande Wrote:Btw, how many angry high people do you see? I was talking with someone who was high and she couldn't stop laughing... Not once was she angry or even remotely serious...

I actually think that an majority of the people hitting innocent people or murdering people uses some kind of drug.. at least if the murder was unprovoced ;p (perhaps the murderer hallucinated that the guy he murdered was "the chainsaw massacre-murderer", and he was actually DEFENDING himself in his sick reality. However it depends on the drug as well I suppose, and the situation, perhaps that girl took something that made her hallucinate that you were a funny bunny or something. Rolleyes

Drugs are bad and it does not make you happy, it just makes your brain get all messed up, just wanted to point that out. Small "drugs" like weed or whatever may get you to "chill down" though, but it's still not an good idea to use it.

Fable Wrote:I will play at the shard *** instead..

Now that is a reason to get you banned from the forum, and I know you don't want that so please stop right now, I don't care if you're upset at Taran and Lederoil but this is not the way to do it. Taran is trying to be fair and Lederoil is trying to piss everybody off, so don't let him "win" by getting provoced by him.


This is just splendid, I love it.
I didn't feel like reading through the posts since my last one but I did skim over a few.
For the kid that said I am sticking up for Lederoil... well I clearly stated, more then once, that I was not defending him.
For Pande, I see caring about something and worrying about its appearance as two different things. As an example, say you have a kid... obviously you are going to worry about everything they do, everything, but are you really going to care about what others think about your child or what your child wants to wear regardless of how idiotic it may be? (referring to a youngin) See some parents would not care as long as the child is happy and some would make them wear something suitable, regardless of what the child wants. This may be a horible example but I just wanted to explain my outlook on how those two things, caring about something and how people perceive that something, are different. Oh and as for the whole flaming with proper grammar and everything... I think it would be quite funny and challenging to watch or try to flame people but remain sophisticated.
Bloodhound, I would like to know in what posts have I upset someone? Also, if you never read my posts how can you even say that? And if you think I should be banned for my 'next' flame, well I would see that as a bit unjust since I have never been warned, used obsessive profanity, or done anything wrong here. Meanwhile people get away with the junk all the time and don't even get a slap on the wrist. Explain to me how that is fair or how you came to that judgement... especially since you "never read tabion's posts"
Well kids this has been rather entertaining, keep up the good work.
Oh yeah and Fable, that last post I read of yours was much better :p
See how easy it is to state your point without cursing and whatnot. As for sticking up for Led, which everyone thinks I am, ask him yourself... we are not friends. The only person here I would even consider sticking up for is Magus and he knows that isn't very likely. I like Led as much as I like you Fable, I just used his posts and where he stands to build my rants around, nothing more. I know he is immature, though normally he comes off as around 16 where a majority of the shard seems more along the lines of 13. Sometimes you guys do better, sometimes worse.
Anyways... continue the insults, complaining and random nonsense that is completely pointless. I adore it.

Tabion Wrote:For Pande, I see caring about something and worrying about its appearance as two different things. As an example, say you have a kid... obviously you are going to worry about everything they do, everything, but are you really going to care about what others think about your child or what your child wants to wear regardless of how idiotic it may be? (referring to a youngin) See some parents would not care as long as the child is happy and some would make them wear something suitable, regardless of what the child wants. This may be a horible example but I just wanted to explain my outlook on how those two things, caring about something and how people perceive that something, are different. Oh and as for the whole flaming with proper grammar and everything... I think it would be quite funny and challenging to watch or try to flame people but remain sophisticated.

yup i see where you're coming from Big Grin hopefully you can see i care about both aspects for this shard.

and hate, you are over analyzing the "smoke a blunt" comment it was only made to get people to lighten up however they do it, wether its smoking a blunt or reading the comics/funny pages before coming on the forums.

GM Pande

this topic shoulda been ''removed'' not locked from the start... its non sense

I don't think it should be removed or locked, not just yet.
Don't you see it's a showdown? Hilarious!

Pande Wrote:and hate, you are over analyzing the "smoke a blunt" comment it was only made to get people to lighten up however they do it, wether its smoking a blunt or reading the comics/funny pages before coming on the forums.

Nono I know what you ment, and it wasn't the "smoke a blunt" part I replyed to, but instead the "the girl couldn't stop laughing - I've never seen an druggy upset" thing, I wouldn't want the players to get the wrong message of what drugs can do to you. I dunno how old most of them are but if it sounds to them as if taking drugs would only get somebody to calm down and chill, or get all happy, then I don't think they'd think it's such a bad thing, so I figured I'd mention some of the negative stuff as well, after all a lot of murders are done while the guy/girl doing it is on drugs, so I wouldn't say they're just all happy after taking some, of course it depends a lil on what drug you take as well though. Don't worry I know that you weren't suggesting they'd smoke a blunt tho, I just wanted to say "drugs are bad, here's why!" with a little more words than that ;p


thanks to Pande, i am now a drug addict, i have no money left, i have no friends. started smoking pot, went on with LSD now cocaine is the shit. All this in just a week. thank you Pande i love you


Yea, just because I followed Pande's advice, I got kicked out from my mothers place.. She found out I was doing drugs and got crazy. I live with my friend now, but I can't do it for long. I said this was caused from a more serious argue with my mother, but if he finds out I'm doing drugs... I don't know how he will react, problably he'll go as crazy as my mom, and do the same. My money is running out, which is getting very tough. To be able to pay the drugs, I save my money by eating the rests from McDonalds. The abstinence, makes me do everything. Yesterday I got caught from stealing women underwares. My life is falling apart, and I don't know how much longer I can take this..

Pande.. please, tell me, what did we do to deserve this??

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Oh no! Who could of have guessed young and ignorant people would actually read and believe all that horsecrap! Drugs are dangerous! Stay the **** away from them, dudes!
Anyways, hopefully you will both pull through and somehow get rid of the urge. Pande how can you sleep at night? Look at the damage you've caused! This is quite serious, rest assured of that.

It's kind of enough. The comment was no appropriate but he did not mean anything bad with it, just should have put some more thought into it.

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