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Ban Lederoil

i meant read leders posts first. since he is allways the one calling me stuff before i do.

- regards, Fable

Fable Wrote:i meant read leders posts first. since he is allways the one calling me stuff before i do.

well i agree tabion and led try to upset people alot, maybe they should get banned by their next flame post to learn to stop flaming, if you ask me i think taran is being to friendly towards many forum users.
N.B. don't mind aptar or kokane, they are just funny not flaming

Lederoil Wrote:Really? Damn! =/

Haha, well, on a serious note(watch out), I know you will call me emo, even if I'd convince you that I'm not. But I'm kinda used to it, so you go ahead, it won't hurt me, haha.
I'm not doing it to hurt you, I'm just saying that you look Emo...

Attention everyone:

Please shut up. Nobody cares who started it, I sure as hell don't. I'm tired of flame wars and I'm sick of the drama. This place makes me feel like I'm 13 again.

Everyone should just stop, hell I'll take the blame for every flame war started if it will just end it. It's all me, I started it, I'm sorry. Now everyone can stop.

See? I took the blame. Nobody needs to defend their forum honor now. Rolleyes

Valas [Vampire]

[Image: Opiatus.png]

Valas Wrote:Attention everyone:

See? I took the blame. Nobody needs to defend their forum honor now. Rolleyes

I need a heroe which can save me from buffy the vampire slayerWink

<3 Lederoil

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Bl00dH0unD Wrote:I need a heroe which can save me from buffy the vampire slayerWink

I can be your hero baby....I can kiss away the pain (oh yeahhh)

Valas [Vampire]

[Image: Opiatus.png]

Yeah guys, chill out. It's just a game board. My old buddies at Motorhead said it right: ''You win some, lose some, it's -all- the same to me
The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say''

Funny stuff Tabion...
So you are defending that Lederoil guy because he causes DRAMA? lol don't make me laugh man, following these rules i couldn't call you retard but i could call you "man with less than 50 IQ" that's the stupidiest thing i've ever heard man, get a brain.

Pande Wrote:"smoke a blunt"

Dont worry Pande, I'll take your adviceWink


But on a serious note, Maturity doesnt just reflect age. Everyone has their immature outbursts from time to time, but if its ongoing you should take a look at yourself. No one likes a constant immaturity whether your 12 or 30. I started playin UO when I was 15, I dont ever remember acting THIS bad. The name of this thread says it all. Disgusting. It sounds like something my 8 year old cousin would say when his sister pisses him off.

Tabion Wrote:Oh and just as a reminder, since I have noticed how you can be on the forums, I did not say the staff as a whole or you yourself do not care about the shard itself but I will say that very few of you seem to care what others think about it.

lets take a look at what was said;

Tabion Wrote:
Pande Wrote:pwned by noxor Big Grin

and everyone smoke a blunt and get high as **** before you read the forums then you won't care what people said.

it shouldn't have to come to deluding our our reality to put up with the forums. I am going to make an educated guess here and say that you don't seem to care about the reputation of the shard but maybe, as staff, you should. These are the types of posts that just draw in the wrong types of people or chase 90% of possible players right back from where they came.
Or just maybe give the shard a nice heading like... "IN:X, the shard you cannot tollerate unless you do drugs"

Tabion, you made a direct quote of something I said, used the word "you" which is clearly indicating me. You didn't say again "you guys" or "some staff" or "select members of the community" etc... and then say you weren't talking about me specifically? Wow, please don't bullshit me or change your story because you realized you were wrong in what you originally said.

Tabion Wrote:I never said you don't care about the shard specifically. What I said was you don't care about the reputation of the shard. I understand that you work and help out on the shard, I understand you want it open like everyone else. What I don't see is that same urge to keep this shard having a decent reputation.

To me, caring about the shard and it's reputation are one and the same. Maybe that's not how it is for everyone, but for me, if I care about the shard and want everyone to enjoy themselves, then that means I want the shard to have a good reputation (a result of people enjoying themselves). If people don't enjoy themselves, then they say bad things about INX giving it a bad rep, and I don't want that. I hope you can see my point on this.

Tabion Wrote:Also I would just like to say that I do not need to lighten up or "smoke a blunt" (as you say, which gives me the idea that this is the only way you know how to do so). I don't take any of this seriously, I just try to inspire some slightly more intelligent arguements or discussions then what normally take place.

Surely to your shocking surprise, I don't smoke weed or do any drugs. I suggested some people who are b*tching do smoke a blunt because they seriously need to chill out. Btw, how many angry high people do you see? I was talking with someone who was high and she couldn't stop laughing... Not once was she angry or even remotely serious...

Tabion Wrote:I don't take anything anyone says to heart ever, not even family or friends. I am just wasting my time talking about this because I think you all can do better, not much mind you, but a bit better.
It would be so much more interesting reading flames when they are spell checked and have proper grammar, lol

You sure are arguing this topic or subject at hand a lot if for someone who doesn't take it to heart. And please, for the love of God, please tell me you are joking when you say you want flames to have proper grammer. LOL!!!

GM Pande

what is this all about, looks like a damn court. Tabion did you kill someone here??


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