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The "I Remember..." Thread

I remember having shit loads of fun joining pirates! probably best guild around.

I remember the ol good days when there was country vs country guild fights on nos, koreans,russians etc huge fights! probably 20vs20.

I remember winning my first 2vs2 tournament at nos with Ztoke! wooped Mark and MegaDeath badly.

I remember getting shit loads of stuff from people cuz they thought i was a girl Big Grin

I remember Reyn buying me shit loads of lunar/undine parts to me so i could GM blacksmithing, hehe damn reyn we must have trashed probably 10 full sets of lunar plate Big Grin

I remember HodaK/Inspectah teaching me pvp.

I remember meeting up with nox somewhere Big Grin

Fallzone Wrote:I remember HodaK/Inspectah teaching me pvp.

HAHA!! I've had forgotten specs old nameBig Grin OLD SCHOOL!Big Grin

[SIZE="4"]Memories from real NOS (No vus Opiate), 8 years back in time[/SIZE]

I remember my friend Twille showing me some screenshots of UO and telling me it was a great game.. (he had playing it for about 2 weeks at the time)

I remember first time logging on.. and the first time I used a gate to his 2-story-house..

I remember killing a bunch of newbies in newbie dungeon with blade spirits ;p

I remember Twilles buddy and room-mate "Bogus" scaring me with fire fields inside the house and forcing me to "sleep outside" the house at nights, lol. He didn't trust me much Wink

I remember killing MegaDeth with his old name Helloween back at "NOS II", in full lunar. I had just learned how to use flamestrike and he crashed so I dumped his ass, then I thought I had won a fair fight and was all happy ;p Good thing I recalled before his buddys came to slay me ;p

I remember getting to know Enano De Tunnel through my friend Twille.. and ganking with him and his friends.

I remember meeting Doudoune in wind courtyard and getting to know him.

I remember winning my first tourney at NOS II in an opiate armor combined with some mythril parts.

I remember winning my first FFA full loot.

I remember kicking Mega and Marks ass in 2v2 with Fallzone.

I remember duelling "Method" (ChAoS fake-nick) back at NOS II in bucs, he had an warfork of vanq but he still didn't get me down tho, was a fun duel, I didn't get him down either tho, he was the best pvper except for Megadeth back then.

I remember practicing PvP with Megadeth and Shivan at their house. I had no GM alchemy so I borrowed their pots and scrolls, wow I must've wasted so much of them Wink

I remember ganking ChAoS at my first visit in Ocllo back when I was a newb. Together with 5 other people though. But ChAoS rarely ever died so we did good! Wink

I remember watching the best PvPers of NOS PvP in a big tourney. Megadeth, Shivan, Paul and ChAoS were some of the people in it.

I remember watching MegaDeth and Paul duel for a tub in a tub-tourney for three hours in a row at NOS II. Mega won in the end but Paul did good.

I rememeber Pauls PvP-style at NOS, by fizzling flamestrikes all the time and then throwing away a bunch of them when you least expected it.

I remember MegaDeths pvp style at NOS, getting a huuge hit and then throwing four fast perfect timed FSes and a light on the guy by pre-casting an FS and waiting for full mana again. I think he was the first guy ever at NOS who did it, way before anybody else knew about that.

I remember getting recruited into Droz guild as a newb. He recruited the whole shard and we killed everybody, then he started backstabbing us one by one, I figured it wasn't an good idea to stick around for my time to get backstabbed, so I spoke to a few guys and we backstabbed Droz before he could backstab us, that was fun, haha Wink

I remember joining Megadeths old guild which had members like Mega, Shiv, Doudoune, myself, and a few others. We all wore metallic red-clothes since Mega had the tub, he was the only one on the shard with one so we felt pretty leet. That tub has been one of my favorite tubs ever since.

I remember joining Megas newer guild at NOS I after we merged over there. I remember us kicking some ass as well.

I remember meeting Mark at NOS I and following him to his house with a buuunch of cheating tubs ;p

I remember Mark getting ganked by Error404, and then Mark logged on his GM to chainlight them all to death, roflmao.

I remember meeting Spyro for the first time, he was a newb running around with an orc-mask and stuff, he wasn't good enough to be in Error404 with his buddys but he usually ran after them throwing lightning-spells at the people they ganked, he didn't have enough magery to flamestrike yet, lol Wink

I also remember winning an big ass tourney at NOS II with a tub as prize.. wow I was so happy, all big tourney there contained sooo many players and winning a tub tourney there was something huge ;p

This is all back when I was a "newbie" so to speak. I could go on all day about the stuff I remember winning and stuff after getting better, at XUO, At Alphanine, at Corefailure, at Noir Genre, and so on, but somehow the memories from the newb days are way more fun to talk about, nostalgic stuff :] I think I'll settle for that for now tho, but I may write down some more memories later on :]

- Ztoke

I remember seeing UO at the first time at my friends place. I said it blew and I was wondering how he could play a game like that when there were games like GTA out thereTongue

I remember how I got hooked from the amount of people there were at nos bank, speaking and chilling.

I remember my friend being given the first full spell book I've ever seen, it was given by Diablocal on NOS.

I remember creating my first char, Demtiri, and macroing in the invul zone on nos. I was so happy when I got my GM swords and like 70 tacticsBig Grin

I remember when I bought my friends char, Moiraine, cause it was to expensive to macro a char on a regular modem back in the day.

I remember creating the guild 142 during the last days of nos with 5 (or so) people from my class.

I remember being mad at Kragan cause he killed me and looted me, then i got mad so he came back and gave it to meBig Grin

I remember when I first got DSL, me and spec(Inspectah) had the same name and we were playing a lot in LAN during that summerBig Grin

I remember meeting Jakko and Nikita for the first time. They were hanging out with one of my guilds (or a guild I was in) and we became friends.

I remember when we first logged on to jakkos shard, TC, after NOS went down.

I remember when i logged on to specs account and hid my shit in the woods, so that I wouldn't have to hunt to get stuff.

I remember when I first meet ztoke and twille and we became "friends".

I remember when ztoke and twille back stabbed meBig Grin

I remember meeting a "girl" called angelica and we became friends.

I remember figuring out that angelica was actually a guy.

I remember, that after a few months have massed, and we logged to XUO, i met angelica again under a different name. Angelica later became to be my gank partner and partner in crime in other gamesSmile

I remember acting like an idiot to two guys called Lord Smir and Sir Slay.

I remember growing fonder of these guys to the point where i could consider to call them friends.

I remember agnking with smir and slay (chycken and fysh), crowsi (angelica) and ztoke. We didn't die often, and when we did, there were always someone fast ressing.

I remember hApPy(me), aNgRy(crowsi) and sAdN00b(ztoke) owning every time and every hunting spot.

I remember sneaking into gates, where 7 russians thought they would drop us, and leaving with all their gear.

I remember when i trained 1v1 with crowsi and ztoke, having both of them whopp my ass.

I remember when me and crowsi both became better, closing up on ztoke.

I remember spyro looting my stuff.

I remember falling out with ztoke and not speaking to him for a few years, cause of the spyro looting incident.

I remember still being good friends with crowsi, even though i had a falling out with his brother ztoke.

I remember fair gear duels with bilbo and smeagol, even though we were dueling outside their house, and the other one was watching.

I remember becoming good at PvP, and winning every ladder season that i actually participated in, even if i didn't join that many tours.

I remember being banned multiple times for various reasons (some where fair and some were quite stupid:p)

I remember trying osi PvP and winning big tours, just after a week.

I remember when i logged on to RunXUO and tried it the first time.

I remember when i made my automated 1v1 tour hosting script for injection.

I remember when i fixed my first bug (without actually being staff), the hit and aid bug on RunXUO.

I remember working more and more on RunXUO, without being staff.

I remember not wanting to ask to become a staff member, cause of my past, but still feeling that I could help out a lot.

I remember when they asked me to join the staff team, and that i first felt that i didn't want too (cause seriously, it sux), but that i finally accepted cause i wanted to make something of XUO.

I remember being pissed of for being the one that scripted and hosted the most, still being a GM.

I remember being promoted to dev.

I remember feeling unmotivated cause i felt that the player base were really unappreciative and hostile.

I remember having a falling out with where RunXUO were going, so i resigned as a dev.

I remember playing ONO, and realizing how much it blew, started working on my XUO copy.

I remember RunXUO dieing cause no one took care of it.

And now I don't really remember anything else, when you work as much as i do, time kind of blends togetherTongue

There is a lot of other things that i remember, but seriously if i was to write them all down, it would bee wayyyy longer. Love to happy memories with n0x, Reyn, Tiff, [142], sunzor, dav, xav and crowsi.(and to everyone else i forgot to mentionTongue)

i havnt played uo as long as u guys, but i do have my memories:

i remember when i went to visit one of my cousins in stockholm, he played uo (Alias Mortal) i didnt like the graphics but i loved the spells and the way of pvp. i also loved the dragons, dont ask why.

i remember my cousin gave me a copy of his cd so i could play it when i went home.

i remember i spent most of my 2 first weeks mining, on AM a new char could choose 4 skills gm. i remember mining and blacksmith was 2 of them thats why i spent most time mining and shiet.

i remember competing at my first 1vs1 tour. i won first round and i didnt even know what pots and scrolls were but i won against one who had that stuff :p

i remember becoming a friend of error 404. ganked alot with them, especially Dachro and Zetrix and my cousin, Arabian Psycho.

i remember a major lagg constantly made me so angry i quit playing at AM.

i remember my cousin told me to join xuo instead of AM. PVP was so dif and i got angry cause it was to hard for me.

i remember i couldnt find my cd and i didnt know i could d-load uo.

i remember later (sometime after summer 2005) i d-loaded ML and searched for a server to play on, then i found XUO and joined.

i remember i met Crazygee and he was a member of Error 404 and i told him bout my cousin and he recognised him and he helped me out, hunted with me and so on.

i remember i rejoined xuo but didnt like the pvp alot so i went back to ONO.

i remember winning my first tour and got an R/R deed just before the server died, and i had a +25 bardiche of vanq, and full undine ar Big Grin

i remember i went back to xuo and i tried to learn to pvp.

i remember maka helped me out with pvp.

i remember how happy i was when i got full red xtreme Big Grin

now that i remember my red xtreme and that il never have it again im very sad Cry Cry Cry

i remember xuo going down and that ive been waiting for IN:X since then

- regards, Fable

I remember one of my first days or maybe weeks on IN1 and meeting The One for the first time. Turns out we were basically neighbours and under that black robe of his, he wasn't all that bad. Somehow TRU caught wind of our dealings with Vampire and Sparhawke and his posse rode up and EQ'd our little two-story guild hall. I remember seeing Ark on top of the Trinsic bank polymorphed into a dragon and being amazed.

I remember Tananda being nice to me and joining OX. I felt bad killing newbies so I left chaos and the guild behind. Somehow, I ended up in TRU after that and had a blast. Chasing after reds in Minoc and Trinsic, being chased by reds in Minoc and Trinsic. Smile Getting killed a whole lot. I remember the Magincia guild hall and just chatting while everyone macro'd their asses off. The Nujel'm guild hall was nice, but somehow it wasn't as cozy. :neutral: I remember Sparhawke's hilarious rants on the forum. I remember my awesome guildmates - Cujo, Rob and the rest of the crew.

Good times.

I remember when Smeagol showed me that strange game
I remember two Spanish guys called Drakan and Desfas who appeared suddenly next to me (in Cove) asking for money Big Grin
I remember when I went outside of Cove to kill rats
I remember when I discovered Healing and Alchemy in Cove and everybody started to macro those skills there. That was an inflection point
I remember becoming a good friend of Blackfox and started to improve the skill of “surviving in non-guarded regions” when I understood how important was to have a good connection.
I remember how irregular I was because that connection.
I remember when me and Smeagol founded one of the loyalist and oldest guild of UO, Imperial Defenders.
I remember the 10 good friends we have done cause the existence of this guild.
I remember me and Smeagol killing Chaos outside our house
I remember Luthor and Taylor looting our tower.
I remember Luthor wearing a robe and a lunar bone armor so it looked like he was naked.
I don’t remember a shard, where our house/tower wasn’t looted.
I remember when I won my first and only tournament in ***** Opiate.
I remember when me and Smeagol discovered a bug of invisibility and killing everybody in a server I don’t remember the name.
I remember when Makaveli tha Don have acted like he was a friend of mine for 3 years.
I remember fighting 2vs2 me and Smeagol versus Makaveli and Crowsi. We only were used to loot the armor and weapon.
I remember when I renamed to “NOMAK” and started to become rich because bets.
I remember killing Spyro using my fake newbie name.
I remember provoking Cloud (a Spanish guy) and starting to duel him feigning I was winning because luck. Then, in the last duel, I got all his tubs (like 20) and more shit.
I remember casting newbie spells like “poison” in those duels. By this way I discovered the usefulness of the spell “Heal” and since then many people adopted it.
I remember when I won my recolored armor renamed Burger King Legacy in a 60 people tourney after killing Makaveli and Ztoke in the finals.
I remember discovering with Smeagol a trick to kill everybody when the other drinks a pot that consisted in casting 1 more fs than the people was thinking it was possible.
I remember me and Smeagol trainning people to become better
I remember when Smeagol and me where always leading the ladders.
I remember starting to help and being part of Makaveli’s project called “XUO” for 2 years and then being ignored for the next project without having any reason.

As the rest of people in here, I can write a book of “I remember when…”. Anyways I want to thank the people, specially the polite and smart one, who made possible UO.

Regards, Bilbo

Bilbo Wrote:I remember starting to help and being part of Makaveli’s project called “XUO” for 2 years and then being ignored for the next project without having any reason.

Ouch Bilbo:/ There was reason, and the main part being inactivity. If you want to talk about it, I'm often on MSN.

maka Wrote:Ouch Bilbo:/ There was reason, and the main part being inactivity. If you want to talk about it, I'm often on MSN.

same thing happened to me with IN:X Wink except i didnt go inactive

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

I remember playing on fysh's char back in the day on NOS and losing a full lunar guardkilled after i tryied to pickpocket a guard.
I remember getting my own connection and logging on XUO at its very begginning.
I remember Chro and doudoune directly casting firewall on me to macro my GM resist up on my spawn point.
I remember gating to chro's tower to watch doudoune and goldorak (Saitoh) newb duelling for hours.
I remember farming THOUSANDS of gold with a +9 xbow on ICE's ogres to buy tubs.
I remember Sayan dying me a pure black robe that I wore for ages.
I remember tying to kill some impressive PK named Smeagol in Wind with fish by clicking our flame strike scrolls (both of us died).
I remember we then decided to use scrolls and potions, trained on my private beach on some small island for nights and nights.
I remember renaming to LordSmir , joining a tour and getting in final after 2 months of UO, only to lose to some girl named SaKuRa (You will be forever remembered, rest in peace...)
I remember SirSlay trying desperately to get into Imperial Defenders , he had to beat bilbo at least once in a serie of 5, and actually doing it.
I remember beeing mad jaelous and duelling like crazy to improve.
I remember passing my ID trial shortly after.
I remember getting mad cuz I couldnt win tours and Bilbo training me so I could get decent.
I remember winning a r/r cloth tourney shortly after Big Grin
I remember ganking with Bilbo, smeagol, fysh and doudoune ^^
I remember Saitoh (aka goldorak, luffy...) beeing one of the most underrated pvper ever, he kept going to occlo to 1v1 Ztoke on some day...then he came back to me and said : I understood then ate Ztoke's head.
I remember Saitoh teaching me awesome pvp trick that few only knew, with a style based purely on XUO scrolls casting.
I remember renaming to ChYcKenBoNe and beeing a leet unknown guy.
I remember getting my first r/r weapon on a final versus Fallzone. He wouldnt DIE !! I couldnt kill him, it lasted like 45 minutes he was taunting me with smileys to make me mad, we were discussing while dueling when low on mana I was like COME ON LET ME WIN u have shitloads of r/r bro Big Grin
I remember using an awesome trick and killing him woot ! Best duel ever for me , I was crap he was ownage Big Grin
I remember getting my 38 r/r cloth and 9 r/r weaps shortly after.
I remember my first and last r/r weap final versus spyro, he insulted me before the duel and said : This is going to be short for u , stupid. I killed him after the second dump he logged out it was hilarous (<3 roro).
I remember saving AqIyFx's ass in the FFA arena when 10 spics tryied dumped him to death, and we started chillin together ganking...he then told me he was Makaveli I was like OMG dude ur a legend Big Grin
I remember Imperial Defender and how proud I was to wear that tag, this guild really influed on the way you behaved ingame, it had some kind of spirit....
I remember playing my bro Spirit's char for him and got him into K$B
I remember getting my GM account after fallzone recommanded me , n0x teaching me commands Big Grin
I remember hosting a shitload of tourneys and getting spammed for it on msn all day long.
I remember beeing one of the most loyal GM on xuo, never cheated (exept when I fake banned Zylex , renamed him and let him out of jail cuz I saw him in RL).
I remember chillin irl with maka smokin hash and listening to hip hop Big Grin
I remember Punk looting all of ours tubs. Mofo.
I remember handling countless of GM pages for random russians and spics and the pain it was to actually settle them (gm mi tub es steal mi akount is hack).
I remember Maka beeing on top of his glory, unbeatable naked by most people.
I remember my uo wedding with Jannie Big Grin Guests were nOx , Aragorn, Fysh, Maka and Crow, everybody in adam armor.
I remember teaching pvp to ChYcKeNhEaD, doudoune, Raistlin and got them all in ID !
I remember ganking with my pals ..Menace, Bardock the Slave...
I remember playing Sandra's account to get her a Sandra has won r/r tourney broadcast Big Grin
I remember Bisou and how pwnage she was Big Grin
I remember telling maka about the infinite money bug I found and we beeing the richest mofos ever Big Grin (shard was dead anyway)
I remember countless other things ... my uo days were fantastic and allowed me to meet great people IRL , peace to my swedish and spanish crew Smile


zdar Wrote:I remember getting my first r/r weapon on a final versus Fallzone. He wouldnt DIE !! I couldnt kill him, it lasted like 45 minutes he was taunting me with smileys to make me mad, we were discussing while dueling when low on mana I was like COME ON LET ME WIN u have shitloads of r/r bro Big Grin

Haha i remember that Big Grin

-I remenber when i first started to play uo, it was actually on Jakkos Xuo.
-i remenber getting my favorite gear on xuo, it was the adantium armor, i loved it so much.
-i remenber when i finaly found out what a macro was.....
-when i got my account hacked by a guy named ''james'' and quitted xuo at the end, meanwhile xuo was dying..
-after quitting xuo joined a shard named ''noir genre'' owner by Hate
-i remenber when an admin named se7en had some issues with hate.
-i remenber when ng was shut down idk why.
-i remenber hearing about the Proyect RunXuo, but i didnt quite liked it since it was runuo, but at the end tryed it and became addictted to it

-i remenber after some time on RunXuo becaming friends with lots of people including the staff.
-i remenber when they were trying to take runxuo to another style and peopel starting to be deceptioned.

-when Runxuo was nearly dead with noone carring for it , Eva aka jannie told me she was gonna tell 'Admin Strife'' to shut down the proyect ,
- I asked jannie is i could apport something , and It was the first time i became Staff on UO.

-i remenber when they finally shut it down ,we had so much fun in occlo, with best gears, r/r stuff and full fo tubs in occlo.
-I remenber when makas proyect began , and i became part of it once again.
-I remenber when my gm account got compromised due to a friend who on a Lan copied a keylogger on my pc and tracked down my info and gave it to Paden and he started to dupe shit.
-i remenber Sengirs incident with his gm.

-i remenber Jailing 10 Spanish players one day all together.

and all much but cant continue typing cause im hungry Big Grin

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