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The "I Remember..." Thread

Ok, so... With the opening of the shard fast approaching, I'd like to hear from everyone some of their fondest memories of where they come from. Be it Imagine Nation or Xtreme UO. I don't know much of Xtreme UO but im anxious to hear a few things about what made it personally so great to each of you so I can know you alittle better and what to expect from ya.

I'll start...

I remember.... First comming to Imagine Nation, It was my first Non-OSI shard, and when i logged into the Minoc Bank, how Amazed I was at the BloodRock Painting hanging above the door and the guards armor.

I remember.... talking up a big storm in the forums about how the "evil apocalypse" has come and having Ean Highmoor put me in my place on the trinsic roads.

I remember... The big "Gay Attack" at Bella's Inn when noone could escape from the fruityness.

I remember starting up **** fighting, and also the "War" that me and Infinity had. ( Infinity's Lemonade Stand 4life)

I remember Kryssinisla (never could spell it right) and Reineke. :confused:

I remember alot of bad things I've done that i regret and wish i could undo. :o , Trust I took advantage of, and people I let down Cry
..A word of advice... Just because you are an *******, dosn't mean you have to act like one...

...Phew.. Anywho.. Enough of my babble. How About you? What do YOU remember?

I am The Good Father Juan.
Qui Tac Concentrat * Those who are silent, agree
All are born to observe order, But few are born to establish it.

Fear is not knowing what is, it is wondering what for.

[Image: meph28lu.jpg]

I remember when they created SIN and they told Xav it, and he was all desapointed and stuff Smile
I remember when me and a friend where sitting and RP about potatos and i got a whisper from a GM to keep up the good RP (and we where just lamering around being silly)
I remember dropping like 100k logs at minoc bank - and i paniked (i just started playing uo for the first time in my life) but Dogma from LC was helpfull and showed me the way things worked (and dident just loot the logs)
I remember trying to tame a freaking steed for like 2 hours and then walking to the pub while svearing that i would never tuch that stupid game again
I remember Bella <3
I also remember shanko Sad

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Hanging in BoJ castle when i was in RPG. Lerris recruited me into BoJ cause i was always with him and the BoJs anyway :p
Haha remember Odin set our afk record. He would set his alchy macro and go on vacation. Cant remember exactly but it was like 4 days where he made ns pots and put them in bags and then into his chest. It was like 35 bags with 255 ns pots in each when a gm came and deleted them. Dunno who it was but damn he was pissed. The entire area was so laggy that no one came to visit us Big Grin

My peak pvp days where me and Lerris would go to SH and fight deamons when they had alot of members. Loved those 2v6 fights Wink

Oh and how me and Kerith always yelled at each other. I hated his guts so much that bastard :mad:

Good times. And some bad ones too hehe Smile

I remember when Vampire/Daemon/Goblin had a merged guildhouse in T2A. TRU found out, and attacked us full scale. They lost miserably then spent the next week crying to the GMs how its not fair for us to have a Guildhouse in T2A (underground) even though it DOES make sense for MONSTERS TO LIVE UNDERGROUND! Anyways....our guildhouse was moved above ground....fvckers!

I also remember [TRU] was more damn chaotic than chaos at times. Standing on the bridge between the mines and minoc and charging a crossing fee...rediculous!

I remember Kryssy was a GM and pimped out my secret house on an island, then the [TURKS] came and saw it, and cried to the GMs, and they removed my Gates! Even though the house was illegally placed over some water somehow...wat a great home.

I remember when I was a newb mining in mt kendall, The One appeared on a tile that was unguarded in the cave, and summoned a BS on me, then vanished. He looked pretty bad ass with his black death shroud. Thats why I went eBil:icon_twisted:

I remember we used to have recruitment/training Guilds [VvV] [Spawn] ...any more?

too many things to go over really.

i remember being a total noob and not having a clue wtf i was doing. that was probably the most fun.

i remember joining PoD and getting yelled at by taran for taking 500 fs scrolls by accident and fighting with them at brit bridge (i died ALOT)

i remember ralire being a child molesting priest (he still is a ******)

i remember BoJ being the most hilarious guild iv ever been in ever. sitting watching odin macro afk for 3 days none stop and the Snow getting mad and yelling at GMs for jailing him for afk macroing right next to odin for two hours.

kleant running around with some pig called oinker.

killing fulmanars pet rat and pretending TRU assassinated it in revenge for snow being a loudmouth.

fighting tru 2vgod knows how many in brit with sarlaxle and having to do some pretty hawt teamwork to get out alive.

mentoring Faltar and then getting him mad at me for joining SIN Tongue

itd take a whole thread to list my memories of SIN so ill miss those out unless i get special requests or something daft.

I remember about 8 years ago back on NOS when Maka walked up to me at brit bank and told me that he was shite, had no skills and that he wanted to duel. I was new back then. He dropped my ass quicktime hehe.

I remember falling in love with Fallzone. He made everyone think that he was a pretty chick. Sad

I remember looting a full set of Lunar from Arch.

I remember dominating ocllo, bux, serps, destard and hythloth with DRi

Those are more or less only NOS memories, 7 years + .. I have so much more. I'll get into those later

n0x* Wrote:I remember about 8 years ago back on NOS when Maka walked up to me at brit bank and told me that he was shite, had no skills and that he wanted to duel. I was new back then. He dropped my ass quicktime hehe.

have you got an assConfusedurprised:

I remeber dire wolf attack me when i whas killing rabbit. I run from wolf and rabbit finnish me -.- I run lost and dead like 8h before i get help from Ralire Darkmoon who show me away in town.

I remeber mining in kendal and MiB member cast blade spirit on me and i run for it in town and i died God ares feet if i remeber right. i get ressed and i come back town and seen bank area total chaos. next i found my self in jail and 5 gods and krystal myth thinks i cast blade even i didint know what that whas and didint have magery skill or spell in book , so i promise to not cast blade spirit when i can do it even -.- scary moment they whas realy angry for me... and i did write english sooooooo slow and bad Big Grin

I remeber when i whas kendal and The One came and attack my backpack horse practising poisoning. Then he give me sword reason i didint get mad for him to attack my horsie. Later i learn that sword have value.. vang katana -.-

I remeber moving honnor valley mining alot sell colored metals (apoc members memhisto and diablo if i remeber names right) and saving iron for bs. 3 game day i buy marmor house and start practising bs 5 days whitout makro 1h sleep aday ,gm it and get bad burn my mouse hand.

I remeber honnor valley have 2 houses ark and sven , then it grow so large than black hole come and items vanished. All people have to move out there -.-

I remeber Saving Tru member Blue Bear and later get killed and looted for him.

I remeber billy the kid circle around me like pray when i lumber honor valley. scary vampire left me alive

I remeber Dracula attac trinsic -.-
I remeber Krystal Myth birthday in Kendall... "I see dead people"
I remeber Reineke Kick my ass in duel.
I remeber TRU war -.-

I remeber alot players who made IN so special. Emerald Star, Ean Highmoor, Lord Ark, Canaris, Krystenelesia(hard remer how to write)^^ The One, Billy the kid, Bart von Horst, Dildok von Horst, Mordex, Olskarna,Ralire Darkmoon,Pegasos,Eirel,Bella Harppel,Mystic Edge,Coldrake, GM Ares,Sua Sponte,Destiny,Jebedia Meathook,Maka,Mephisto,Father Juan,Messiah,Mina, Rackull,Redorb, Reineke,Skorpion,Melissa icemage,Mike the warlord/Bilder,Glory,Onyx,Lerris,Aghast .............Blacks,Tru,Goblins,SIN,Demons,Vamppires,DoD,Turks
+ others who i didint remeber right now

cant remember maka was good at early nos Big Grin. however "jakob bricko" was and he was the one who brought; me, bizkit,maka,inspecta etc to the world of ultima online =)

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

rainfall Wrote:I remeber alot players who made IN so special. Emerald Star, Ean Highmoor, Lord Ark, Canaris, Krystenelesia(hard remer how to write)^^ The One, Billy the kid, Bart von Horst, Dildok von Horst, Mordex, Olskarna,Ralire Darkmoon,Pegasos,Eirel,Bella Harppel,Mystic Edge,Coldrake, GM Ares,Destiny,Jebedia Meathook,Maka,Mephisto,Father Juan,Messiah,Mina, Rackull,Redorb, Reineke,Skorpion,Melissa icemage,Mike the warlord/Bilder,Glory,Onyx,Lerris, .............Blacks,Tru,Goblins,SIN,Demons,Vamppires,DoD,Turks
+ others who i didint remeber right now


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[Image: dieirlevenflowql3.jpg]

I remember evenflow breaking my favourite r/r weapon... hurts...

hopefully Some pimp GM EVA replaced it (cheater) <3

i remember being in newbie dungeon for about 4 - 7 months of my life
i remembered being given 20ish castle deeds by a corrupt staffmember and trying to sell them 1 by 1 ontop of brit bank, Arjun, after trying to gate me places for a "duel" told me i could sell em to the carp vendor and so i did, and was RICH, RICHER THAN ANYONE, almost.
i remember being befriended by a group of lovely swedes who said i should give em a castle for their guild [Pirate] and i did, coz the name was cool and the carp vendor was out of money Sad they taught me how to pvp, i was so awful, blah blah blah i just realised how long i played UO for and it was rather daunting Sad

i remember wanting to play NOW!!!! and i still do Big Grin

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