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New housing types

Veno, you remember that neutral guild with mature people you were talking about? how about this....The Britannian Real Estate Organisation [BREO] or Agency [BREA].

I have a serious real life passion for real estate and I plan on making a career out of investing with it. If anyone is seriously interest and would like to create a Real Estate Guild PM me and we can talk ideas.

Maka, great combination of concepts, however my only concern is the length in terms of processing a house from start to finish.

Also I know this is in the concept stage, but will it cost money to create the custom deed and put a home on it?

i love the idea.

and it should be costy since you will get a small amount of cash for every sold deed afterwards =).Big Grin Big Grin

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

I've been thinking about slow process times too. My first idea was that the guild masters have to make sure that the people in the guilds are committed people that do their "job", or rather, play their role. The staff team would also have to be committed to their work to select houses. The idea is that 50% of the people selected for this job would have a week on them to say yes or no, otherwise the house will get an automatic no and the person that put down money for it would get them back. The voting would be done through some kind of ingame gump.

I was thinking that you would pay (X * YourComissionPercentage), or possibly what it actually takes to build the house once. I've just been thinking briefly about it, cause like you said, it is just in the concept stage. I would love all the feedback and ideas I could get though, really think it is an interesting features and it would make our shard very unique I believe.

even more unique?! Wink

its been said b4, a revolution to runuo and uo in general =)

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

OK, Heres an idea in terms of how the entire process can work.

Lets say for example that this is a player run operation with GM support.

Scenario A
So say Veno wants to build a custom house and try to sell his design. He is not affiliated with the real estate agency (lets call it [BREO] ). Veno goes down to one of the BREO offices, and purchases and Custom House Deed for X (lets say 30k) amount of gold. Veno then goes to create his house.

2 days later, Veno come back with his completed house deed and gives it to a [BREO] agent. He takes the deed and tell him he will contact him within a few days. The job of the agents are to decide if the house if worthy of approval, and determine what the retail value of the house is (Retail isnt the cost to build, we must incorporate the cost to sell, commission (this will all be a standard number to ensure there is no greed involved). So say the Retail value of the house is determined to be 200k. We tell veno to come to the [BREO] office to discuss things further. Now this is where things could get a little different. Say [BREO] can offer two things. A) they can buy the right to the property for a flat price to resell, or B) Veno can take a commission in the sale of the house.

I think there should be an asking price for the house, which of course can be bartered down by the buyer (as in real life). Its up to agent (if the price is too low, he'll take a commission loss, but if he wont budge he may lose the sale).

It might be kinda cool if there were maybe 2 agencies so that there could be some competetion (maybe even one chaos, one order lol).

The deeds can maybe then be renamed to describe the building (ie 3 storey stone tower 4 rooms), and they would all be on display in the office. Perhaps a real estate sub forums can be created where [BREO] members could post pics and asking price, details, etc.

The agent who is approached or maybe recommended for good work in the past would take the deed (which should be newbied in these cases) and would go to an empty spot to show the player the home, and basically try to sell the home by listing advantages. The house would then be redeeded and the buyer would have a day or so to decide.

Ill probably think of more stuff and post it later, work is building up cuz im doing this instead :p

Uhh i like the idea of designing a house and then putting it out for sale. However shouldnt house design be limited to BREO agents alone then? Since nothing will stop normal players from doing their own house and selling it to someone else. I mean they build a house for themself get a thumbs up from BREO and then they are free to sell it any time really? Those prices would always be lower since they dont have commision fees.
Obviously this could be prevented by limiting all sales of custom housing to BREO. If you wanted to sell your custom then you could only do so to BREO who would then be able to resell it.

And then there is the issue of the regular houses. These would be alot cheaper than anything custom so only a few people would actually want a custom house. This would severely limit how much work BREO would have. Maybe the sale of regular house deeds should also be thru BREO agents? No commision fees(or very low ones) just so that BREO will have stuff to do.

And to take it all the way out, BREO agents could reserve peticular land areas and rent these to indivduals or guilds. This would make it much easier for guilds to create guild cities where they can have their homes in the same area. BREO would have to purchase the rights for these land areas from GM's for like 1 years rent worth or something similar. GM's along with BREO would set a fixed price to rent out these areas to prevent changing prices.

Oh and why does BREO have to be a guild? I can see that it makes it easier to recognise them but i wouldnt want to limit my char to a single guild for a part time enjoyment ingame. I really like the idea of it all but id prefer to just have BREO agents write it in their title and then put up a list of the website/forum so everyone knows who to contact.
Though i see the trouble with murderers since they are hard to trust with your gold. Maybe only neutral/order should be allowed in BREO to maintain some realism. Could be a 2nd char if chaos players really want to be in this. However since these chars would earn money thru this it would be unfair if it was a 2nd char to a pvp'er who would just move the cash and thereby fund his needs on his main char.

Keeps the ideas comming Big Grin

All custom houses should go through BREO and they will have to due to the approval process. That would what would keep regular houses in use. Normal house deeds should be purchasable and usuable as regularly on sphere. I think there should be certain perks of going through agents, like perhaps they would have the ability to re-deed houses whereas players dont. That would mean that once a player does own a custom house, he can sell it, but he wont be able to move the house where he wants it.

Also, players who do build a custom house they want for themselves will still have to pay the retail value (not cost of building) which would be deemed by the BREO board. So even if that player does end up selling on his own, there would still be profit in it. Maybe there would be a cash chest and end the end of the week/month, the money inside it will be split among the guild, with a reserve for guild use as well.

I will have to argue against saying only neutral/order can be a part of it. There would be rules of course and if you do kill someone while performing your duties would result in expulsion from the guild.

My initial idea was to have it a lot more automated. If a house is accepted it will automatically be for sale at the vendor (or with the house placement tool). The people in charge of accepting the house would have it really easy, and would through some command and a gump vote on the houses they wanted accepted/declined. All the money would be going to the right person, right away, no way of people cheating.

But I guess having it the way people have described above would work too, I just didn't want to give to much power to a single "organization". Keep giving feedback.

You're right maka, people are naturally greedy. I was thinking that a GM would head the organization who would take care of the money, maybe with the help of a few trusted individuals. Real Estate is a profitable business, and the members of the organization arent doing anything and making lots of money it may cause an unfair balance in the economy. By adding more labour to the tasks at hand, it will minimize the amount of people interested in doing it, as well as giving those who enjoy it a constant activity.

The one thing I dont know about though is whether or not the deeds players create could be purchased by multiple people (ie, one house design can be duplicated into multiple deeds), or if each house creation is unique, and is not duplicated. There are ups and downs to this. The upside there would also be a business in architecture, where a comission could be earned per duplicate deed sold. The downside is if someone has an amazing design, lots of people would start buying it, which would take away uniqueness to the world. However I guess the creator could deem whether or not to be able to duplicate the deed. If he agrees to it, the house value would not be as high (he wouldnt make much comission if only 1 is sold). If he doesnt want it duped then the house value would be worth more.

I liked Maka's idea alot, allthought it would be great to have Real estage agents.. Allthough if we were to have them, we need to get a bulletproof system working... Were the agents wouldn't have the chance to be greedy but fair to the people.

i can assure you we will have atleast 1 staff member (not their mortal, but their staff) who is a part of this group supervising it. this would be a major aspect we wouldn't want to get ruined.

GM Pande

Yeah, Well it sure is a great idea, I would hate to see it forgoten. Tongue

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