veno, when you are designing your house you must place the empty lot and then design it. i don't see how making gm approval required will remove the problem of empty lots being around...
as far as double clicking the house tool and being teleported to GA, that is something along the lines of what i was thinking, or even something as simple as page a gm when you want to do it and they take you to GA.
to enable the house tool idea, we would have to limit it so it can only be clicked within a certain area to avoid abusing it to escape ganks or an easy way to get to pits quick (go to the house area, walk on rune to pits). my suggestion would be its only enabled in pits. or it has a delay timer similar to pits runes, however this time would be significantly higher to prevent a quick access to pits like i explained above. another possibility is the tool remembers the location you recalled from and when you are done you end up back there.
if we went with the page a gm idea, when you are ready you must page a gm and give him your plans. some possible requirements would be:
-size you want (ex: 18 x 18 tiles x 3 floors)
-each house size would have the maximum cost calculated ahead of time and you must show you have the cash, or say a minimum of 75%, when you page. the remaining 25% must then be payed before it is placed.
-where you intend to place the house ex: by wrong dungeon, at the south of ice island, east of the britain farms, etc. this will also control where we want houses, or atleast custom houses, placed. if we don't want them by dungeons boom, we tell people they can't put it there.
-what the materials will be for the walls and floors (ie wood, stone, marble, etc).
the planned materials is so we dont end up with a marble house in the middle of the forest or ice island. i hate to use this word, but it doesnt seem realistic to have a marble house in the woods. in another sense its not practical, or doesn't make sense to have a house made from rich material in the middle of the woods. on ice island it would be stone or wood, in a forest probably wood or stone. on a beach it would be stone/marble. etc...
my only concern is that making people head to GA to model their house could potentially ruin some rp aspect.
i also like the idea of having "real estate agents". i would suggest these are people approved by gms to build custom houses for themselves and other players. to become one you would submit pics of a house you previously designed to a real estate comittee (several gms vote on your design skills and decide if you will become a "Certified INX Housing Agent"

it would then be upto each Housing Agent how they will conduct their business. there would be minimal rules to protect the people who will spend their time making your house, such as all discussions take place infront of a gm to prove what was said. or a msn convo must be submitted by both parties incase of a dispute (i said 500K not 600K! etc). the convo will only be read incase of a dispute.
this is what i would say to a Housing Agent if i wanted one to build my house.
I have 650k to spend, i want dark brown wood walls with a light brown floor. i want it to be 15x15 tiles x 3 stories. on the first floor i want 2 rooms of equal size with an open space in the middle that acts like a bar. the second floor will have a balcony where i can display all my armors (meaning the Housing Agent would have to make it atleast 30-40 floor tiles to have 1 armor per tile) the 3rd floor will be a place for me to craft (housing agent will have to leave space for a forge and anvil)
hope you like my suggestions