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Blackfog Wrote:Your so not nice..! You know that i like to be a ****up on the forums..
Dramatic is a guy of my heart.. he thinks in the same way as i do about it. Screw the others.. :lol: ( It's just funny how ppl react on things )
But Hatey, i still like you! 
You were being evil towards Pande no matter if you think so or not. As an moderator at the forum it's my mission to stop you from being mean to people like that!

It doesn't matter if "I" personally get disturbed by it or not.
And yes, I like you too, now be nice
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what he say to me? now im intrigued

if he insulted me and i get mad, we will call it even after i call him a name and then we will get on with it lol
GM Pande
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Pande Wrote:what he say to me? now im intrigued
if he insulted me and i get mad, we will call it even after i call him a name and then we will get on with it lol
Nah he didn't say anything to you. But he was real rude towards Eighty Swords though. Said stuff like that he didn't have a life and that he should party more and stop being a nerd or whatever. But I edited his post and told him to be nice, however he edited it again - so now I'll remove it completely, even tho his "new version" was slightly less flaming.
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so the blackFrog is back once again.... i see you have improved your english skills a bit......... you know whats ****ing funny, the thing that since i play uo ive seen this guy always quitting and saying he wont come back cause he gotten a ''new life'' or whatever cmon kid , your the one who hasnt growned up at all coming once again to the forums with the same stupid behabior as always. thats why noone gets along with you Dennis( if thats your name if i remenb) so instead of flaming always on people check on yerself.
like nox said once in past Xuo forums: Grow the f@ck @p
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@Hate: Indeed, i have edited the post which you have edited before, i did that because i will not that people think i like them all.. Plus i'd like to take a piss on you, because you have edited mine.
@Cailey: I do not know who you are, but i guess your some friend of Dramatic (e.g. Inferno). First of all, my english language did not improve by the past time. I just think a little bit more what i should write nowdays.
Instead of just rambling on the keyboard. I do not have english on school anymore and also i have not spook or writed it in months, till a few days ago when i was talking with Ztoke on msn. To get back on your moaning about me in your common post. I can conclude that you have NEVER played on the best Xuo shard in history (Jakko's). Why can i conclude this? That's because you say i have always said that i would quit the game and came back time after time. One fact is, in the years i played on Jakko's shard i have never said anything about quiting. I also can conclude that you were one of the people i did piss on both shards from Maka. People who did not hate me at that time, wouldn't write such crap as you do. Once again to react on my points of quiting at that time. I have said exactly 2 times that i would quit playing UO. Those 2 times i have been away for respectly 4 months and 1 year. If you start *****ing now that i have been away more then those 2 times, you are true. But that was never an option of quiting, those times i just did get sick of the game or in most of the cases i had rumble with some people again. I can remember that Me and Chipo have been in a flaming war with Mito and Delfos for quite some time. Never seen a problem in it. But i did dislike that groups from 6 tot 10 people always came together to ruin the game. On Maka's shard almost everyone liked eachother, which made the game bored. And if you talk about growing up, do you see in this post any attack against you? you can't deny it. I did grow up! I talk in a mature way, maybe you have to re-read your own post, because i can read in your words that you are angry (irl, which makes me laugh), also the words you choose aren't very mature. Now my last point, the people that i wants to like me, does like me. That means i do not see any problem. Because the people which i want to like me are good or awesome pvp'ers or pk'ers. With most of them i have been along since Jakko's shard, they won't turn their back to me. Those people are guys you can also have a good/fine conversation with on msn, and which does not talk only about uo. Read it easily and think about it!
Greetz Blackfog
Everyone liked each other... isn't that a little up to you? I always kill everyone, no matter how many they are. I even kill mito and mito is my friend and they (try to xddd) kill us. We even fought with Ztoke and n0x, so I guess what I'm trying to say is, the choice is up to you.
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Blackfog Wrote:@Cailey: I do not know who you are, but i guess your some friend of Dramatic (e.g. Inferno).
LOL i dont know who Cailey is but ..why does my name fit with some "troublemaking" ?rofl
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maka Wrote:Everyone liked each other... isn't that a little up to you? I always kill everyone, no matter how many they are. I even kill mito and mito is my friend and they (try to xddd) kill us. We even fought with Ztoke and n0x, so I guess what I'm trying to say is, the choice is up to you.
Don't lie we always kill you.... ^^. Anyway i we atack our selfs if its more or less balanced like 2on2 i won't atack 2vs1 ^^, atleast if you dont have a nice weapon/armor.... :p xddd
Pum Pum Plaka Plaka
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Everyone can atack eachother its a game after you can joke how you died or killed them on msn or in pits is also funny
Pum Pum Plaka Plaka
Don't you know I'm Loco?
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yes, its really funny when i kill mito and maka in occlo at the same time!! HAHAAHAHAH
OPEN THE SHARD! OPEN THE SHARD! *****esssss putoooo
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Quote:@Cailey: I do not know who you are, but i guess your some friend of Dramatic (e.g. Inferno)
hey i dont have nothing to do with that post , i supose your refering to me since i was the only one with that name in xuo
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Tiesto Wrote:hey i dont have nothing to do with that post , i supose your refering to me since i was the only one with that name in xuo
Inferno, it was actually just a pure guess that you used that name! But i just thought it's someone from that corner, or it could be some canadian. We know how there mouth look (check Southpark)