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Stonewall potions

I used to play a currently running sphere server and they have somethign called Stonewall potions, its a little grey potion that when used it opens a 5x5 aquare around you, its used to keep people from runnin away also to protect yourself. Dunno if its a good idea here since u can use razor to recall to use those stonewall potions. Dunno, it could be teaked maybe to be nicly used?

since when were you able to recall on a potion? :lol: or do you mean you can recall out of a stonewall potion? Tongue

as a staff member we got a command that can stone the player tough Tongue

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

no like i mean lets say im chasing you, u use a stone wall potion and then you recall from a rune.

were i used to play u had cut up skeletons and get bones about 8 made the potion.

its a neat idea, awsome for ganks and to catch that lil sissy runner Smile

could mayb be somthing for a future event or a FFA or somthing i doubt we want that atm in the world tough, since then will people always surive ganks? =)

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

It sounds fun with new potions, and I do think some cool new ones will be added, but I just believe that one would inflict to much on PvP. Can't see a way that it could be tweaked in a good way to not be a pretty much get out of gank card.

maka Wrote:It sounds fun with new potions, and I do think some cool new ones will be added, but I just believe that one would inflict to much on PvP. Can't see a way that it could be tweaked in a good way to not be a pretty much get out of gank card.

you can only do it if there isn't someone with x tiles of you. and i think the original purpose was so you could wall someone in with you and dump em to death when they are trying to run, not for you to get a get out of gank free card

GM Pande

Pande Wrote:you can only do it if there isn't someone with x tiles of you. and i think the original purpose was so you could wall someone in with you and dump em to death when they are trying to run, not for you to get a get out of gank free card


if you cant do it if theres someone within x tiles near you it would be hard to surround them with the potion Big Grin, still sounds like a get out of gank free card to me Tongue

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Yea i know because pvp i diff here were i used to play it was used like this:

Invis guy waits somewere with a high population.
Stupid guy runs by invis guy
Invis guy uses wall potion.
Stupid guy is forced to fight Invis guy.

Could be done with a couple of Invisible guys.

Maybe it could be made so you cant recall while inside the stone wall barrier? :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted:

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

Odium Wrote:lol?

if you cant do it if theres someone within x tiles near you it would be hard to surround them with the potion Big Grin, still sounds like a get out of gank free card to me Tongue

I guess it could work if you make it so you "can" use it if somebody is so close to you that you won't be "alone" inside the barrier when using the wall potion. But if nobody is like 2 tiles from you (or less) then you can't use it. So you can use it to trap people, but not while running away from gankers, and if you do it while running away from gankers then you still won't be in a "safe place" because somebody will be inside the barrier together with you when you use it, since somebody has to be like 1 tile away from you when you use it - for it to work.

But I still think it may ruin gank a lil, and turn ganking into 1v1 duels instead ;p But I dunno, I've never tried them.


Its actually nice cuz if ut 1337 u can divide and conquer Smile
And im sorry it wasent a 5x5 quare.

[Image: 7tilesloljw8.png]

its pretty roomy

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

looks like its a 5x5 square to me Tongue or the square is 6x6? but your only able to walk on 5 squares each direction south n east

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

7x7. which is roomy.

would be nice to see it ingame just with some tweaks.

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

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