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there was just a reset on one of the sites, i saw on the main page we were ranked 103. i voted and refreshed the main page and we jumped to 21!!!

this shard is getting closer and closer to opening, so we should start voting so we are noticed more!

GM Pande

awesome! we're upto 14! highest i've seen us in a long time!

GM Pande

crow and I are working a little on the vote page, so that it would work at all times and always, and be a little more comfortable.

regardless of sounding a bit moronic, why should the people vote when the server is not even working? i mean..sure voting might help the server in the long run but whoever votes for the server at the moment is voting for nothing. Im not suggesting anybody not to vote, i just personally find it a waste of time when the players dont even know what they're voting for ( since we had not the chance to check on the server and see if so many months of work turned into what every single player in here expect it to be )

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

because if we start voting now, people will get into the habit of it and it will be a second nature to them once the shard goes live. not to mention we will start appearing higher up on the lists and get noticed more and more as we get closer to the release date.

if i didn't play inx and saw people were voting for it and it wasn't even up, then it must be a good shard! Smile

btw, hi tunamatik Smile

GM Pande

yeha u're probably right. hi panda :d

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

yeh... it really does make sense to vote.. :/

the higher we are up on the list, the more interest other players will show

ahhh my noxilicious, you're still travelling around the globe?Big Grin

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

nah man been back for about 2 weeks now..

been a while hehe

I just saw the waste of time comment, which leads me to a question; Do yo 14.4 bit/s modemTongue?

All publicity we can get is positive. We do actually have a very active shard, even though its not up yet. We have change logs on the web page, taran updates the news section, we got a lot of forum users posting and a lot of excited players waiting and we do actually have quite rapid development (I know this might amuse some of you, but it is:p).

I think, that seeing our web page and forums, might actually incline a new player to wait around and try our serverTongue

weehooruslilalolooma might be one of these players. I don't think he played XUO nor IN, so he doesn't know how great our shards were, yet he stays around and waitsTongue

maka Wrote:weehooruslilalolooma might be one of these players. I don't think he played XUO nor IN, so he doesn't know how great our shards were, yet he stays around and waitsTongue

You made that one up, didnt you? if not, I have to say his nick is very confusing. I vote for IN:X!

lol Big Grin ya interesting name...

Vote ;]

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