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Should Chaos\Order Shield Be Free When You Get Lord\Poll

1. Order Shield is by far the best shield

2. If you have to make a new character because everyone hates your main character, that doesn't defeat the purpose of everyone killing your main when you log on it and sooner or later someone will figure your alt out, only takes a matter of time.

3. It is not an easy shield to get. Takes countless hours of farming and you have to not die for that entire period of time, a feat well earned

4. Not everyone will be using a shield. There are 2 handed weapons and plenty of ranged weapons that can and will be used instead

5. By attacking your own side your just putting yourself in a position to get raped 24/7. If you think you are up for those odds, please do so, it will make loot that easier to get. Not many people are dumb enough to do this.

Its pretty easy to get, especially right now with less players on.

Its hard to find out who's who, a gm would have tell you. Maybe right now its easy cuz there arnt a 100 people or if your dumb its easy to find out. (not to offend)

Chaos shield looks way better (prolly be order tho) hehe


Halo Dalgion Wrote:If it's an IN1 duplicate shouldn't everything be like IN1?

Nah, I don't really want all the bugs, exploits, and flaws the old IN1 had. Plus alot of IN1 skill gains were harder than here, smithy being the only one slightly harder and carp is roughly the same. Not to mention gold is quite a bit easier to come by here. Also, I won't be giving my friends and favorite players super special overpowered items. Tongue

Order attacking order, I can justify this a few ways to where it makes sense as it is but that doesn't make it the way it has to be. An order guild could become corrupted and decide to turn on their own, the town guards showing up as the fighting starts has no idea which side was truly the evil. Likewise one order guild should be able to attack another in the case that they do something unjust and need to be correct in their ways.

That's my own little RP take on the order situation but I do like it like that as it adds more action and dependency on others.

As for getting shields, seems there are mixed opinions here. I personally don't like order sporting a chaos shield or chaos wearing an order shield but thats my view on this. If players want it this way then it can be as this is something I rather have the players decide on over staff. So I guess we can wait a little while longer until we get some more input on this.

Funny to think this was a thread about pricing at one point.

Shade Wrote:
Halo Dalgion Wrote:If it's an IN1 duplicate shouldn't everything be like IN1?

Nah, I don't really want all the bugs, exploits, and flaws the old IN1 had. Plus alot of IN1 skill gains were harder than here, smithy being the only one slightly harder and carp is roughly the same. Not to mention gold is quite a bit easier to come by here. Also, I won't be giving my friends and favorite players super special overpowered items. Tongue

Of course I wasn't talking about the bugs and exploits I just meant the basic idea of what IN1 was. Your to damn touchy on subjects. Everyone has to see everything from your point of view even though we are the backbone of the shard and it's our opinions that ultimately matter. I keep seeing peoples posts and all i see from you is I I I I I I. It's like no one has the superior knowledge you do which is BS. I don't know why you appear to be offended at everything but you're kinda smart ass. I know there is more than just myself that think this about you. But indeed this is your shard and a damn good one so continue on sire! Glad we have the forums to express ourselves I feel much better have a wonderful evening.

Well in my defense, you did say everything. Big Grin

Halo Dalgion Wrote:Everyone has to see everything from your point of view
Shade Wrote:If players want it this way then it can be, as this is something I rather have the players decide on over staff.

This is just the quickest example I could find.. the post above yours..
Honestly most of my day rotates around editing, adding and changing shard features that are brought up by players. Seriously, at least 50% of all the changelogs are results of players feedback. I get that you don't like the craft skill gains, really, but thats the only thing I have refused to negotiate on. The funny thing is though, I have even made changes for you and your brothers and yet you claim something like this.

It's fine though, no worries. I know what the real issue is and why you have a problem with me so feel free to vent. If you feel you must get angry at someone for doing a proper job that is.

Shade has been on top of every issue I have run into and definitely has made changes based on feedback and most are made IMMEDIATELY. People shouldn't act like he is some sort of dictator because he is actually one of the most reasonable Admins I have ever seen on a UO shard.

Valas your nose has a little brown spot on it......oh wait thats from kissing shades ass. Big Grin Tongue

I'm sure Shade just follows me around waiting for my pages, cause there sure are a lot of them.

So whats the deal with these shields? Personally i'd like to be able to use a chaos shield (even though im going order simply because there are far too many soon to be chaos guilds) I like the idea that only order/chaos can use order/chaos shields but it would be nice to be able to use whichever you wanted.

I could live with being restricted to your alignments shield only if that's what the consensus is but otherwise it would be nice to use a chaos shield =/

Order person wearing a chaos shield is silly to me, but I guess lord british and lord blackthorn dont have anything to do with the shields ................. nor good and evil

If both sides can attack each other ill prolly just use the N shield.
Ill see when it comes when I make a guild cuz if I happen to be the only one in my guild and both sides can kill me it means me being a blue char never goes to popular towns. or I pop in say oh to many ppl and recall out. cuz Im not gonna take my chances, ive played uo a long enough time to know that a gooood % of players like myself are here for pvp also everyone loves to gank, Tongue

With Both sides attacking each other, wish I had 6 friends make a guild pick a side and then just log on make a funny char with 90 magery. then 6 of us just run around naked fsing everyone Big Grin. but I dont know 6ppl in uo.

There is a fine line with this subject where you have to meet both RP needs and how gay can ppl be with both sides being attacked, Large numbers (huge guild) would win most if not all of the time just cuz of sheer numbers and the power of 4 ppl fs'ing 1 person good luck.

(Man this topic got HUGE.) Big Grin


Redorb Wrote:So whats the deal with these shields? Personally i'd like to be able to use a chaos shield (even though im going order simply because there are far too many soon to be chaos guilds) I like the idea that only order/chaos can use order/chaos shields but it would be nice to be able to use whichever you wanted.

I could live with being restricted to your alignments shield only if that's what the consensus is but otherwise it would be nice to use a chaos shield =/

Forget Tru Red just come join Daemon Wink

Hah I thought about it but I wouldn't have nearly as many potential targets if I joined Daemon Wink

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