Poll: Should Shield Parry/Damage Ruduce be NERFED? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, Nerf it! Shields absorb too much Damage.
No, Do Not Nerf it!
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Nerf Shields?

Yeah, me and Habibi meet at msn on regular basis and discuss the way we duel and the same weapons we use.

Dude... I couldn't possible say anything like that... ;p

Also... it will always be (and would be on INX, just noone did that) much more effective to have a shield equipped while bandaging\healing. And it could've saved you there as well. I remember shields used to be like a savior in reps if you wasted your mana, sometimes even in regs. The point is , since we had no disarm noone really thought of making the macro... But that would be advantage there as well.

And I've got no "style" of dueling dude. I just fight the way that I find the most effective. Thats about it.

The reason anyone uses a shield in the first place is because they have a noticable effect on how much damage you take. If it wasn't noticable then nobody would waste their time with a shield.
You can take full damage hits through a shield frequently... You can also parry hits. The whole point of a shield is to use it only when it benefits you, because it's pretty hard to win a duel with just a shield and 1 hander. You need the high damage output of a 2 hander to be able to do enough damage to kill someone. The whole point is to switch between weapons for the one best suited at the time. You know that, you use multiple weapons. Time and time again though you, and a lot of others have simply refused to use a shield. That's your own fault.

I'm not saying you force everyone to duel with a hally or bard... I'm saying that if shields and mace weapons were nerfed like you want, there would be no reason to use them and THEREFORE everyone would be using the same set of weapons you do, because they are the best choices. Not that many people even use maces, I'd say 3 out of 4 (I'm being very being conservative) uses bardiche/halberd. You can't really argue with the truth...

sm0ke Wrote:so obviously it didn't even have a testing stage

As for the hammer, it's been in a "testing stage" just like every other weapon here since the server launched (last March right? When is the anniversary? Big Grin)
I've used it a lot... I've used every weapon a lot, and there are a few that are just plain better than the rest. Bardiche, halberd, and battle axe are definitely in this category.

Habibi Jones Wrote:The reason anyone uses a shield in the first place is because they have a noticable effect on how much damage you take. If it wasn't noticable then nobody would waste their time with a shield.
You can take full damage hits through a shield frequently... You can also parry hits. The whole point of a shield is to use it only when it benefits you, because it's pretty hard to win a duel with just a shield and 1 hander. You need the high damage output of a 2 hander to be able to do enough damage to kill someone. The whole point is to switch between weapons for the one best suited at the time. You know that, you use multiple weapons. Time and time again though you, and a lot of others have simply refused to use a shield. That's your own fault.

I'm not saying you force everyone to duel with a hally or bard... I'm saying that if shields and mace weapons were nerfed like you want, there would be no reason to use them and THEREFORE everyone would be using the same set of weapons you do, because they are the best choices. Not that many people even use maces, I'd say 3 out of 4 (I'm being very being conservative) uses bardiche/halberd. You can't really argue with the truth...

As for the hammer, it's been in a "testing stage" just like every other weapon here since the server launched (last March right? When is the anniversary? Big Grin)
I've used it a lot... I've used every weapon a lot, and there are a few that are just plain better than the rest. Bardiche, halberd, and battle axe are definitely in this category.

I'm not going to force my self to use a shield IT SHOULDN'T BE NEEDED. the percent chance to hit for a low amount of damage parry agaisnt a shield and then miss all on your own makes shields THAT overpowered. You wouldn't know that because the only enemy worth dueling that actually uses a shield in the shard is vys. His connection is better than anyone I know besides Ginz, but Ginz has been out of the game for a while. Even you habibi lately all you've done is play defensive until the referee comes out then you just start dumping before he even chooses a target and then bam he hits me. This isn't PvP it's based on pure luck and the use of shields. It's quite ridiculous how the votes are voted entirely in a no direction, I hope that this is still going to be looked into by Loki and other staff because it's just absurd at this point.

Before anyone else says something about paralzying the referee or killing it you can't i've tried, it then targets you faster and killed you faster.

As for the war hammer and the state of the shard, you haven't had this playerbase for long back last year in march you had what 13 players? so what are you trying to say it had it's testing stage with who and what people at that time?

Gang Wrote:Yeah, me and Habibi meet at msn on regular basis and discuss the way we duel and the same weapons we use.

Dude... I couldn't possible say anything like that... ;p

Also... it will always be (and would be on INX, just noone did that) much more effective to have a shield equipped while bandaging\healing. And it could've saved you there as well. I remember shields used to be like a savior in reps if you wasted your mana, sometimes even in regs. The point is , since we had no disarm noone really thought of making the macro... But that would be advantage there as well.

And I've got no "style" of dueling dude. I just fight the way that I find the most effective. Thats about it.

Well you did say that too me on msn, it was the day I dueled habibi for 50k and won. You said "this PvP is different you need to learn to adapt I speak and discuss the pvp often with habibi about tweaks of weapons/spells/scrolls" I mean it's even in game logs where we discussed about in the Britan tour area when a rep was going on so I duno why you deny it now..

As well if you think shields work the same way here as they did on IN-X your hilarious Smile

Quote:Well you did say that too me on msn, it was the day I dueled habibi for 50k and won. You said "this PvP is different you need to learn to adapt I speak and discuss the pvp often with habibi about tweaks of weapons/spells/scrolls" I mean it's even in game logs where we discussed about in the Britan tour area when a rep was going on so I duno why you deny it now..


And man, nevermind. It's always something. You never tried shields on INX , period. Anyways, Like I said, as soon as someone will wear a shield and it will be impossible to kill him (or deal considerable damage) then nerfing might do alright.

Wear shield, proove your point man...

Oh and, my MS is higher than pretty much anyone's else in europe. When you say something, it might be biased, because you have your own opinion, but it has to be a truth too... Ginz is the only swed you heard of?

Didn't really read your post but I beat you last night pretty fairly, no?
I'm not going to argue with you, save yourself the time.

Gang Wrote:?!?!

And man, nevermind. It's always something. You never tried shields on INX , period. Anyways, Like I said, as soon as someone will wear a shield and it will be impossible to kill him (or deal considerable damage) then nerfing might do alright.

Wear shield, proove your point man...

I'm not using a shield I fight you every time you use one I won't stoop to that level, and no their definetly not the same because they give more armor here so that alone is more damage reduction right off the bat. Parry chances may have changed when increasing that reduction of damage + armor and then put missed hits in the equation. It doesn't matter if I didn't try shields on IN-X and i'm pretty sure I did even try a shield over the 3-4 year period I played on IN-X and it was no where near as it is here.

It's always something with me apparently yeah I guess so, because we disagree on something you get so defensive and call my whole guild terrible yeah that's a perfect way to react I can easily say the same thing about your guild although the difference between our guilds is our connection is terrible whereas your players are terrible.

There's nothing to prove here it's all facts don't know why your pushing me to use a shield there's no reason too.

Habibi Jones Wrote:Didn't really read your post but I beat you last night pretty fairly, no?
I'm not going to argue with you, save yourself the time.

I messed up it happens, so does everybody else i'm still adapting to the pvp myself. Not to mention they change spell damages and staff doesn't even announce these changes in game so how are we suppose to know that fs damage now does 38 and lighting 16?

All script related changes are announced in the changelog and if you look at the latest the increased lightning damage is there.

I've also seen players fighting where one had shield+weapon and the other a two handed weapon and the ones with the two-handed didn't seem to have that much trouble. I'm working on making weapon damages less random though and so far I've tweaked halberds, bardiches and hammer picks. They still need to be tested more though.

HahaSmile I don't really care what excuse you come up with this time man.. check INX archieves, I'm sure you could find similiar topics at INX. Always something up with me :/ Either my body is uncutable (lol, remember that time in ocllo when i was with madman?)
Or I abuse the double hit bug. Now it's the shields.

I'm done arguing as well man;p

Gang Wrote:HahaSmile I don't really care what excuse you come up with this time man.. check INX archieves, I'm sure you could find similiar topics at INX. Always something up with me :/ Either my body is uncutable (lol, remember that time in ocllo when i was with madman?)
Or I abuse the double hit bug. Now it's the shields.

I'm done arguing as well man;p

It's not arguing it's a debate and a discussion. Sure I was childish back then like you said but didn't you say I haven't acted childish in almsot 2 years? Are you contradicting your self now? Apparently I think you may just like the attention I said SHIELDS are imbalanced and you make it about you yeah because that's my point vys is a super being who cannot be killed! oh my god you caught me my evil plan is the get to you! Ofc double hit bugs you could reproduce it more than anyone else because you rarely healed because your connection was better than everyone's who knew how to duel. Ofc you can't reproduce it willingly but it's still there even on this shard. I mean your basically complaining and turning it into an I blame vys thread when I clearly stated I think shields and hits are imbalanced and i'm not the only one who thinks this way either.

Taran Wrote:All script related changes are announced in the changelog and if you look at the latest the increased lightning damage is there.

I've also seen players fighting where one had shield+weapon and the other a two handed weapon and the ones with the two-handed didn't seem to have that much trouble. I'm working on making weapon damages less random though and so far I've tweaked halberds, bardiches and hammer picks. They still need to be tested more though.

Can you add War hammers and shields to the list as well? I know it's in the changelog but I mean there's no public announcement in game that says when these changes will occur is what I'm saying it would be nice have a heads up instead of just dueling and all of sudden dying because we don't have the correct numbers on spells/scroll damages :p

sm0ke Wrote:What about making Order/Chaos shields have some resistance to PvM or some sort since they were nerfed either way, that way everyone would be happy and you can still hunt with a shield :p

Are you crazy? you'll never be able to bandaid up and melee a dragon before you die. Silver weapons are there to do more dmg in PvM and less in PvP so regardless this won't affect you.

Yes the war hammer swings too fast also hits too hard like a bard/hally and ALSO drains stam it's a pretty ridiculous weapon.

Yes, it would be nice if shields had 2 types of defense, one for pvp and one for pvm... but is that even possible?

Raziel_ Wrote:Yes, it would be nice if shields had 2 types of defense, one for pvp and one for pvm... but is that even possible?

Should be silver weapons work like that there's gotta be a way to create it

I doubt that shields are OP'ed, only old school like smoke or scare will cry about this.

I find it really interesting how duels evolved to simple fs dumps to more fun LOS/Shield strategies.

Yes duels last longer, maybe there should be higher stakes stones (50k/100k) but yes indeed duels will last longer with shields most of the time (not always).

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