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AFK Gump

I understand the principle, economy this economy that, bla bla. However, I still think its bs, forgive me if I come across a bit agitated but thats what gumps do to people.

I work from home most of the time, I work on my iMac and have the macro running on an old pc I have standing around, having the screens next to each other. I check the screen every 3 or 4 minutes for the bloody gump. Yet everytime I catch that grump, and try to open the website it gets stuck, and I often dont have enough time to type in a random bloody 40 letter/ digit url into my iMac's browser.

I think that preserving the economy in this way is good, but I think death is a slightly, if not extremely, radical measure. Especially if your fishing and your 30 minutes out from a res spot, it is very frustrating.

Since there is so much complaining in my post I'll make a suggestion so I wont come across like a hater.

How about if you fail the gump in a more reasonable time, lets say 5-10 minutes, you get ported back to the casino (in case of fishing with boat in pack).

Furthermore, regarding the gump; people who are working or reading (or anything else during resource gathering) usually keep an eye on the screen, but that bloody gump is so small and unnoticable if not checking with full attention. What if its made bigger, colourful and possibly with a sound(?).

Just my thoughts and suggestions. Please let me know what you think.

(I placed this in BUG REPORTS because I think its not supposed to be this way.)



Have you tried different browsers? Chrome, firefox, IE etc.? to see if that makes a difference on it getting "stuck". Also try leaving browser loaded so it just opens in another tab. I find if my browser is not loaded then it can sometimes take a while to load up and show the page (especially if it's an older machine this could be an issue) where as if browser is already sitting open it loads quickly and easily.

I dont have problems with those.. normally i do this at work, so i work with a screen open Tongue
about the loading page.. if you click the ? button it was supposed to open the page for the captcha, isnt it working for you?
and what ayleth said is correct, if you leave your browser open it opens faster! extremelly faster! i use a core 2 duo at work and it takes a while to open if im not with browser open... at home an i7 opens instantly...

Yes, I clicked the "?" and I left my browser open as someone in .c had also suggested that.

Even if it work fluently, I would still think the time is to short and the punishment to harsh. If AFK macroing was illegal by rule, I could understand this, but it is not. It is in fact a measure to keep the economy in check. I agree with stopping the macro but I believe there can be more peaceful measures than to kill the player.


Gump got me good, manually entering the url is to much work, happened to far off shore this time, body was gone before I arrived to land. As a ghost I could not loock my boat, when I came back it was gone, together with my gear and resources. awesome.

Thenu Wrote:If AFK macroing was illegal by rule, I could understand this, but it is not.

from shard rules... Wrote:- Macroing AFK to gather resources is not allowed.

Therefore, fishing, mining, cotton picking and at least lumberjacking afk is illegal. If you are away from your keyboard at least 3 min (time for getting the captcha right) it is safe to say you are afk macroing resources. I'm sure everyone wishes there was another way to make this afk check but there really isn't (one that can't be bypassed easily anyway). It's annoying, but a necessary evil.

A nessecary evil it is, but I still think that killing is harsh. This is giving people who play no not hte best computer an unfair disadvantage imo.

Thenu Wrote:How about if you fail the gump in a more reasonable time, lets say 5-10 minutes, you get ported back to the casino (in case of fishing with boat in pack).

(I placed this in BUG REPORTS because I think its not supposed to be this way.)

Thenu Wrote:A nessecary evil it is, but I still think that killing is harsh. This is giving people who play no not hte best computer an unfair disadvantage imo.

If a person is teleported to the casino wouldn't they be able to modify their script to recall back to the mine, boat or whatever to continue macroing AFK? The whole point of the gump is to prove you're actually at your keyboard.

It's not a bug. The gump works as intended.

The current system works perfectly fine in my opinion. I'm using a four year old laptop with 1GB of RAM. I usually have several things running in the background while having several tabs open in Chrome. The webpage loads within a few seconds for me.

This isn't going to change, it's already pretty easy to be semi-afk since you can be warned when the gump appears. Not killing players would make it pretty easy to macro AFK. If anything I'd like to jail players if they get killed too many times.

Not sure why your browser isn't opening though. You could try reinstalling it or download another browser.

Also, since this isn't a bug I'll move it to Suggestions.

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