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Logs question

CoolCoolSorry if this question has already been answered but I can't find it anywhere. Hopefully someone can fill me in on all the details...

Logs: Each colour have any special characteristics towards crafted weapons? Do you have better chances depending on certain trees?

Is there a way to just cut regular lumber if your trying to make money or is it completely by chance?

Just questions Smile I don't really mind however it works, just want to know.

Sorry if this is a repost.

Hmmm.. can't make bows with special wood?

From my understanding of the new logs, they are completely by chance with any tree. No certain tree gives you a better chance to get a certain log. They are not for crafting weapons but are for crafting furniture, and chest. That is all I know and hope it helps if im wrong or missing something maybe shade can correct me.

The higher the lumberjacking the more likely you are to get colored logs.
The colored logs can be used for general crafting for the most part but will only retain their color on furniture and containers. They do not have magical properties. As it stands their main purpose is adding a bit of color to the world, though they might have more uses in the future.

I think they also work on wooden shields. Smile No extra armor, but they look cool.

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