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Hello. Due to lack of active staff members at the moment, i decided to post in forums.
Yerstaday ive killed some guy from guild called "Dragon-Kin", looted him, then like 1min after it hes guildleader "Darken" came to minoc and started to call me coward and so on. Well, i had to answer something on it, cause this guy changed hes guildtype to neutral cuz he got tired of dying everytime when he faced me in britain/minoc, and he calls me coward(LOL!). Well, after short dialogue he started to say things like :
"I dont care about UO. Come in States and ill murder you irl, russian"
"Fat russian"(LOL! American guy calling russians fat, this was hilarious).

Its just some of hes comments, if u'll check logs u'll find more.

Just, been reading main page about RolePlaying, and i found there this:

Death shrouds will only be available to the absolute best of the best in rpers. Death shrouds will be extremely hard to get and will be kept very rare. The people who do will have to keep their rp in order 24/7 regardless of where they are otherwise I will have no hesitation in taking it from them. We intend to be very strict on death shrouds, while we may give a little leniency on other rp items, death shrouds will be the proverbial "RP for life" sentence to the player using them if they want to keep them. To apply for a death shroud you will have to prove yourself as an rper firstly, this means you apply for another rp item first and prove yourself with that before we consider giving you one. As we stated this will be the one item we will be extremely strict with and one fault will likely result in you losing this priviledge.

Im just curious... Speaking like he did is really "RP For Life" ?

I was watching this conversation while hidden, actually.
I spoke to him when the confrontation was over and he knows how serious the situation was.

We won't hesitate to an item like a shroud away from someone, as you're are correct Gang-Bang... that item is the most prestigious of the RP items. It doesn't matter how good of a track record you have as an RPer, that item means you need to be perfect all the time.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Sorry this is normally my field and my responsibility to watch over the RPers but I am actually on a short vacation at the moment and I do not feel this would be a good vacation if it involved UO:p I will be back on Monday to take care of any situations like this if Nasir hasn't already given the beatdown.

Thanks for fast response guys. I appreciate it:>

Will keep an eye on this matter too

Well, not that it matters to anyone, but the way I acted was un acceptable and I know that. Its unlike me to act so foolish and that was my mistake and anything that may happen is my own fault instigated by myself and another.

It falls on me, and I'm embarrassed for acting the way I did. Sorry to you Gang-bang, sorry to the staff, and sorry for me acting like a fool.


Darken Wrote:Right.
Well, not that it matters to anyone, but the way I acted was un acceptable and I know that. Its unlike me to act so foolish and that was my mistake and anything that may happen is my own fault instigated by myself and another.

It falls on me, and I'm embarrassed for acting the way I did. Sorry to you Gang-bang, sorry to the staff, and sorry for me acting like a fool.

suck up :lol:

Haha, so true. *slaps everyone involved*


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