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Ideas for both PVP and PVM

Ye man, The Monster was my idea i just came up with Big Grin! I never seen it in a shard either yet! hehe Big Grin. The monster has to be VERY strong though so that we don't over-do it Smile

I really like that idea with the invisable floor so that spectators are welcome too see whats up.

Bonded pets would be very sexy and ye i like your ideas on it, sounds like a great idea. The healing + Vet combo and theiving would be cool.

The duel arena spectate would be kool but if we get the same arena we had in Xuo, You'll see that its so open that you don't need it, its very kool, there';s room for people to stand all the way around each duel arena and spectate the duelists each and every move, i Find watching PVPers is a awsome way to improve your own PVP, thats how i got great at PVP, i used to watch the best pvpers back in the day and then tried to duel the best ones and every time i'd die, i'd try harder. I think this will encourage pvp in a minimal way but it will help at least a bit.

I think we should try n get the STAT chart up ASAP so that PVPers start dueling more and also we should have more GANK events like, CLAN vs CLAN tourny or something to encourage like 5v5 PVP Just to start encouraging people.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

We should also add some traps to the dungeons. Nothing fancy, just some tile that activates a dart trap that poisons ya, or make rocks fall on your head and stun you (paralyzing you for a moment). Those traps could be related to one activation mechanism related to a specific item near the area of effect of the trap, like a weird tile, a small hole in the wall, a strange line on the floor; the point of having these ''activation mechanisms'' would be having them as targets for the Remove Trap skill.

Another thing we could add are ''common'' treasure chest scattered around the dungeon. After picking the lock with the Lockpicking skill, the player would find a random quantity of gold (200-700 maybe), some gems or even magical weapons/armor. The value of the loot would be proportional to the required Lockpicking level.

I agree that dungeons should be very RP oriented. After all, what's the most fun? Walking around some boring generic cave killing boring generic monsters or walking into a nicely decorated forgotten temple with lots of mini-quests and rare loot?

Speaking of RP...

How about that .dialog idea? A friend of mine ran a server in which there was a .dialog command. It made a target appear and when you clicked a NPC a conversation gump was opened (much like a classical RPG npc interaction, like in Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, etc). Examples:


.dialog, target tavernkeeper;

Open gump --> ''Hello there sir, can I help you?''

and the options:

* I'd like to buy something
* I've something to sell
* Any rumors?
* I'd like some information
* Goodbye

When you choose the ''rumors'' answer, another gump would appear with whatever the NPC knew, like the whereabouts of a monster champion, places with good loot, some info on a quest, etc. From time to time the answers would be refreshed with something new.

The players were quite found of it, added a whole new sphere of possibilites for NPCs and kinda made the quest more independent of the GMs. Oh, and the usual commands were also avaible, so no worries as to macroing.

Who knows? Might be nice to implement that here, hm?

As for weapons, I think the only thing we need is damage adjustment. Right now there is absolutely no reason to use a sword instead of a bardiche, since the gap between these weapon's damage output is ridiculously wide. What's the point of having over 120 AR if you can't damage the other guy with your weapon?

In closing, I'd like to say that the PVP'er npc idea is kinda neat. Cool


Jerek Stormgard ----> HE'D SLIT HIS MOMMA'S THROAT FOR A NICKEL!:icon_twisted:

Treasure chests should definatly be spawned alot like a price to get to the last level and finishing the whole dungeon. I dont agree that the loot should be that low Jerek, wel maybe for the low level ones but the high level ones should have like a few k´s and some magic weapons, regs and stuf like that. We should really disable recalling into dungeons though and maybe have like a treasure chest when each level in each dungeon is finished so you dont have to come all the way down to the last level. This would go for some harder monsters too, maybe have a "boss" at each stair?

The invisible floor idea is neat as bigger dueling arenas would be great imo. An maybe easier solution to it would be to be able to go in "spectator" mode. We had this on another shard i played on long time ago and we would be polymorphed into a invisible wisp that could move around freely to watch in the champion room, or dueling area in this case.

I feel this thread could be endless long so maybe we should try to sum up the ideas in another thread once we´re done cause i bet the devs would rather read each idea from 1 sentence then a 50 lines long post. ^^

well, its really hard to summarize these ideas, as the have to be explained in order to be comprehended the way we intend them to be. They "should" read "all" the suggestions as they are all damn good.

Idea for PVP

Best out of matches (Tournament style) and survival

This type of tournament incorporates the survival mode of most fight games.

One person fights everyone until he dies, whoever dies, loses, the next person must fight down the list until there is one winner,sort of like a royal rumble in WCW or WWE. You get the idea now.

Since a survival mode tournament truely wouldn't be accurate and fair, they could have a best out of 3 or 5 tournament survival mode.

The individual who wins the most tickets or trophies from the survival mode tournaments, recieves an uber prize. Perhaps a piece of furniture not added into the game yet. Who knows, maybe a special mount, like swamp dragon Smile

Survival mode would be uber hard I can imagine, of course, there should be at least a 5 second delay between each fight. The style should be auto supplied. Bodies lootable. Non infinite supplies. 5 seconds sounds like enough time to loot the body for needed items for the next fight.

Edit: dude the invisible wisp spectator mode would be killer as hell.

Settings for spectator mode could be

Cannot unhide unless you hit the correct deinvis tile, which would be in an appropriate area away from the matches.

.bf can be used.

Yell commands or other broadcast commands cannot be used.

Party, guild and regular chat can be used.
All text will display on lower left with the appropriate name, somewhat like .on messaging

Spectators are invisible to one another. This reduces display spam.

Ability to walk through geometry for close up of matches

Non spectators cannot see spectators or their chat, unless you are a staff member.

You mean like pyramid battles? i.e. if theres 20 people joining, theres 2 battles each in their own room all with 1vs1, then the winners go to next step, 5 battles 1vs1 etc. ive done an event like that once before and it was the most fun tournament ive been on.

I still havent seen a team tournament when the 2 teams fight eachother all at the same time, now theres only 1 fighting in each box would be much more fun if we could fight everyone at the same time in both teams and even 1vs1vs1vs1vs...

Re read my edit in my last post. At the bottom for spectators.

I didn't define my thought enough.

I was referring as 1 person in 1 box

20 or so in another "waiting box"

1 person from waiting box enters fight box

after death, corpse is lootable for supplies

dead get sent to a different "waiting box"

When timer is finished for looting

Another person from the "waiting box" is sent to the fight box

Until there is only one man standing.

If we have everyone fighting eachother at once, there will be teaming, or gank parties immediately, that wouldn't be fair to our other lower experienced members.

But, I do like the idea where we have a pyramid style too.

Everyone who wishes to participate, must post which team they want to be assigned to.

Of course there would be several different tourney types, so different names in different teams.

Example: 2 vs 2 tournament registration

Team Ball (Smoke, silver)

Team Bat (Galen, Kyo)

Team Base (etc etc.

Team Kick (etc.

I was thinking of a very good event that would probably satisfy some of the players that are a little bit shakey about the PVP.

I was thinking that we make an event with several teams, autosupplied with obstacles placed in certain areas like: stone walls, trees, little houses. Make it as a sort of gank tournament as if it were in occlo, there will be things to run around, hide behind, this sort of tournament would very well help the population to learn gank in an autosupplied atmosphere where they can work together as a team, of course there are further rules and other things that apply that are very long to explain but, these are my basic ideas about it, i've never seen anything like this but i have a feeling it would be GREAT!


Scarecrow [Prototype].

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

Scarecrow, any time I was in a 1 vs 1 with ANYONE out in the middle of nowhere, I get such an adrenaline rush. I mean, a serious adrenaline rush. I remember fighting liches past the mountain that protects britain to the west. Micheal Corleone showed up out of NOWHERE, I didn't even hear him recall, he had to have been hiding the whole time. He unhide and started attacking the ****ing shit out of me, I recalled out just in time. I came back with my ev scrolls :icon_twisted::icon_twisted::icon_twisted: I casted one on his ass, shot him with my bow, and got him down to 1 hp!!!!! THE ****ER USED HIDE ON ME!!!!! I don't even use macros, except for recall and greater heal. Thats it when in any combat. I hate u ****ing macro fighters!!!!

But, I eventually died. This was my first actual serious try at PVP. I nearly beat the shit out of a macro, spamming, xuo pvper with no macros and just 1 summon, 1 bow, and some trees. The shit was so ****ing intense, my heart felt like it was gonna blow up. Even though I died, it was worth the rush. After that fight, I never engaged in a real fight since. I want to do it again, but I would love to fight someone who doesn't use macro's and uses terrain, summons, and invis potions. No recalling, just a nice fight with a mouse and speed of hand.

The setting for PVP in UO is so adrenaline pumping, but the spamming and macro fighters, I cant stand that type of fighting. I enjoy fighting old old school. Like diablo 2 old school fighting. No macro's like we got, just serious ****ing skill and the speed of a crack runner running away from a cop. Tongue

One day I might fight again.

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