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Player run shops

Much like the player vendors in this game, i think it would be better if shops were opened for player vendors. I've played shards where you had the moonglow buildings (3 rows, about 5 rooms in each row) as shops, the minoc gypsy camp tents as shops, and even places in Britain as player run shops. Allow me to explain how it works:

1) If shop is empty, the sign will appear in a certain colour (e.g green).
2) Double click green sign and chose to rent the shop for 1 week.
3) After paying the rent money, a player vendor is placed.
4) Double clicking on player vendors paperdoll, then his backpack will be where you put up items to sell. To set the price, use something such as .setprice 3000 then select the item.
5) To top up your vendor is usaully a feature scripted within the shop sign.

I believe this works far better than the current system ingame, vendors seem to charge an awful lot of money for simply selling things. I think i speak for a lot of people when i say i would prefer to pay a fixed rate per week for selling things, and the vendor charging 0 commision. Oh and also the fact that people always know where player vendors are located.

Nice Idea. Maybe instead of having that all over the world, in random cities, designate 2 cities which are seldom used. (Magencia, and maybe Vesper?) and designate them as Vendor cities.

I too, would rather see a weekly or monthly rent used instead of the current vendor version. I see a win/win. It would encourage player-player selling as well as keeping the majority of our money in the player base, instead of it going into an NPC's pocket.

Maybe taking this a step further (and this slightly relates to the whole real estate talk), Players can Buy these shops, and can rent them out to other players, or permanently use them without paying a rent themselves. Of course the price of the shop would depend on size, and location, and availability. It couldnt be too expensive though, as Im sure no one would want to pay more than 5-10k every couple of weeks or so.

You could however rent the shop out to a few players with related vendors, which would cause the players to compete with prices, as well as gettin more rent.

It would be nice to rent a shop out to 4 players for 10k a week each, no?

I think its a good idea. But remember we do have a player mall area, its just not working atm. But even using statics as shops is better than having 200 houses with 1 vendor each scattered all over the place. And somewhere like magincia sounds good, make that guarded and have the player mall there maybe. You rent a vendor as per usual but they are proper wandering citizens like a real flea market would be. Good idea =].

I think it's a great idea. I think it would be cool to have to travel to certain towns for certain goods. Think about it, minoc is a mining town, therefore where are you going to go to get armor and ingots? Minoc. Britian will have a wide variety of items, but probably more so for pvp and stuff.

I think this should be looked into, excellent idea.

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