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2 years ago in the town of Serpent's Hold......

"Master, the kIp lods are banning together and they are heading this way." Kemptuk said.

"Ghobe' worries Be'nI the kIp lods stand ghobe' chance against Dhemonh! Gather soh Be'nI ix is finally time to take this world from the kIp lods."
Lord Xuaux proclaimed.

Xuaux was known as Paulie in the land of britania because no human could pronunce his name.

"Jebe' j'i Lord." Kemptuk replied.

Far off in the great city of Britain the king, Lord British, was calling all warriors, Mages, and anyone able to carry arms to join in the fight against
the evil Daemon race that had been terrorizing the world of Britania for centurys.

"It is now time that we join all as one to rid this world of this diease known as Daemon" Lord British announced.
"They stand no match against us if we can unite as one and use are powers together for the better of this world." He continued.

Little to Lord British's knowledge Lord Xuaux knew of the upcoming plot of the humans and was preparing his Daemon brothers for the forseen attack of
Lord British and his army. Lord Xuaux knew that they would strike during the day so there allianced counterpart, Vampires, could not join the defense against
the army. And no goblin had been seen in many years in the land to help aid in the defense.

"J'i Be'nI were greatly out numbered by the kIp lods but are strength is much stronger then kIps!" Xuaux yelled.
"They will not succeed with the kIp plot, they will be destroyed!"

Enraged with excitment and anger the Daemon's rawred as one, with the sound of there rawrs traveling all the way to the town of Britain. The scared look
of the people of britania moved across the crowd as Lord British was speaking. Noticing this he yelled.

"Have no fear my fellow men that is the sound of fear and with that sound it shows that they fear us the people of Britania."

With this the towns people cheered and yelled. ' We are with you my Lord! Hail to Britain! Hail to Britania!"

Three days past and and on the island of Serpent's hold in the far distance ships could be seen approaching the island.

'Master the kIp lods are approaching there boats are in the distance!" a Daemon said.

"Abe'yu Be'ni, tell the others to prepare for battle." Lord Xuaux announced.

"Jebe' J'i Lord." the Daemon replied.

As the ships docked against the island and the warriors exited the boats, Lord British Yelled.

"The time has come let us rid this world of these Daemons!"

As the army rushed into the towns center the Daemons ambushed them with Flamestrikes and paralyzes.

"Kal Vas Flam" one daemon yelled.

"An Ex Por" Another screamed.

Swords were flying in the air and all you could hear was yelling and the sound of Magic being summoned by both sides. Warriors and Daemons alike were
dropping by the numbers, and the Daemon's were becoming weaker and restless as they were no much for the countless numbers of Lord british's men.

"Paulie! You and your fellow Daemons are done for this is the end for you and your kind!" Lord British Yelled.

Wounded and left with only a few Daemon's still alive Lord British's Grandmaster mage started to chant.
"Vas An Por Xen"

Suddenly a hole opened up underneath the remaining Daemons.

"I cast you back to the depths of hell" The Mage screamed.

"This is not the last soh have seen of J'i or of J'i Be'NI. Dhemonh shall return stronger and with more numbers." Xuaux procalimed.

Present day in the depths of hell.....

"Ix is time to return to the surface the kIp lods will now suffer the wraith of are Be'nI once again!" Xuaux Screamed.

Requesting Daemon Steel Skin, Helmet and Claws

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I don't buy this story. That Daemon yelled "En Ex Por", a spell that doesn't exist.

Making fun of his speech impediment? :<

Har Har and so it all began!!

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