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Maybe we could start

Galehaut Wrote:Oh look , another thread about a gm taking 15 minute of his time to write about that time he doesnt apparently have.

Lets tone down the hypocrisy, Galehaut. How many times a week do I get emails from you reporting "useless," "repetitive," and "unconstructive" posts. I moderated this thread by deleting your, and other peoples comments once already... I'd delete your post again, but this reply needs context.

Either don't be a hypocrite or quit reporting posts.


Loki: maybe we could bribe Eru to set up an XML Spawner to do it automagically?

Loki Wrote:I log on UO when I have time that I'm not with friends/family/working/doing chores/at the gym/etc. if I were to organise an event for some evening and then later be asked if I want to go out irl I would find it pretty annoying to have to say no because of UO. I'd also suggest that that sort of thing isn't a healthy way to behave and reminds me of raiding schedules in WoW, which were retarded.

I still feel really strongly that people need to be able to find their own fun, the server is full of dungeons, quests (a few are glitchy but most work) and most importantly other players. If you expect the staff to spoon feed the fun to you then it isn't going to work long term because we don't have the time.

For me the fun has always been from other players, so it does kinda suck the player base is so low, but playerbase attracts playerbase, when I joined (or rejoined) IN it was because there were lots of other players, it wasn't because I expected the staff to entertain me like my personal cyber nanny/jester/prostitute.

This again? *Sigh*

Mister Pickles Wrote:This again? *Sigh*

I could very well say the same.

I don't think very many people schedule their UO time. Unless you do, it's really hard to commit to hosting a scheduled event.

Maybe some of these players that have a clean record and have been here for a long time could volunteer for a counselor position? I know this is not the standard way Taran handles picking staff, but I think this is not a standard situation either. Some of you are so eager to have events and seem to have a lot of time to spare. If there is no volunteers that match the criteria then I believe we are in a dead end concerning staff hosted events either way. If that is the case then we can just stop wasting time and effort on pondering about it and try to come up with something else to entertain everyone.

There is one problem with automated events. If you "set it and forget it" using xml spawners it'll always be the same thing. I think there already is a few scheduled automated events in place and adding one more wouldn't make much of a difference. You do it once and from there on it'll always be the same thing over and over again. I think the suggestion about implementing champions in some form would already serve the same purpose as automated monster bash event done with xml spawners. What players need is supervising. If you go for a ride it's good to know someone is holding the reins. Some people have already mentioned this but seeing active staff in-game is the best reassurance that someone is still supervising.

Also, Galehaut... I don't know why but most of your posts have very bitter tone to them. How about being a team player instead of just being negative nancy all the time? No offense meant. It's just that we're all in the same boat and cooperation is better than bickering among ourselves.

It's a shame that meaning of substantiation is a still a mystery for some people even in late twenties Sad

[Image: Deal_with_it_dog_gif.gif]

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